1Password: パスワードマネージャー Mod Apk

1Password: パスワードマネージャー ハック - Mod Apk 8.10.62

開発者: AgileBits
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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1Passwordは2006年から、パスワードを暗記して入力する作業から多くの人たちを開放してきました。The New York TimesのWirecutterで、何百万人ものユーザーと15万社以上の企業に信頼されている「1Passwordは、パスワードマネージャーの中で最高の機能、互換性、セキュリティ、使いやすさを揃えている」と評価されています。

== 強力なパスワードを生成 == 内蔵のパスワードジェネレーターを使用すると、タップするだけで強力で推測不可能なパスワードを作成し、どのデバイスからでもその安全なパスワードにアクセスできます。1Passwordは、ブラウザ拡張機能、モバイルアプリ、デスクトップアプリとして、一般的なOSで動作します。

== 自動でのサインイン == ウェブサイトやアプリにサインインする際にユーザー名と保存したパスワードが自動入力されます。1Password for Androidは、一般的なウェブブラウザ(Google Chromeなど)やアプリで動作し、手間なくオンラインアカウントにサインインできます。

== 二要素認証を組み込み == 1Passwordでは、二要素認証に対応するサービスの1回限りの二要素認証コードを作成して自動入力できるので、別の認証アプリを用意する必要も、コピーして貼り付ける必要もありません。

== 業界トップのパスキー対応 == パスワードに代わる、より便利で安全な方法があることをご存知ですか?それはパスキーと呼ばれ、1Passwordで生成して保存でき、1Passwordのロックを解除するためにも使えます。パスキーに対応しているサイトでは、別のパスワードを生成する必要はありません。

== 他のプロバイダーでログイン == Androidデバイスから、パスワードを入力せずにGoogleや他のプロバイダーでウェブサイトやアプリにサインインする場合、それらのログインも1Passwordに保存してサインインできます。

== デジタルライフを安全に整理 == すばやいサインインは始まりに過ぎません。パスワードとパスキーの管理に加えて、クレジットカード、手形、銀行情報、医療記録など、保護したいものを1Passwordに保存できるため、最も貴重な個人情報をどのデバイスでもいつでも利用できます。

== 安全に共有 == 1Passwordを使用していない人とも、1Passwordに保存したパスワードやその他の情報を安全に共有できます。Wi-Fiの詳細、財務情報、その他の機密情報を友人、家族、同僚と安全に(一時的に)共有し、それらの情報がメールやメッセージングアプリなどの安全でないチャネルに漏れないようにします。

== セキュリティを簡単に == 強力なパスワードの生成は個人のセキュリティにとって大きなメリットですが、1Passwordは単なるパスワード保管庫ではありません。セキュリティ機能には、生体認証による1Passwordのロック解除、Watchtowerによるリアルタイムのセキュリティアラートとレポートが含まれ、データ侵害によりアカウントに不正侵入があった場合にはすぐに把握できるため、必要な措置を講じることができます。

== トラベルモード == トラベルモードを使えば、旅行中もデータ漏洩を防止できます。機密情報を含む保管庫を一時的に非表示にし、自宅に戻ると復元できます。

== 独自のセキュリティと完全なプライベート性 == 1Password独自の業界最先端のセキュリティで、ご自身とご家族をサイバー犯罪者から守れます。当社ではお客様の1Passwordデータを見ることができないため、お客様のデータの使用、共有、販売はできません。セキュリティモデルの詳細については1Password.com/securityをご覧ください。

== 無料で開始 == 1PasswordはAndroid向けの最高のパスワードマネージャーアプリです。1Passwordを14日間無料でお試しいただき、ご自身やビジネスに最適なプランを見つけてください。 利用規約 - https://1password.com/legal/terms-of-service/.


Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
We've fixed an issue where after you deleted a recovery code, the "Set up recovery code" button could disappear.
- You can now import items from Bitwarden using the 1Password app.
- Guided Setup is now only shown for accounts that have been active for under six months.
- Guided Setup is now automatically dismissed when you complete all the tasks.
- In Labs, you can now enter =location in the search bar to find items that have a location in their item details.
Full Release Notes: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.60-27
- You can now set up expiry alerts for items. In edit mode, select + add more > Date. After setting the expiry date, select Set expiry alert and choose an alert schedule from the dropdown menu.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
Full Release Notes: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.58-41
Guided Setup is now only shown for accounts that have been active for under two years.
You’ll now be able to turn off “Offer to save logins” in > .
We’ve made improvements to how we verify passkey requests. This fixed an issue with saving and signing into Uber with passkeys.
Username suggestions will now be based on the vault that you’re creating a new item in.
Full Release Notes: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.56
- When you create a new Login item, 1Password will now automatically fill your email address in the username field and generate a password.
- 1Password can now remember tag selection when reopening the app.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
See more at: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.54
- On the Set Up Another Device page, you’ll now see the option to copy a sign-in link from the “Other options” dropdown.
- You can now dismiss the import banner in an item list. Tap and hold the banner to see the “dismiss” button.
- We’ve made visual improvements to the Welcome page.
- We’ve updated wording on the Security settings page in the app and in the Safari extension settings.
Full Release Notes: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.52
- You can now save and use passkeys in 1Password on Android 14 or later.
- 1Password will now check for items that support passkeys. You can manage this setting in Settings > Privacy.
- You can now deauthorize trusted devices in the app. In Manage Accounts, choose your account > Trusted Devices and Browsers and click Deauthorize to remove unused devices.
See more: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.16
- Introducing labs: A space where you can explore and test new features. Open Settings and choose Labs to get started.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
- You can now pin item date fields to the Home screen.
See more: https://releases.1password.com/android/8.10/#1password-for-android-8.10.12
We've fixed an issue that caused biometric unlock to be turned off after updating to the most recent version of the app.
- When you save an item with Autofill, you'll now see a warning if you may be saving it into the wrong 1Password account.
- We've improved the smoothness of animations in the app.
- We've fixed a visual issue with the search icon in Autofill.
- We've fixed an issue that caused the autofill behavior option button to not be tappable when creating an item.
- We've fixed an issue in the in-app subscription screen that showed Face ID as a biometric feature on Android.
- We've fixed an issue that allowed credit card numbers to be saved with concealed digits.
- You'll now see a warning if you may be about to save a new item in the wrong 1Password account.
- We've fixed an issue where the Export Items permission was required to move an item out of a shared vault.
- We've fixed an issue that could prevent you from signing in to the app using 1Password.com if you have previously used accounts listed in the app.
- We've updated the names and descriptions for each of the Watchtower categories.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
- We've fixed an issue where denying a prompt to sign in with SSO wouldn't inform you that the request was denied on the new device.
- We've fixed an issue that could cause someone to get stuck when trying to migrate to sign in with SSO.
- Localization has been improved for a number of our supported languages using new translations from Crowdin.
- We’ve improved the experience of filtering items in a list as you type. Filtering the items in a specific list now properly filters the results with each additional word you type.
- We've added icons beside the options in the dropdown menu when you tap the overflow button for a specific field in an item.
- 1Password for Android now supports autofill behaviors.
- We've fixed an issue that would cause one-time password notifications to not be displayed.
- We've fixed an issue that caused the filter and sort buttons to be hidden from item lists.
- We've fixed an issue that could cause navigation issues between the Home and Items tabs after rotating the device.
- We've fixed some visual issues that could happen when switching between portrait and landscape orientations.
- You can now search a list of items by tapping the search icon in the top right corner.
- We've improved the behavior of item details so you can tap a field to copy it and tap the vertical ellipsis to perform other actions.
- We've fixed an issue that caused Duo authentication to not work when switching away from 1Password.
- We've fixed an issue that prevented creating any type of item in a business account when file storage was turned off in the account's security settings.

See https://releases.1password.com/android/8.9/ for the full list of changes.
- We've added an offline indicator to let you know if 1Password is unable to connect to 1Password.com due to network issues.
- You can now see items that you've recently viewed from search results when you tap Search.
- Searching for items now displays the full list of results. It make take a few moments for all results to appear.

See https://releases.1password.com/android/8.9/ for the full list of changes.
See the complete release notes at https://releases.1password.com/android/8.9
• You can now choose how often your account password is required when you unlock with biometrics.

See the complete release notes at https://releases.1password.com/android/8.9

ハッキング方法 1Password: パスワードマネージャー

ダウンロード 1Password: パスワードマネージャー MOD APK 8.10.62

ダウンロード MOD APK


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