Wellness Coach Mod Apk

Wellness Coach ハック - Mod Apk 10.0.7

開発者: Meditation.Live
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Wellness Coach は、パーソナライズされたウェルネス製品を通じて従業員にインスピレーションを与え、従業員の参加を促すグローバル ウェルネス プラットフォームです。心身の健康をサポートするために、チャレンジ、コーチング、報酬、次世代 EAP、体重管理を提供します。当社の影響力の高いソリューションは、MS Teams、Slack、Zoom と統合して、エンゲージメント、アクセシビリティ、生産性を強化し、より健全な労働力を育成します。より健康で幸せな労働力の創出に今すぐ参加してください。

創業者の D Sharma と Julie Sharma は、絶え間ないスタートアップへの取り組みによる燃え尽き症候群をきっかけに、変革をもたらすセルフケアの旅に乗り出しました。彼らの道は、彼らをタイの静かな静養所へと導き、そこで僧侶兼コーチの知恵によって日記をつけ、瞑想し、今この瞬間を生きることの力を彼らに教えてくれました。この極めて重要な経験は、かつてはエリートアスリートだけの特権であったパーソナルコーチングの人生を変えるような恩恵を、誰もが利用できるべきであるという深い認識を引き起こしました。
このギャップを埋めるために、彼らは友人のバーテシュとともにウェルネス コーチを設立しました。 Wellness Coach は、すべての人がウェルネスを簡単に利用できるようにすることを使命として、多言語のデジタル ヘルス リソースからパーソナライズされたコーチングや臨床ソリューションに至るまで、精神的および身体的健康サービスの包括的なスイートを提供しています。それは単なる会社ではありません。これは、創始者自身の癒しと成長への旅にインスピレーションを得た、個人が人生の課題を優雅さと回復力で乗り越えられるようにするための運動です。


なぜウェルネスコーチなのか?従業員の福利厚生のあらゆるニーズに 1 つのプラットフォームで対応します。

ウェルネス コーチ メンバーシップには、以下を含むウェルネスのすべての必需品が含まれます。
- 精神的健康: 瞑想、ライブクラス、マンツーマンコーチング、オーディオブック、療法
- 身体的健康: ヨガ、フィットネス、有酸素運動、ストレッチ、ステップチャレンジ、1対1のコーチなど。
- 睡眠: 就寝時のお話、音楽、睡眠のためのヨガなど
- 栄養: 体重管理、ライブグループクラス、マンツーマンコーチングなど
- ファイナンシャル ウェルネス: 借金の管理、雨の日の資金、ライブ グループ コーチングおよび 1 対 1 コーチング

Wellness Coach アプリのフォアグラウンド権限の概要

バックグラウンドオーディオ再生: アプリがバックグラウンドにあるときに中断のないオーディオを有効にし、継続的なウェルネスガイドや音楽に不可欠です。

Zoom ビデオ通話: ライブビデオコーチングに不可欠で、アプリがバックグラウンドにあるときでも明確なコミュニケーションを可能にします。

フォアグラウンド サービス接続デバイス
オーディオ出力管理: セッション中にデバイスのスピーカーと Bluetooth デバイスをシームレスに切り替えることができ、最適なオーディオ品質を確保します。

シームレスなデータ管理とダウンロード: バックグラウンドでコンテンツを同期およびダウンロードすることで、最新の健康状態の追跡とプログラムの進行状況を確保します。

利用規約: https://www.Wellnesscoach.live/terms-and-conditions
プライバシーポリシー: https://www.wellnesscoach.live/privacy-policy


🚀 Wellness Coach 2025 Updates!

Nutrition by AI Coach:

Personalized goals for muscle gain or weight loss
Snap meals to instantly track macros & micros
Daily & weekly nutrition insights
Access/export your nutrition history
AI Coach:

Renamed from RUTH for smarter, data-driven coaching
Rewards & Referrals:

Distinguish colleague vs. friends/family referrals
Introduce yearly and one-time goal durations
Start 2025 with the smartest wellness tools. Update now for a healthier, happier you!
🚀 Wellness Coach 2025 Updates!

