Carv Mod Apk

Carv ハック - Mod Apk 8.15.0-6394

開発者: Motion Metrics Limited
カテゴリー: スポーツ
価格: 無料です


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Carv は、より優れたスキーヤーがもっと楽しめるという考えから生まれました。私たちのほとんどは、自分のレベルに関係なく、上達したい、より難しい地形をスキーで滑れるようになり、スキーをしているときにもっと自信を持ってコントロールできるようになりたいと考えています。
Carv を使用すると、学習かスキーのどちらかを選択する必要はありません。どこで滑っても、誰と滑ろうとも、スキーを滑るたびに、より良いスキーへの旅がパワーアップします。
Motion AI を活用した Carv はブーツのあらゆる動きを分析し、それを客観的なリアルタイムのフィードバックに変換して、一日を中断することなく改善するのに役立ちます。
Carv は実行するたびにパフォーマンス スコアとテクニックの内訳を提供し、時間の経過とともに進捗状況を追跡するので、どこまで到達したかを確認できます。
体験はあなたに合わせて完全にカスタマイズされます。 Carv はあなたの目標とスキルレベルに基づいて重点分野を設定するため、次に何に取り組むべきかが常にわかります。また、音声なしからチェアリフトでのヒント、曲がり角ごとのリアルタイムのフィードバックまで、その日に合ったコーチングのレベルを選択できます。
自動地形検出機能を備えた Carv は、パウダースキー、グルーマースキー、モーグルスキーなど、足元の雪面に適応し、地形に合わせてコーチングを調整します。
Carv をクリップで留めて山のどこにでも持ち運べば、あなたとともに進化するシームレスでパーソナライズされたコーチング体験が得られます。
「あらゆるスキーブーツをパーソナルコーチに変えましょう。」 - ブルームバーグ
「初心者にも、完璧を求める専門家にも最適です。」 - 外
「Carv は間違いなく、スキーヤーにとって変革をもたらす存在です。」 - フォーブス


