Philips Hue Mod Apk

Philips Hue ハック - Mod Apk 5.37.1

開発者: Signify Netherlands B.V.
カテゴリー: ライフスタイル
価格: 無料です


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Philips Hue 公式アプリでは、Philips Hue のスマート ライトとアクセサリーの設定、コントロール、カスタマイズをすべて行うことができます。



Hue シーン ギャラリーについて詳しく知る
プロの照明デザイナーが制作したシーン ギャラリーのシーンは、あらゆる場面で雰囲気を演出します。 写真やお気に入りの色を元に、オリジナルのシーン作成も可能です。

あなたがどこにいても、ご自宅をさらに安全に。セキュリティ センターで、セキュア カメラ、セキュア コンタクト センサー、屋内モーション センサーを設定すると、動きを検出した時にアラートを通知。光と音のアラームを発動したり、警察署や信頼できる連絡先に電話したり、リアルタイムで自宅を監視したりすることができます。

「自然光」シーンなら照明が一日を通して自動的に変化して、エネルギッシュに活動したり、集中力を高めたり、リラックスしたり、休息を取ったり。 シーンを設定するだけで、太陽の動きに合わせて照明が変化します。朝は涼しいブルーの色調で始まり、夕暮れどきは温かみのある落ち着いた色合いに。

日常のルーティーンに合わせてスマート照明を動かしましょう。 朝、ライトに優しく起こしてほしいときや、帰宅時に出迎えてほしいとき。Philips Hue アプリなら、オートメーションをカスタマイズして、簡単にセットアップできます。

照明を画面や音と同期させ、点滅させたり、踊らせたり、暗くしたり、明るくしたり、色を変えたりできます。 Philips Hue Play HDMI シンクボックス、テレビ用、デスクトップ アプリ用 Philips Hue Sync、または Spotify で完全没入体験を作り出すことができます。

Apple Home、Amazon Alexa、またはGoogleアシスタントを使用して、音声コマンドでスマート ライトをコントロールします。 照明のオン/オフ、調光と色の変更も完全にハンズフリーで行えます。

ホーム画面にウィジェットを作成することで、スマート ライトをもっとすばやくコントロールできます。点灯・消灯、明るさや色温度の調整、シーンの設定など、アプリを開かずにさまざまな操作を行えます。 

Philips Hue 公式アプリについては、 をご覧ください。

注:このアプリの一部の機能には Hue ブリッジが必要です。


- Record video clips manually! Open your camera’s live view and tap the record icon to start recording the clip, and then tap it again to stop.
- Have multiple Bridges? You can now organize your Home tab by Bridge and show the Bridge names as headings. Tap the three dots (…) icon, tap Edit Home tab, and then tap the Bridge names icon to try it out.
- If you have a Bluetooth setup, you can now change the icon of each light: tap the light card, tap the three dots (…) icon, and tap Light settings.
Want to organize your scenes even more? You can now move your grouped scenes to a new group, or ungroup them. Just tap the three dots icon in any Room to start some serious scene organization.      
- Arming schedule: Schedule your security system to arm and disarm automatically. Open the Automations tab, tap the plus (+) icon, and scroll down to find the automation now!
- Split view: Access more of your app at once with this handy new view for those with foldable phones.
You can now customize the number of colors your gradient light displays while in Scattered mode. To try it out, tap the light card, tap the Style icon, and tap each color to remove it, or tap the plus icon (+) to add more
-Consolidate multiple Bridges into a single Home and see all Rooms and Zones in the Home tab. Tap the banner in the Settings tab.
-We just added two new All-day scenes that automatically cycle from one scene to another throughout a 24-hour period, and you can use any scenes you like.
-Check out the updated Holiday category in the scene gallery.
-Early access feature: Give Alexa, Google, and SmartThings access to your Hue Secure camera’s live view so it can be displayed on connected devices.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
- For privacy reasons, your camera’s snapshot is now blurred while the app establishes the connection with your camera.
- Your camera’s Wi-Fi signal strength is now visible in both its snapshot in the Security Center and Live view.
New: Philips Hue Secure! Check out the Security Center on the Home tab for new home security features:
- Arm and disarm the system
- Receive push notifications when an indoor motion sensor or Secure contact sensor detects activity
- View a timeline of events that occurred while the system was armed
- Trigger alarms from the app to flash the lights
- Call local emergency services or a trusted contact with a tap in the app

Support for Secure contact sensor
Bug fixes and performance improvements
Your motion sensors just got smarter! They’ll now have up to 10 time slots for light behaviors, access to the Natural light scene, and even better performance.
You can now edit your Natural Light scene to transition faster or slower between timeslots.
Love syncing your lights with the content on your screen, but feel like one is just too bright? Use the new Brightness balancer to adjust the maximum brightness of each light in your Entertainment area to get the perfect syncing experience for you. Find it in Settings > Entertainment areas!
You can now set the Natural light scene to automatically adjust to your local sunset time. To try it out, tap the pencil icon next to your Natural light scene, and then set Auto-adjust to Sunset.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements
You can now invite users to your Philips Hue Home with an invitation link. In your Philips Hue account, go to Manage members > Add new member to send a link.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements
Various bug fixes and stability improvements
You can now stay up to date with our latest and greatest — or just browse the collection — in the new Latest products section of the Explore tab.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements
You can now choose to set your lights to the Natural light 24-hour scene in your Coming home and custom automations, as well as when you set up a timer.
You can now search “energy saving” in the Hue scene gallery to see our most energy efficient scenes! Try it out to set the mood — and save some energy.
Various bug fixes and stability improvements
- Nutcracker, Jolly, and Snow sparkle have joined our other Holiday scenes in the Hue scene gallery.
- Dynamic scenes just got even smarter! When you edit a scene and set a light to a shade of warm-to-cool white, that light will be excluded from the dynamic scene.
- You can now use the Mirror style on gradient lights, which makes either end of the light identical with a gradient of color in the middle. Tap a light card and then tap on the style icon next to the brightness slider.
- The Sync tab now allows you to control your Hue sync box, along with Spotify. Two ways to sync, one tab!
- Fixed a startup issue for users that set their device language to Turkish
- Festavia string lights now offer the Sparkle effect and Scattered style to help you get the perfect look in your home for the holidays.
- The new Rest light recipe gives you just the right light for going to bed. Find it in the Defaults category of the Hue scene gallery.
Test out the Tap dial switch right in the Hue app! Go to the Explore tab and tap on Demo mode to try.
Check out the new Mimic presence automation! This automation turns your lights on and off at times you’d generally use them in the selected Rooms. It’s some extra peace of mind while you’re away from home. Find it in the Automations tab.
- You can now customize your Tap dial switch even more: set each of the buttons to trigger a specific scene depending on the time of the day.
- Share your favorite scenes with friends and family! On the scene card, tap the three dots (…) icon, and then tap Share.
- Have more than one Home? Switch between them even faster by long pressing the Home tab.
- Added four new richly colored scenes to the Luxurious category in the Hue scene gallery
- Added five scenes to the new Sunrise category of the Hue scene gallery
- You can now copy scenes to other Rooms or Zones — just tap the three dots icon (…) and choose Copy to...
- Scene search is back! We had a little hiccup and had to remove it, but it’s now enabled again and ready to use
Bug fixes and performance improvements
You can now create a widget from the Settings tab of the Hue app as well as from the Home screen of your Android device.
Bug fixes and stability improvements

ハッキング方法 Philips Hue

ダウンロード Philips Hue MOD APK 5.37.1

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4.1 点満点中 5
13.5万 件のレビュー