Mindfulness.com Meditation App Mod Apk

Mindfulness.com Meditation App ハック - Mod Apk 1.18.1

開発者: Mindfulness.com
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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* Cory Muscara、MA-ドクターオズショーのマインドフルネスアドバイザー。ペンシルベニア大学のインストラクター。元僧侶。 Mindfulness.comの共同創設者
* Melli O’Brien-スピーカー。作家兼マインドフルネス教師。 Mindfulness.comの共同創設者。世界最大のマインドフルネス会議であるマインドフルネスサミットの主催者。

*ウィディヤマラバーチ-著者。痛みと病気のスペシャリスト。 Breathworksの創設者
* Rich Fernandez-Search Inside YourselfLeadershipInstituteのCEO。

*ジョンカバットジン博士-医学教授。ベストセラー作家。 MBSRの創設者。
* Dan Siegel、MD-ベストセラー作家。 UCLAマインドフルリサーチセンター所長。

私たちはあなたの心を訓練することはあなたが人生で行うことができる唯一の最大の投資であり、誰もがマインドフルネスの実践の癒しの力に対する権利を持っていると信じています-そしてお金が誰かがツール、サポート、そしてコミュニティにアクセスできない理由であってはなりませんそれから利益を得る。 Mindfulness.comでは、Mindfulness Plusのサブスクリプションを購入する余裕がない場合は、メールを送信してください。無料の1年間をお楽しみいただけます。


Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Mood Check-In and Your Progress: Track your stats, review mood check-ins, and explore your history.
- Various bug fixes and UI improvements

We hope you enjoy this release!

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Mood Check-In and Your Progress: Track your stats, review mood check-ins, and explore your history.
- Various bug fixes and UI improvements

We hope you enjoy this release!

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Support of dynamic/large font sizes
- Various UI improvements
- Various bug fixes

We hope you enjoy this release!

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

New Features:

- Introducing the new and transformative Daily Mindfulness experience, tailored to you and how you're feeling in that very moment.
- You asked, we listened! We're excited to announce that we have now implemented powerful search functionality designed to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- We've improved the onboarding process to help customize your experience.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- We've improved the onboarding process to help customize your experience.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- We've improved the onboarding process to help customize your experience.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- NEW Mini Mindfulness Tab: Quick & easy mindfulness practices (not meditations) to help yourself live a more present and conscious life.
- NEW Radio Tab: Mindful Radio is a passive way of learning about mindfulness. It includes top podcasts and much more, from around the web
- Some minor styling updates

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- NEW Mini Mindfulness Tab: Quick & easy mindfulness practices (not meditations) to help yourself live a more present and conscious life.
- NEW Radio Tab: Mindful Radio is a passive way of learning about mindfulness. It includes top podcasts and much more, from around the web
- Some minor styling updates

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- NEW Mini Mindfulness Tab: Quick & easy mindfulness practices (not meditations) to help yourself live a more present and conscious life.
- NEW Radio Tab: Mindful Radio is a passive way of learning about mindfulness. It includes top podcasts and much more, from around the web
- Some minor styling updates

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- Teeny tiny bug fixes
- Some changes to the design and styling to keep things fresh!
- Various updates to improve the Daily Mindfulness experience

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- Bug fixes
- If you try to take a trial and have already had one in the past, we'll let you know.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- Bug fixes
- Styling updates

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:
- We've made some subtle colour and layout adjustments to the app to help you to discover new content.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!

We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:

- Mindfulness.com is bringing you a daily dose of inspiration via the
'Daily Quote' feature which you'll see each time you open the app.
- We've made some adjustments to the sizing of some the User Interface
features allowing you to see more of what we have on offer.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!

We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

What’s new:

- In Beta: The Daily Mindfulness Coaching and Meditation has been given a
make-over! Now you can customize your daily coaching with the ability to select the style
of mindfulness practice that suits your mood at any given moment.
- We've made some copy changes to our subscription screen.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]
*Thank you for being a part of the Mindfulness.com Community!*
We are constantly working to enhance your experience.

Here’s what’s new:

• We have new functionality for playlists so that you can enjoy listening to multiple pieces of content playing consecutively without needing to press play on each individual track. In the Sleep Tab, find a music playlist, press play and enjoy the music tracks as you settle in for some deep relaxation.

For support, please reach out at [email protected]

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