Hunting Sniper Mod Apk

Hunting Sniper ハック - Mod Apk 2.08.0101

開発者: Sparks Info
カテゴリー: アクション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Hunting Sniper mod apkGame screenshot Hunting Sniper hackGame screenshot Hunting Sniper apk download


Hunting Sniper - 究極の無料狩猟体験







卓越性を再定義するゲームコントロールで狩猟体験に革命を起こしましょう。Hunting Sniper の直感的なコントロールにより、フィネスとピンポイントの正確さで狩りを行うことができます。スマートフォンを捨てたくなるイライラするゲームプレイ体験に別れを告げましょう。実際の精度を反映して、シルクのようにスムーズなガンコントロールに従事。


リーダーボードのランクを駆け上がり、世界有数のハンターとしての称号を手に入れましょう。ハンティングスナイパーは、スリリングなトーナメントとチャンピオンシップを誇る唯一のハンティングゲームです。激しい PvP バトルで仲間のハンターと競い合い、狩猟の腕前を磨きましょう。比類のない鹿狩りの君主であることを証明し、純粋なスキルと決意によって獲得した称号。


重力に逆らって空に到達できますか?Hunting Sniper の魅惑的な世界に没頭すると、偉大さを追求して新しい高みを目指して努力することになります。


冒険中、野生の魅惑的な光景と音があなたを取り囲みます。「鹿」と「ハンター」という言葉は、究極の狩猟の勝利を目指すあなたのラリーの叫びになります。究極の捕食者になり、頂点ハンターとしての地位を確保する機会をつかみますか?野生の呼びかけが待っています - ハンティングスナイパーでそれに答えましょう。


Hunting Sniper Update Notes
• Hunting Pass and Season Tour : New season content and exclusive rewards are coming soon.
• New Ammo: We're introducing a wide variety of ammo for you to choose from.
• Bug Fixes: Fixed known issues.
Hunting Sniper Update Notes
• Hunting Pass 9 and Season Tour 9: New season content and exclusive rewards open.
• New Ammo: We're introducing a wide variety of ammo for you to choose from.
• Theme Change: Enjoy exclusive Christmas holiday atmosphere and decorations!
• Emote system: More available chat text content added.
• Bug Fixes: Fixed known issues.
Hunting Sniper Update Notes

• Tour 16 Begins: A new Tour with new animals awaits you!
• Double Kill Mode Added: Experience double kills in Tour 16 for a unique shooting experience.
• Season Tour 8: Embark on new challenges and exclusive rewards in the upcoming season.
• Hunting Pass Season 8: Unlock exclusive content and great rewards to aid your hunting journey.
• New Ammunition: Discover powerful ammo options in the new season to boost your hunt.
Hunting Sniper Update Description

Dear hunters, let's take a look at the highlights of this update together!

-New HALLOWEEN Theme: To celebrate the upcoming Halloween, we have added a special themed environment to the game.
-Season Tour Event: Join our new Halloween Season Tour and win rich rewards, don't miss it!

We hope you will like these new changes and we look forward to hearing your feedback. Happy hunting!
Hunting Sniper Update Description

Dear hunters, let's take a look at the highlights of this update together!

-New HALLOWEEN Theme: To celebrate the upcoming Halloween, we have added a special themed environment to the game.
-Season Tour Event: Join our new Halloween Season Tour and win rich rewards, don't miss it!

We hope you will like these new changes and we look forward to hearing your feedback. Happy hunting!
We're thrilled to announce the latest game update, aimed at improving your gaming experience. Here's what's in store:
1v1 Matchmaking System Enhancement: We've taken steps to refine our 1v1 matchmaking system, ensuring that you'll be paired with opponents who provide a fair and challenging gaming experience.
Bug Fixes: Our dedicated team has been working diligently to address various bugs and glitches that may have affected your gameplay.
We're thrilled to announce our latest game update:
In-App Purchases Optimization for Tour 6, 7, and 8: We've fine-tuned the in-game purchases , offering you even more enticing deals and bundles to aid your journey through these challenging stages.
New Bullet Bundles: Arm yourself like never before with our new bullet in-app purchase bundles.
Ranked Match Rewards Revamp: We've revamped the rewards in our Ranked Matches to make your climb through the ranks even more rewarding.
Here is what's new in the latest Hunting Sniper update:
1. Animals of chapter 8 & 9 are replaced
2. Many new soundscapes are added
3. Streamlined weapon bundles are revamped
4. Bug fixed

ハッキング方法 Hunting Sniper

ダウンロード Hunting Sniper MOD APK 2.08.0101

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.7 点満点中 5
5.07万 件のレビュー
