1. ローカルの絵文字をアップロードして使用できるようになりました!お気に入りの絵文字をアップロードしましょう!
2. 自分に関連するライブビューをすばやく表示できる新しいマイルーム
3. 催促機能を追加しました。ワンクリックで新しい作品の投稿をリマインドできます
1. 「My Status」機能がリリースされました。豊富なステータスタグを使って、あなたの気持ちを表現しましょう!
2. 純テキスト作品の投稿プロセスを最適化しました。作成と共有がより簡単になりました。ぜひお試しください!
1. フォローページが完全に再設計され、よりシンプルで使いやすくなりました。
2. 興味グループに新しいカテゴリが追加されました。好きなグループに参加しましょう!
3. 作品投票機能が追加されました。作品を公開する際に投票を開始できます!
1. 親密戦のゲームプレイが登場し、個性的な関係があなたを待っていますよ!
2. 親友が自動更新できるようになりました!
3. テンプレート一覧からテンプレートを選択すると、同じテンプレートを使用した作品が見られるようになりました!
1. バブルスクエアが新しくオープンしました。バブルを膨らませて新しい友達に会いましょう!
2. ライブ間のリアルタイム投票機能のサポート
1. デートページにはさまざまなソーシャル機能が用意されており、必ずあなたにぴったりのものが見つかります。
2. 手に持つバッジを記録して手動で交換することで、完全な幸福記録を収集できます。
3. どの部屋でもファミリーアンカーに家族へのギフトを送ることができます。ぜひお試しください。
1. ファミリーグレードアップ、プレートルーム、より多くのプレートスタイルなどがご体験いただけます。
2. ハイライト録画が追加され、ライブのハイライト映像が記録されます。
3. 投稿に画像テンプレート機能が追加され、コンテンツ制作が充実します
1. Newly added Friends relationship, let's become Friends and enjoy exclusive privileges.
2. "DrawGuess" and "SayGuess" games now support bullet-screen comments, making them funner and more interesting.
3. Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1. Newly added Friends relationship, let's become Friends and enjoy exclusive privileges.
2. "DrawGuess" and "SayGuess" games now support bullet-screen comments, making them funner and more interesting.
3. Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1. Optimized emoji expressions, richer greetings
2. Customizable greeting messages for audience members entering the room, set up your exclusive greeting message for the live stream room now.
3. Improved interaction experience with guests in the live stream room, you can now hug the boss to the stage with just one click.
4. The new gift "Custom Rocket" is online, and you can match various accessories as you like
1. Post comments support posting pictures, you can talk freely and fight pictures with you
2. The chat room adds PK battle gameplay, strength PK, the winner is crowned
3. You can also send likes in the dynamics and personal homepage, and you can pair up and chat if you like each other
4.Now Voice Match can play games together
5.Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1. Post comments support posting pictures, you can talk freely and fight pictures with you
2. The chat room adds PK battle gameplay, strength PK, the winner is crowned
3. You can also send likes in the dynamics and personal homepage, and you can pair up and chat if you like each other
4.Now Voice Match can play games together
5.Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1. The stage mode is added to the voice party, and the performance on stage is more exciting
2. The gift bar in the live broadcast room has been upgraded and optimized, with new visual effects, more concise and clear
3. The emoticon library is updated, more fun and interesting emoticons are waiting for you to discover
4. All-round beauty upgrade, short video beauty update, and live broadcast beauty to add beauty makeup packages
5. Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1. Newly added group chat to communicate with friends more conveniently
2. New guest interaction in the live broadcast room, wonderful interaction with the anchor, one-click initiation
3. The song order function is back online, and you can listen to genuine songs
4.Optimized some details to give you better experience
1.Optimized beauty and filters, special effects can be adjusted individually
2.Optimized some details to give you better experience.
1.Voice party has added Mini Games, come and play with friends
2.Video party adds grid layout, so many people play super lively
3.Whole new design for comment section in live rooms makes it simpler and more chic.
4.Beauty optimization, new beauty effect, witness a more beautiful you
5.Optimized some details to give you better experience.
1. We published the new chorus feature in KTV rooms. Let's sing together with our friends!
2. Voice party rooms have the new gameplay category now. You are just one-click away to all kinds of live rooms.
3. You can switch language within app now. Choose the language as you wish.
4. Follow feature is now available in video live rooms. Watch the live show together anytime from anywhere.
5. Optimized some details to give you better experience.
1. We optimized the Gift Wall. Status of gift collection is more accessible.
2. We added a private message notification on the top. You won't miss any important message now!
3. Optimized some details to give you better user
1. Our new feature Love Declaration is on. Your love is worth everyone's attention!
2. We upgraded the game of Mystery Box Throne. The new throne is waiting for you.
3. You can search for chat history now. Search for all the message as records of love.
4. Huge amounts of new songs added to KTV feature. Come and show your voice!
5. New ranking system of live rooms. New benefits for the Noble to support your anchor.
6. Optimized some details to give you a better experience
1.We optimized profile page with better classification for video posts.
2. Deeper experience optimization for short videos. Long press the screen so you can turn on the bullet comments.
3. We introduce you with the new Collection feature. You can put all the posts you fancy in your collection now!
4.We optimized a few details to give you better experience.
1. The new game for Mystery Box is on now! Open the Mystery Box and win the throne to get rare fragments.
2. New game of group battle for chat rooms is on! Come and watch the red team battle against the blue team.
3. You can collect memes in chat now. Let’s have a meme fight!
4. We optimized some details to offer you better experience.