Nutrition by AI Coach:

Personalized goals for muscle gain or weight loss
Snap meals to instantly track macros & micros
Daily & weekly nutrition insights
Access/export your nutrition history
AI Coach:

Renamed from RUTH for smarter, data-driven coaching
Rewards & Referrals:

Distinguish colleague vs. friends/family referrals
Introduce yearly and one-time goal durations
Start 2025 with the smartest wellness tools. Update now for a healthier, happier you!
🚀 Wellness Coach 2025 Updates!

Nutrition by AI Coach:

Personalized goals for muscle gain or weight loss
Snap meals to instantly track macros & micros
Daily & weekly nutrition insights
Access/export your nutrition history
AI Coach:

Renamed from RUTH for smarter, data-driven coaching
Rewards & Referrals:

Distinguish colleague vs. friends/family referrals
Introduce yearly and one-time goal durations
Start 2025 with the smartest wellness tools. Update now for a healthier, happier you!
Wellness Coach update enhances dependent access and simplifies sharing.

Key Features:

Dependent Access: Share app access with dependents, including free EAP and coaching (employer opt-in required).
Simplified Sharing: Add dependents easily. Dependents get an email to download the app and set up their account. Manage dependents in the app.
Health Data Integration: Improved tracking of fitness and health metrics.
Enjoy a smoother, more inclusive Wellness Coach experience!
Introducing new features & improvements in this release for your wellness journey:
Hydration Challenge: Stay on top of your hydration goals with our new Hydration Challenge feature! Engage in friendly hydration competitions, track your water intake, & earn rewards for staying hydrated.
Personalize Reminders: Personalized real-time reminders for your wellness journey. Motivation for better well-being.
Stability Enhancements: Improved overall app stability & performance for a smoother experience.
Step Tracking: Comprehensive view of progress. Dedicated screen shows manual & converted calorie steps, and platform-recognized steps. (i) icon for details.
Launch A Challenge: Add teams dynamically before launching for flexibility & participation.
Introducing Chat: Collaborate better with Chat in Challenges. Share messages, media, Emojis for motivation.
Notification Screen: Review push notifications easily for messages, reminders, and updates.
Wellness Coach Update:
Chat: Introducing Chat. The top request from you was to better collaborate with your team and family. Introducing Chat within Challenges.
Notification Screen: Review recent push notifications in one place.
Last Reacted Users: See participants in challenges.
Unread Message Counter: Stay engaged in challenge discussions.
Bug Fixes & Improvements: Enhancements for a smoother experience.
We appreciate your support. Enjoy the new features!
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements and a more friendly user interface.
Introducing Coach Ratings
All coaches are rated 4.7+ out of 5
Ratings are shown right on the coach profile page
Introducing Content Ratings
With thousands of ratings across the board, we are excited to share how you rated each class or programs
Right on the home screen you will notice ratings and number of ratings on a scale of 1-5
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements and a more friendly user interface.
Introducing Coach Ratings
All coaches are rated 4.7+ out of 5
Ratings are shown right on the coach profile page
Introducing Content Ratings
With thousands of ratings across the board, we are excited to share how you rated each class or programs
Right on the home screen you will notice ratings and number of ratings on a scale of 1-5
Thank you for using Wellness Coach.
Launching "Today's Progress": Start 2023 by setting your wellness goals and measuring your progress every day. You can set three main goals
Steps: Help you track your progress towards walking.
Water: Reminds you to drink up to 6 glasses (your can change your goals) of water every day
Wellness: All your wellness minutes are tracked here, be it meditation, workout or any activity that helps you improve your wellness.
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.
UI/UX Improvement on Audio Books
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.

The Challenge profile has been improved
The signup screen is improved
Users can delete their account
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.
Fitbit integration
UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.
Fitbit integration
UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.

UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Joining LIVE class bug resolved
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.

UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Joining LIVE class bug resolved
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.

UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Joining LIVE class bug resolved
Minor improvements and bug fixes
Thank you for using Wellness Coach. This version includes bug fixes, performance improvements, and a more friendly user interface.

UI/UX Improvement on the challenge and Personal Coaching
Joining LIVE class bug resolved
Minor improvements and bug fixes

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ダウンロード Wellness Coach MOD APK 10.0.7

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