Lumenate: Explore & Relax Mod Apk

Lumenate: Explore & Relax ハック - Mod Apk a3.29.1

開発者: Lumenate
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Lumenate で自己発見の変革の旅に乗り出し、リラクゼーションを高めましょう。

リラックスしてストレスを解消し、睡眠との関係を改善する準備はできていますか? Lumenate は、潜在意識の奥深くへの内省的で瞑想的な旅へとあなたを導きます。 Lumenate は、科学的に開発され、研究に裏付けられた携帯電話の懐中電灯からのストロボ光シーケンスを使用して、深い瞑想と古典的なサイケデリックの間の意識の変性状態に神経学的に誘導する強力な体験を作り出します。

Lumenate のパワーを体験してください:

- 信頼できる研究による裏付け: 何百ものEEG脳スキャンを通じて科学的に開発されました。
- サイケデリックな影響: Lumenate の科学的に裏付けられたアプローチにより、安全かつ簡単に、数秒以内に半サイケデリックで深い瞑想状態を体験できます。
- ストロボ ライト シーケンス: Lumenate は、研究に裏付けられた独自のストロボ ライト シーケンスを携帯電話の懐中電灯から作成し、旅をガイドします。
- 瞑想: Lumenate は、伝統的な瞑想を超えた旅へとあなたを導き、ユニークで変革的な体験を提供します。
- リラクゼーション: 万華鏡のような色と模様の世界に浸り、深いリラクゼーションと静けさを増した状態に簡単に漂ってください。
- ストレス解消: Lumenate があなたを静かで平和な精神状態に導き、緊張と不安を手放します。
- 不安の軽減: 潜在意識の領域を掘り下げながら、不安やネガティブな思考から慰めと解放を見つけます。
- 内省: 自分の思考や感情の深さを探求し、貴重な洞察と自己認識を獲得します。
- より良い睡眠: 特別に厳選された睡眠セッションは、神経学的にあなたを安らかな睡眠の初期段階に導きます。
- 自己発見: 潜在意識の中に隠された宝物を解き放ち、自己発見と個人の成長への道を歩み始めます。

Lumenate Plus にアップグレードしてエクスペリエンスを強化:

- 意図の設定と統合: Lumenate のエクスペリエンスを、内省と個人の成長のための強力なプラットフォームに変換します。
- ガイド付きセッション: 目標の達成か​​ら真の満足感の発見、時間の効果的な管理まで、さまざまなテーマを探求します。これらは、特定の個人的な成長トピックを通してあなたをガイドすることを目的としたナレーション付きセッションです。
- ガイドなしのセッション: 自分の意図を設定し、潜在意識を探求し、心と体を落ち着かせましょう。
- 睡眠の強化 - 睡眠セクション全体のロックを解除することで、脳を睡眠開始の初期段階に積極的に導きます。
- ジャーナルセクション: Lumenate の専用ジャーナルセクションで、有意義な瞬間や洞察をキャプチャします。
- 目的に合わせて作曲されたサウンドトラックと音楽コラボレーション: 各セッションには特別に厳選された音楽が含まれており、全体的な体験を向上させます。
- 定期的なコンテンツ更新: Lumenate 体験を拡張するために定期的にリリースされる新鮮でエキサイティングな新しいコンテンツをお楽しみください。
- ダウンロード機能: お気に入りのセッションにオフラインでアクセスし、中断のない自己発見の旅を保証します。

注: Lumenate は 18 歳以上の個人を対象に設計されています。あなたまたはあなたの家族に光過敏性てんかんまたは若年性ミオクロニーてんかんの病歴がある場合は、ルメネートの使用を控えてください。 Lumenate を使用する前に、医療リスク リストを確認してください。

「Luminate ライト プロジェクトは、単なる楽しい体験ではありません。ユーザーに個人の成長と発達の機会を提供します。プロジェクトの成功は、Luminate の発明者らの慎重な設計、科学的背景、証拠に基づいたアプローチの証です。私はこのツールが臨床サイケデリック研究と治療の将来において重要な要素になると考えています。発明者らは私の全面的な支持を持っています」Breaking Convention の共同創設者であり、ブリストル大学およびインペリアル カレッジの研究者であるベン セッサ博士は述べています。

自己発見、リラクゼーション、個人の成長への扉を開きます。今すぐ Lumenate をダウンロードして、あなたの心の中で待っている変革の旅に乗り出しましょう。


We’ve just launched a new unguided experience called ‘Euphoric Release’. Immerse yourself in its evolving rhythms, allowing them to lighten your mood, help you forget any stress or worry, and leave you feeling thoroughly refreshed.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called ‘Sleep Body Scan’ which will help you prepare for sleep. In this exercise, you will scan yourself from top to toe, releasing any tension and allowing your body to soften and relax.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please send feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve added a 30 minute extended version to ‘Deep Exploration’. This deep unguided exploration is an exciting chance for you to go even deeper into the depths depths of your subconscious mind.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and we love hearing from you.
This release should help make your Lumenate experience more impactful. This update contains general improvements to our app.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected].

We'd love to hear from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called ‘Breathing Into Sleep’. During this session you’ll practise a breathing technique (4-7-8 breathing) shown to help people fall asleep.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.

Team Lumenate
Lumenate has gotten better. This update contains improvements to our 'Discover Lumenate' session and 'Next Steps' flow.

We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. If you have feedback or questions please email [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.

The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called Work-Life Separation. During this session we invite you to notice what you are carrying from your working day, examine it, then slowly release it.
We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we love hearing from you.
Team Lumenate
Lumenate is getting better. This update contains improvements to our push notifications as well as significant changes to the libraries used within the app which should notably improve stability going forwards.
We're always improving and adding content, so we recommend that you stay updated with the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected]. We read and reply to every single email and genuinely enjoy hearing from you.
The Lumenate Team
We’ve just launched a new experience called Drift Off. This unguided sleep session allows space for your thoughts to drift away as the neural entrainment guides your brain activity towards the early stages of sleep onset.
We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. Please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.
Team Lumenate
We’ve just launched a new guided experience called Gratitude. This session gives you a unique chance to practice gratitude by appreciating and reflecting on the things that you’re thankful for in life. We invite you to open up your mind and welcome every thought and feeling that might visit.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected].
We've just updated the artistic direction of our app, offering a brand new innovative visual experience for our users. This update features AI-generated art from Midjourney. The visuals were carefully curated via the tool, keeping the essence of each Lumenate session in mind to enhance user journeys from start to finish.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected].
We’ve just launched Tranquil Moment and Classical Exploration, two brand new unguided sessions with music from Wavepaths.

Tranquil Moment: Immerse yourself in a sense of calm and stillness.
Classical Exploration: Explore the depths of your emotions.

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way.
We’ve just launched Poetry with Lumenate, this session gives you a unique chance for you to explore the depths of your subconscious through a poetic lens. ✨

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.
Hey there!

We’ve just launched Deep Exploration, a brand new unguided session that explores a wide range of emotions and intensities helping you to sink further into your subconscious. ✨

We’re always improving and adding content, so stay updated to the latest version. And please do send your feedback or questions to [email protected] – we read and reply to every single email that comes our way and we genuinely cannot wait to hear from you.

ハッキング方法 Lumenate: Explore & Relax

ダウンロード Lumenate: Explore & Relax MOD APK a3.29.1

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