Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 Mod Apk

Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 ハック - Mod Apk 1.7.3

開発者: Applabel LTD
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 mod apkGame screenshot Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 hackGame screenshot Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 apk download



- Luvzyはあらゆる親密な関係に適しています
- カップルにも個人にも最適
- すべての関係タイプのカップルがこのアプリを使用できます

- 筋肉の緊張を維持するための図解ケーゲル体操
- あなたの健康を後押しするための振動を伴う呼吸法
- 親密度ツリーを使用した状態の視覚化
- あなたのデータと親密な衛生教育に基づく有益なアドバイス
- 詳細な統計による人間関係の健康追跡
- カップルのインスピレーションのためのさまざまなオーディオストーリー
- 人間関係、親密さ、健康に関するさまざまな科学的コンテンツ
- いつでも利用できるあなた専用の親密なコーチ

Luvzy - カップルの親密さを深め、関係の健康を改善するパーソナルコーチ。


This release brings a couple of exciting updates. Check out the new Stress Levels section in the Coach tab to measure your stress and energy levels! Also, we’re happy to introduce new fitness exercises, questions for couples, and the updated Intimacy Wellness Library.

Thanks for choosing Luvzy! As always, don’t hesitate to leave your feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
New insightful content is introduced in this release! Check out Intimacy Wellness Library for new tests covering various aspects of romantic relationships. Also, we’ve updated the Techniques section to give you even more captivating foreplay ideas.
Thanks for choosing Luvzy! As always, feel free to share your feedback here, and contact us if you have any questions or suggestions!
Thank you for choosing Mindsex!
This release contains several important updates such as:
- redesign of the “Coach” tab;
- adding a test to the main screen to get to know you better and show you relevant content.
In addition, we continue to develop new useful features for you.
As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Improve your sexual health with Mindsex.
Thank you for staying with us!
We have made several small changes to improve stability and make your experience more convenient. Also we have fixed annoying bugs as usual.
Thanks for your patience and support.
Please leave your feedback so we can make Mindsex even better for you.
Thanks for staying with us!
Now you can take tests to identify your desire type and many others right in the app.
Also, in this version we have made several changes such as:
- redesigned settings tab;
- added general library with all content.
Besides that, we have recorded new podcasts and articles for you.
Thanks for your patience and support.
As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions!
Now you can become a part of the Mindsex community right inside the app!
Besides that, in this version:
- we have updated the content section;
- redesigned the main dashboard;
- added even more Kegel and Vibra exercises;
- added the opportunity to choose several goals instead only one.
And of course, we have improved the app stability and fixed several minor bugs.
Thank you for your patience and support.
As always, feel free to let us know if you have any questions and suggestions!

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ダウンロード Luvzy: カップルのためのの健康 MOD APK 1.7.3

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