OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App Mod Apk

OurFamilyWizard Co-Parent App ハック - Mod Apk 2025.1.1

開発者: OurFamilyWizard, LLC
カテゴリー: 出産&育児
価格: 無料です


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OurFamilyWizard を使用すると、共同子育てが簡単になります。このアプリは、別居や離婚後にお子様が成長できるよう、争いを軽減できるように設計されました。強力でカスタマイズ可能なツールを使用すると、時間、感情的なエネルギー、精神的なスペースを解放できます。

デジタル共同子育てのやり取りをすべて 1 つの安全なアプリにまとめることで、すべてを整理して文書化することができます。さらに、見る必要のない大人の会話から子供を守ることができます。

新機能: 通話を通じて接続を維持

• 離れていても近くにいてください


• 仮想的に接続する



• 自動文書化



• 1 つのアプリだけを使用する

DM、電話、テキスト、電子メールでメッセージや添付ファイルを検索する必要はもうありません。安全なアプリを 1 つだけ使用してください。

• 真実を追跡する


• 冷静にコミュニケーションをとる

ToneMeter™ は、紛争をエスカレートさせる可能性のある言語を検出します。


• 子育てのタイムスケジュール(または監護スケジュール)を作成する


• 信頼性を促進する


• スケジュール変更リクエスト

スケジュールを 1 回だけ変更する必要がありますか?簡単なフォームでカレンダーを調整します。


• 計算を簡略化する


• カテゴリをカスタマイズする


• すべてを一元化

OFWpay を使用すると、アプリ内で共同親に返済することができ、養育費の計画的な支払いも可能です。 (または、別の方法で支払いを記録します。)


• 到着時に記録する

GPS チェックインを使用して、降車時と乗車時に自分の存在を確認します。

• 思い出をキャプチャする



• 重要な詳細を保存する


• メッセージングを最小限に抑える



裁判所や調停に行く必要がある場合は、迅速かつ簡単な文書を作成しておくと作業が楽になります。 Web サイトでアプリの機能をカスタマイズしてレポートをダウンロードするには、数分しかかかりません。









OurFamilyWizard は、共同親との調整に役立ちますが、子供や育児に関わる人のアカウントを追加することもできます。 (これらのアカウントは限られた機能のみを表示できます。)


OurFamilyWizard は 20 年以上にわたり、100 万人以上の共同親や家族法の専門家によって使用されている、主要な共同子育てアプリです。米国とカナダでは、裁判所が共同親に対して OurFamilyWizard を命令し、推奨することがよくあります。

OurFamilyWizard は、ニューヨーク タイムズ、Parents.com、Verywell Family、NPR、WIRED、Today Show などで紹介されています。


当社のカスタマー サービスと技術サポートは年中無休でご利用いただけます。電話、チャット、または電子メールでお問い合わせください。ぜひお手伝いさせていただきます。

共同子育てを簡単に - OurFamilyWizard を今すぐダウンロードしてください。


We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We’ve added a brand-new feature: Calls! Documented audio and video calling in the app creates a safe, secure place where you, your co-parent, and your children can communicate in real-time. Currently, this new feature is only available to new users located in the US.

We also laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.

This will be the final version of our application that supports Android OS 7 and 8.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We’ve improved the scheduled payments experience! What’s changed:

- New UX / UI
- Enhanced snapshot of your one-time or recurring payments
- Improved organization with brand-new search and filter options
- When applicable, you can now stop payments initiated via OFWpay™ from the page titled: ‘Payment Activity’
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We’ve reimagined the Expenses feature—now you can find the information you need, faster. (And it looks better, too.)

The new design gives you a quick snapshot of your expenses. Color-coding shows:
Who’s responsible for each expense
Which child each expense is for
How much is still owed on each expense
Grand totals for you and your co-parent

Need to dig deeper? With new search and filter options, you can organize expenses by:
Created date
Purchase date
Which parent owes
And more
We've been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We're always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
We’ve updated the Messaging feature! Managing your messages will now be more intuitive—and more accessible.

- A “Compose new message” button lets you start writing with fewer taps.
Drafts are auto-saved every 20 seconds if there are any changes.
- When typing, you’ll see a full screen, not just a bottom sheet.
- There’s a blue dot by unread messages.
- You’ll see an extra “never viewed” indicator by sent messages that haven’t been read yet.
- Bug fixes!
We’ve been hard at work improving the app to help it run smoothly. We looked under the hood, made some tweaks, and fixed some bugs. We laid the groundwork for more improvements, too—so keep an eye out for future updates. We’re always working to make the app more effective and easier to use.
New to the app and wondering where to start? We've now added an onboarding section to the dashboard to highlight key features. It will guide you through how to start using the app, showing you how to set up your first parenting schedule, send messages, view your calendar, set up expense reimbursements, and more. Existing users will see an updated dashboard experience with a new notifications table and mobile security prompt.

For questions, contact us at https://www.ourfamilywizard.com/contact

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