Playtomic - Play padel Mod Apk

Playtomic - Play padel ハック - Mod Apk 6.12.1

開発者: Playtomic S.L.
カテゴリー: スポーツ
価格: 無料です


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Playtomic は、パデル、テニス、その他のラケット スポーツの 100 万人を超えるプレーヤーで構成される成長を続けるコミュニティとつながるアプリです。お客様を念頭に置いて設計された、直感的で使いやすいアプリでユニークな体験をお楽しみください。

Padel コミュニティで志を同じくするプレイヤーを見つけてください。すでに一緒にプレイする友達がいる場合でも、新しいパートナーを探している場合でも、Playtomic はあなたのクラブや近くの他の Padel クラブの人々とつながる機会を提供します。さらに、パーソナライズされたおすすめ情報を受け取ったり、コミュニティ内のプレイヤーをフォローしたりできます。アイデアは、社交的な環境でつながり、遊び、楽しむことです。プレイパートナーとチャットして、進捗状況を確認することもできます。

完璧なマッチングを簡単に整理できます。お気に入りのパデル クラブまたは屋内パデル コートでプライベート マッチを作成します。それらを公開すると、他のプレイヤーが楽しみに参加したり、すでにアクティブな試合に参加したりすることもできます。プレイ方法を完全にコントロールできます。パデル コートの予約にサポートが必要な場合でも、ご心配なく。 Playtomic は、パデル クラブの幅広いネットワークと、世界中の屋内と屋外の 18,000 以上のコートを持っています。あなたのニーズや希望に合った裁判所を予約できます。さらに、コート料金を全額自分で支払うか、他のプレイヤーと分割して支払うかを選択できます。パデルコートは瞬く間にあなたのものになります。

エキサイティングなパデルリーグやトーナメントをお探しなら、Playtomic が最適です。新しいプレーヤーと出会ったり、新しいクラブをチェックしたりしながら、自分の才能を披露し、ゲームを改善し、ランキングを上げ、楽しみましょう。プレイヤーとして成長し、パデルの情熱的な世界に飛び込む理想的な機会です。

Playtomic では、進捗状況を簡単かつ迅速に追跡できます。プレミアム サブスクリプションでは高度な統計情報を利用できますが、無料アカウントでも、プレーした試合、勝敗、最近の試合と結果などの基本データを確認できます。エクスペリエンスを次のレベルに引き上げたい場合は、プレミアムに移行して、すべての限定機能のロックを解除できます。

//////////////////////////// 無制限のプレミアム体験 ////////////////// ///////////


試合を効果的に宣伝し、他の Padel プレーヤーを惹きつけます。あなたが作成したマッチと参加したマッチは両方とも「ゴールド マッチ」としてマークされ、他のプレイヤーが簡単に見つけて参加できるようになります。また、利用可能な裁判所を常に見つけられるように、すぐに裁判所を割り当てます。かなりクールですよね?

パフォーマンス データを最大限に活用し、高度な Padel 統計を取得します。パフォーマンス、試合、セット、その他の興味深い指標に関する詳細情報を確認してください。最高の連勝記録を追跡し、最も挑戦的な対戦相手を特定し、他の Padel プレーヤーとパフォーマンスを比較します。自分自身に挑戦し、パフォーマンスを向上させ、完全な Playtomic 体験をお楽しみください。今すぐ購読して、padel の世界で新たなエキサイティングな機会をお見逃しなく!


What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
What's New:
• Fixed Facebook login issues
• Simplified booking process
• Improved home screen visuals
• Other bug fixes and improvements
We're always working to enhance your Playtomic experience. Enjoy!
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
New update includes:

- League matches: initiate date change requests, get notified when the opposing team accepts or rejects the proposal, and the match will be updated automatically.
- Gender matches: restrict matches to men, women, or mixed-only, and filter them in your searches.
- Payments: fixed a payment issue with certain credit cards.
This App version includes:
- Bug fixes and minor improvements to enhance your overall experience.
- Fine tuning of some texts to better explain our products in some countries.
- Improvements to the level progression graph, you can now navigate the chart easily.

Other features are also being tested in different countries and we expect to roll them out globally soon!
We're constantly working to improve our app for you. This update includes:
- Bug fixes and minor improvements to enhance your overall experience.
- New notifications of the activity from people you follow.
- Additionally, keep an eye out for other changes and updates that will be announced within the app. Upgrade now for the best experience.out
We're constantly working to improve our app for you. This update includes:
- Bug fixes and minor improvements to enhance your overall experience.
- New notifications of the activity from people you follow.
- Additionally, keep an eye out for other changes and updates that will be announced within the app. Upgrade now for the best experience.out

ハッキング方法 Playtomic - Play padel

ダウンロード Playtomic - Play padel MOD APK 6.12.1

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7.64万 件のレビュー