The ability to play on multiple platforms and recover saves between them has been added!
A number of errors related to parental control and purchase recovery (one preventing the other) have also been corrected thanks to this new update.
All-new skins are now available in Math Ascension, and some of them are well-hidden secrets to be unearthed!
We have taken advantage of this release to adjust certain elements and investigate an error linked to the loss of subscription.
De tout nouveaux skins sont désormais disponibles dans Math Ascension, et certains sont des secrets bien cachés qu'il faudra dénicher!
Nous avons profité de cette version pour corriger une erreur au niveau de la demande d'activation des notifications.
- App icon change
- Added functionality: promo code
- Management of calculation validation while a block is robbed and in the air
- Simultaneous block extraction management
- Color change of Matheo's T-Shirt when coming out of radiance: deleted
- Removal of ability to select a multiplication table if lvl 3 after All In deactivated
- Removal of wrong multiple level gain: could happen when you made mistakes while already at maximum level.