Mindfulness with Petit BamBou Mod Apk

Mindfulness with Petit BamBou ハック - Mod Apk 5.7.9

開発者: FeelVeryBien SAS
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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- 就寝時には穏やかで平和な気分になります。
- 一日を通して頭が冴え、集中力が増したように感じます。
- 自分の感情をよりよく理解し、コントロールする方法を学びます。
- または、単に何か新しいことを発見することに興味がある場合は、


Petit BamBou は、ヨーロッパで非常に人気のある瞑想と呼吸のアプリで、より調和のとれた生活を求める 1,000 万人が集まっています (これは私たちにとって大きな意味があります!)。

でも、Petit BamBou での瞑想とは何でしょうか?
- それはシンプルでアクセスしやすい世俗的な習慣です。あなたがしなければならないのは、それを試してみることだけです。
- その利点は科学的に証明されています: ストレスと不安を軽減し、集中力と創造性を高め、睡眠の質を向上させます。
- それは、現在の経験に意識的に注意を集中させることを含みます。

- 「ディスカバリー」プログラムと「ディスカバリー・フォー・キッズ」プログラムによる大人と子供のための入門セッション
- 選択した毎日の瞑想 3 つ
- リラックス、集中、入眠に役立つ厳選されたBGM
- マインドフルネスの基本原則を理解するのに役立つアニメーションストーリー
- リラクゼーションとハートコヒーレンスエクササイズのための自由呼吸と瞑想ツールへの無制限のアクセス
- 思いやりのある行き届いた顧客サービス

- 瞑想プログラムの完全なカタログ (100 以上のテーマが利用可能) と今後の新しいプログラム。
- カスタマイズ可能な時間枠を8分、12分、または16分に設定した毎日の瞑想。
- いつでもどこでも、リラックスできるサウンドとアンビエンスのライブラリ全体にアクセスできます。
- 自由呼吸と瞑想ツールへの無制限のアクセス。
- 丁寧で迅速な顧客サービス。
- 広告は表示されず、クリックするだけでいつでも購読の自動更新をキャンセルできます。


Petit BamBou では、ソフロロジー、ビジュアライゼーション、ポジティブ心理学など、他の幅広い実践もまとめていますので、お探しのものが見つかることを願っています。

Petit BamBou では、トゥールコアンのオフィスで、人々が人々のために作ったアプリを心を込めて取り組んでいます。

すべてのデバイス (携帯電話、タブレット、接続されたウォッチ) に無料でダウンロードできます。

まだご質問がありますか? [email protected] までご連絡ください。私たちが助けに来ました!


You can now check out the fruits of our ongoing efforts to improve the app. Enjoy!
You can now check out the fruits of our ongoing efforts to improve the app. Enjoy!
You can now check out the fruits of our ongoing efforts to improve the app. Enjoy!
You can now check out the fruits of our ongoing efforts to improve the app. Enjoy!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
The long-awaited update is here! Here is a new display of our catalogue, which we hope will improve the way you browse and select our content.
The daily meditation tool is more visible, and you can now access the calming breath tool or start a 5-minute soothing breath (cardiac coherence) session with just one click.
Enjoy exploring!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!
Because Petit BamBou loves being a breath of fresh air in your day, for this latest update, our most recent breathing tool gives you just that!
From cardiac coherence to box breathing, everything has been redesigned so you truly can breathe easy again, in more ways than one!

ハッキング方法 Mindfulness with Petit BamBou

ダウンロード Mindfulness with Petit BamBou MOD APK 5.7.9

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4.6 点満点中 5
13.5万 件のレビュー