Lumenate: Explore & Relax Mod Apk

Lumenate: Explore & Relax ハック - Mod Apk 5.11.3

開発者: Lumenate
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Lumenate アプリを使用して、リラックスし、心を探索し、より良い睡眠をとりましょう。携帯電話の懐中電灯からの研究に裏付けられた光のシーケンスを利用する Lumenate は、深い瞑想と古典的なサイケデリックを融合させ、あなたを変性意識状態に導きます。この状態では、今この瞬間に完全に没頭し、目を閉じた強力なビジュアルを体験し、新しい視点から自分の心を探求することが期待できます。


Lumenate は、神経同調を利用して脳波を点滅する光と同期させ、脳を穏やかに変性意識状態に導きます。


- 快適になりましょう。
- 携帯電話の懐中電灯を自分に向けます。
- 目を閉じてください。
- 形と色の万華鏡に浸ってください。


- リラックス&ストレス解消:今この瞬間に没頭することで、ストレスや日常の不安を軽減します。
- 心を探検してください: 新しい考えや視点を発見してください。
- より良い睡眠: ガイド付きセッションで睡眠の質を高めます。
- 精神的健康の向上: より穏やかで、より幸せで、よく休んだと感じます。
- 集中力と生産性の向上: 心の霧を晴らし、優先順位に集中します。
- 創造性の強化: 新しいレベルの創造性を解放します。
- 感情的な癒し:感情的なブロックを処理し、解放します。


- EEG Brain Scans: 何百ものスキャンを通じて開発されました。
- 神経エントレインメント: 意識の変化を体験します。
- 専門家の推奨:
「サイケデリック物質と同様の強度で視覚効果を誘発することが可能」 - ベルリン自由大学。
「ストロボ刺激は、意識の変性状態を誘発する強力な非薬理学的手段を提供します。」 - サセックス大学..
- 進行中の研究: 私たちは、インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン、ベルリン自由大学、その他多くの一流大学における最先端の神経科学とサイケデリックな研究を支援し、資金を提供しています。

Lumenate Plus にアップグレードする

- 独占コンテンツ: ジョン レノンの「マインド ゲーム」スペシャル ミックスにアクセスします。オリジナルの 2 インチ マルチトラック録音に適用されたさまざまなサウンド デザイン テクニックとプロセスを使用し、ショーン オノ レノンによる追加の楽器演奏で補完され、リスナーをリラックスして瞑想的な状態にするように設計された 9 つのセッション。
- ロザムンド・パイク: ゴールデングローブ賞受賞女優のロザムンド・パイクは、当社のクリエイティブ ディレクターであり、アプリの声を担当しています。
- ガイド付きセッション: 目標と満足度についてのガイダンスを受けます。
- AI ガイド: エクスペリエンスをパーソナライズし、意図と統合を設定します。
- より良い睡眠: 安らかな夜のためのカスタムセッション。
- オープンな探索: 心を自由に探索してください。
- ガイドとなるサウンドトラック: すべてのセッションに目的のある音楽を提供します。
- 新鮮なコンテンツ: 定期的な新しい体験。
- 個人的な日記: 自分の考えを振り返ります。
- オフライン アクセス: Wi-Fi なしで使用できるようにセッションをダウンロードします。


Lumenate は、月次および年次の自動更新サブスクリプションを提供します。手頃な価格が問題の場合は、[email protected] に電子メールを送信して無料でアクセスしてください。 。

注: 18 歳未満の方、または光感受性てんかんの病歴のある方には適していません。


This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new unguided experience called ‘Euphoric Release’. Immerse yourself in its evolving rhythms, allowing them to lighten your mood, help you forget any stress or worry, and leave you feeling thoroughly refreshed.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called ‘Sleep Body Scan’ which will help you prepare for sleep. In this exercise, you will scan yourself from top to toe, releasing any tension and allowing your body to soften and relax.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please send feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve added a 30 minute extended version to ‘Deep Exploration’. This deep unguided exploration is an exciting chance for you to go even deeper into the depths depths of your subconscious mind.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and we love hearing from you.
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called ‘Breathing Into Sleep’. During this session you’ll practise a breathing technique (4-7-8 breathing) shown to help people fall asleep.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
Lumenate has gotten better. This update contains improvements to our 'Discover Lumenate' session and 'Next Steps' flow.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called Work-Life Separation. During this session we invite you to notice what you are carrying from your working day, examine it, then slowly release it.
We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.
Team Lumenate
Lumenate is getting better. This update contains improvements to our push notifications as well as significant changes to the libraries used within the app which should notably improve stability going forwards.
We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected]. We read and reply to every single email and genuinely enjoy hearing from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new experience called Drift Off. This unguided sleep session allows space for your thoughts to drift away as the neural entrainment guides your brain activity towards the early stages of sleep onset.
We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.
Team Lumenate
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called Gratitude. This session gives you a unique chance to practice gratitude by appreciating and reflecting on the things that you’re thankful for in life. We invite you to open up your mind and welcome every thought and feeling that might visit.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected].
We've just updated the artistic direction of our app, offering a brand new innovative visual experience for our users. This update features AI-generated art from Midjourney. The visuals were carefully curated via the tool, keeping the essence of each Lumenate session in mind to enhance user journeys from start to finish.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected].
We’ve just launched Tranquil Moment and Classical Exploration, two brand new unguided sessions with music from Wavepaths.

Tranquil Moment: Immerse yourself in a sense of calm and stillness.
Classical Exploration: Explore the depths of your emotions.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way.
We’ve just launched Poetry with Lumenate, this session gives you a unique chance for you to explore the depths of your subconscious through a poetic lens. ✨

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.
Hey there!

We’ve just launched Deep Exploration, a brand new unguided session that explores a wide range of emotions and intensities helping you to sink further into your subconscious. ✨

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.

ハッキング方法 Lumenate: Explore & Relax

ダウンロード Lumenate: Explore & Relax MOD APK 5.11.3

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