The Regrid Property App Mod Apk

The Regrid Property App ハック - Mod Apk 1.71.0

開発者: Regrid
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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何百万人もの人に愛されている Regrid Property アプリは、スマートフォンを持っている人なら誰でも土地と不動産の情報の世界にアクセスできる地図ベースのソリューションです。不動産をタップすると、米国人口の 99% 以上をカバーする 1 億 5,700 万以上の区画の不動産データと区画境界を簡単に表示できます。

次のすべての情報 (およびその他の情報) に簡単にアクセスできます。
- 敷地境界線/境界線
- APN/パーセルID/Regrid UUID
- 物件の住所
- 財産所有者
- 不動産のエーカー数と平方フィート数
- 販売価格と販売日
- 郵送先住所
- プロパティ値
- 土地の使用
- 標準化されたゾーニングデータ
- 空室インジケーター

- 電子メール アドレスだけで、全国の広範な公的記録資産の境界と詳細にアクセス (上限や時間制限なし)
- 道路と衛星ベースマップの切り替え
- 住所または場所から検索
- 使いやすいプロパティ マップ インターフェイス
- 興味のあるプロパティへのリンクを共有する機能
- 不動産検索、不動産ツール、および土地の所有者を見つけるための狩猟アプリとしての使用に最適です。

月額 10 ドルの Pro プランにサインアップすると、次の特典も得られます。
- フォロー機能: 関心のあるプロパティのリストを作成し、状況が変化したときに自動更新を取得します。
- 追加のベースマップ レイヤー: 建物のフットプリント、敷地境界線に重ねられた標高 (地形) 等高線。
- 描画された領域の直線フィート、面積、平方フィートを計算する測定ツール
- 所有者名と区画 ID を地図上にオーバーレイします
さらに、Pro ではプレミアム データ フィールドにアクセスできます。
- 空席あり
- 土地の使用
- 建物のフットプリントデータ
- 住宅および空室インジケーター

プラス: 当社の Web サイト []( にある追加のマッピング ツールのホストへのフル アクセス。 Pro アカウントにサインアップすると、同じログインで両方にアクセスできるようになります。


- Landscape Mode for Tablets: Back – by popular demand!
- Show Password: See if you made any typos with a single tap.
- