Pathao Mod Apk

Pathao ハック - Mod Apk 10.10.1

開発者: Pathao Inc
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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Pathao - オンデマンドの輸送、配達、物流、支払いサービスを提供するダイナミックなプラットフォームで時間を節約しましょう。すべてのソリューションのための一つのアプリ!



- あなたの場所を選択し、乗車を要求し、数分でピックアップされます。
- 現金またはPathao Payでドライバーに支払い、あなたの旅を評価しましょう!

- あなたの場所を選択してPathao車をリクエストすると、数分でピックアップされます!
- 船長に支払い、あなたの旅を評価してください。

- 乗車の終わりに支払い方法(ipay、bKash、クレジットカード/デビットカード)を選択します。
- あなたが支払う必要がある金額を選択し、支払いを確認します。

- あなたの場所を選択し、利用可能な何千もの中からレストランを選ぶ
- アイテムを選んでチェックアウト
- 配達業者に現金またはPathao Payで支払い、あなたの経験を評価してください!

タイムリーで安全な小包配達 - あなたのドアで拾いました!
- 場所を選択してレシーバー名を入力
- 現金またはPathao Payでドライバーに支払い、配達が完了した後で彼を評価してください!


- あなたの旅のリアルタイム追跡
- 運賃計算の内訳
- 歴史の中で前の乗り物/注文/配達の詳細を見ます
- シームレスな取引とPathao Payによる簡単な支払い
- 割引を受けるためにプロモーションコードを適用する
- 問題がありますか?アプリ内サポートを通じてお知らせください



Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
This version includes:

- You’ll enjoy a more engaging and improved ride search experience with enhanced functionality for a smoother booking journey.
- Improved UI of Pathao Rental.
- Now you can choose 'Private Residence' or 'Public Place' when adding a missing location.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- Revamped UI for rides homepage
- Introduced Pathao Parcel in Nepal
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- Revamped UI for rides homepage
- Introduced Pathao Parcel in Nepal
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- Revamped UI for rides homepage
- Introduced Pathao Parcel in Nepal
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- Revamped UI for rides homepage
- Introduced Pathao Parcel in Nepal
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- Security updates
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- A new feature allows users to offer and update their own fares
- Flexibility for Users to choose their driver and vehicle
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
- A new feature allows users to offer and update their own fares
- Flexibility for Users to choose their driver and vehicle
- Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
+ Introducing Paylater subscription to make hassle free payments
+ Pathao Rides routing improvements
+ Bug fixes & stability improvement
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
+ Parcel has paylater now.
+ Ability to purchase promos using Pathao points in food checkout.
+ User experience improvements.
+ Bug fixes & stability improvement.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It's like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.

This version includes:
+ Parcel has paylater now.
+ Ability to purchase promos using Pathao points in food checkout.
+ User experience improvements.
+ Bug fixes & stability improvement.
Thanks for choosing Pathao! We update the app periodically in order to make your journey with us even better. It’s like cleaning the system constantly and introducing new features.
- Stories to check out all the exciting offers and videos.
- Redesigned UI for a smoother and more decluttered user experience
- Bug fixes & stability improvement.
We want your input: queries, bug reports,
complaints, suggestions and feature requests
every little bit helps! Let us know at
[email protected]

ハッキング方法 Pathao

ダウンロード Pathao MOD APK 10.10.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.0 点満点中 5
10.6万 件のレビュー