This release includes enhancements to the Ski tab, bringing your audio tips into the view, allowing you to read and access them more efficiently. The coaching tab has also been updated to include an info screen about how recent performance is calculated.
This release includes enhancements to the Coaching tab with suggested drills and a chart of the top 5 Ski:IQ scores in the last 50 segments. It also includes a section in the user profile with the top score for the season in each snow condition category.
This release includes the replacement of the Training tab with a Coaching tab that provides a summary of recent performance and a selection of the top 3 recommended Focus Metrics. The Ski tab has also been updated to leverage the Focus Metric recommendations from the Coaching tab and 60 new audio tips have been added across the different metrics.
This release includes our Train with an Olympian mode for carving training, improvements in the view of your ski day, and a number of bug fixes.
This release includes our Train with an Olympian mode for carving training, improvements in the view of your ski day, and a number of bug fixes.
Enhancements to Carv’s coaching experience, availability of a number of legacy training modes, and important bug fixes.
Improvements in Snow Surface (groomed/moguls/powder/uneven) detection
Assorted bug fixes and performance optimizations
Our latest release sees major improvements to the Carv experience.
* Simple set up for our new Carv 2 sensors - pair to your sensors, clip them to your boots and go
* New ‘Ski’ tab - easily dial up or down your audio coaching based on your day and hit start
* Improved data - visualize your turns so you know how to improve
* Coaching in every terrain - receive personalized tips that are relevant to the snow conditions
Our latest release sees major improvements to the Carv experience.
* Simple set up for our new Carv 2 sensors - pair to your sensors, clip them to your boots and go
* New ‘Ski’ tab - easily dial up or down your audio coaching based on your day and hit start
* Improved data - visualize your turns so you know how to improve
* Coaching in every terrain - receive personalized tips that are relevant to the snow conditions
Find out insider knowledge on where to go to get your highest scores... We can now give you suggestions on which slope we think you have the best chance of setting a new personal best Ski:IQ!
We've also made a change to the maps page, now if something doesn't look quite right on the resort map, you can help us fix it! Report the issue and tell us whats gone wrong, so we can help keep you on piste…
We've also fixed a few bugs and made a load of performance enhancements for a smoother experience.
We have redesigned recording screen… again… yes, that’s probably the 10th time now… but it’s a super important part of the app and we have to make way for for some big new features hitting recording.
From the recording screen you can now access our awesome new premium winter maps so you can easily find your way around the resort at the tap of a button.
We have redesigned recording screen… again… yes, that’s probably the 10th time now… but it’s a super important part of the app and we have to make way for for some big new features hitting recording.
From the recording screen you can now access our awesome new premium winter maps so you can easily find your way around the resort at the tap of a button.
We have redesigned recording screen… again… yes, that’s probably the 10th time now… but it’s a super important part of the app and we have to make way for for some big new features hitting recording.
From the recording screen you can now access our awesome new premium winter maps so you can easily find your way around the resort at the tap of a button.
We have redesigned recording screen… again… yes, that’s probably the 10th time now… but it’s a super important part of the app and we have to make way for for some big new features hitting recording.
From the recording screen you can now access our awesome new premium winter maps so you can easily find your way around the resort at the tap of a button.
The resort tab just got a lot more useful with this release. You can now see an interactive map with the pistes and lifts drawn on it so you can easily see where you got your high scores. We also made it look nice and snowy year round because no one likes skiing on grass. Are we right, east coast skiers?
We’ve also added a new section to your profile which shows your best scores for each run difficulty. We’re excited to see the first person with Grim Ripper status on every grade.
The resort tab just got a lot more useful with this release. You can now see an interactive map with the pistes and lifts drawn on it so you can easily see where you got your high scores. We also made it look nice and snowy year round because no one likes skiing on grass. Are we right, east coast skiers?
We’ve also added a new section to your profile which shows your best scores for each run difficulty. We’re excited to see the first person with Grim Ripper status on every grade.
Are you lucky enough to have a healthy quiver of shred sticks? You can now easily choose your setup from our new ski & boot locker
We improved setup to make it easier to unpair and clearer when you need to recalibrate
You can now see how much of the time you were carving/parallel/snowplough even at the end of the day
There is now a leaderboard for every resort, just head to your favourite resort and see where you rank
We now show left/right turns in the monitor graphs
Slush skiing, pond skims and very well developed goggle tans signals only one thing; the 22/23 season is coming to an end… BOOO!!!
But with that, it’s time to wrap up your data into a nice package so you can reminisce about another sick year on the slopes.
Carv is a super powerful coaching tool but it can be hard to know your carving training from your metronome - with this release we’ve added mode recommendations so you know which mode is right for you.
The homepage was starting to get a bit messy and so we’ve tidied it up to make it easier to find the great training videos already in-app.
We’ve made it clearer that you need to get a minimum of 10 turns to place on the leaderboard - apologies to all the 6 turn Grim Rippers!
Carv Video Coach™ lets you analyse your technique like never before by overlaying your Ski:IQ™ over footage of you skiing.
Our new training mode, Train with an Olympian, will have you going for gold with the help of double Olympic champion Ted Ligety. You’ll build up four core skills that Ted has spent a lifetime developing, and if you get stuck you’ll get advice from Ted to help take you to the next level.
Carv Video Coach™ lets you analyse your technique like never before by overlaying your Ski:IQ™ over footage of you skiing.
Our new training mode, Train with an Olympian, will have you going for gold with the help of double Olympic champion Ted Ligety. You’ll build up four core skills that Ted has spent a lifetime developing, and if you get stuck you’ll get advice from Ted to help take you to the next level.
(Re)Launching Our Referral Program!
We weren’t satisfied with the old experience, it was a bit ugly and needed some love. So we’re really excited to bring it back with a much better interface and even better rewards for you and your friends.
New customer support chat tool with improved automations
You can now add notes to your sessions. We got this feature request a LOT so hopefully we’ve made a few people happy with this update
New, more accurate method of tracking motion
New push notification service to send messages about webinars, events and activity in your resorts
A whole summer of bug squashing and code cleanup to reduce app size and make it run more smoothly
Your Carv Season in Review is here! Check out your highlights and best memories from your season with Carv

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