Cardio Quest Mod Apk

Cardio Quest ハック - Mod Apk 1.097

開発者: Press Forward Games
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング
価格: 無料です


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Cardio Quest は、プレイヤーがアクティブになり、健康を改善するように挑戦するファンタジーロールプレイングビデオゲームです。運動中に心拍数を追跡することで、プレイヤーは実際に運動しながら戦います。体力が回復し、壮大な戦利品を獲得するように、ヒーローがモンスターを倒すのを見てください。友達をフォローし、リーダーボードでランク付けし、ワークアウトを追跡し、ワークアウトをゲームマラソンに変えてレベルアップします。

Cardio Quest は現在オープンアルファ版です。コネクテッドフィットネスの未来に参加しましょう!


-Strava Authentication v2. Complete overhaul of Strava login for users unable to sync with their account.
-DPS/Calories added to workout estimate output.
-Google Health Connect Walk workout detection minimum time length options added.
-Bug Fixes.
-Orc / Dwarf playable races added.
-Class Specialization interface improvements.
-Critical fix for some users unable to simulate battle.
-NEW Spell & Class system introduced.
-390 x Class Specialization Quests added to unlock and upgrade your new Spells.
-6 x Spell School based Talent Trees added.
-Chapter and Dungeon bosses now deal a variety of magic damage types.
-Low Level Chapters now scale to player level -5.
-Dots now scale as a percent of damage done by their parent Spell.
-February Battle Pass added (delayed)
-Expanded Workout type options added for importing workouts.
-Calorie formula adjusted to better match external sources.
-Unique leaderboard winner logic reverted.
-Trigger fix for some healing spells.
-Google Health step workout Stitcher v2
-Battle Pass screen now displays the monthly Gear Skin and Avatars
-Crafted Avatars no longer cost currency in addition to scrolls
-Fixed a bug that could cause login to hang at 50%
-Experimental Google Health Connect Step Workout Stitcher v1.
-Avatar Call to Action added.
-Strava sync removed from application start to prevent login blockers.
-Portrait mode UI improvements.
-3D Portrait Gameplay mode added.
-+2% Legendary drop rate per unsuccessful drop. (Saved per boss)
-Dungeon lock is now per workout.
-Daily/Weekly Leaderboards can only be won once per player until rewards are reset.
-Calories from steps reduced by ~10%.
-Battle Pass features such as Presets and Claim All now last 30 days from purchase, or calendar month, whichever is longer.
-Quests v2. Quests no longer require specific enemy kills. New loot tables added.
-3 x New pets added to quest lines.
-4 x New Spells added.
-Spell balance pass.
-Strava EU workout date parse bug fix.
-Fixed a bug causing Pet Spells to load even when pets are not max level.

ハッキング方法 Cardio Quest

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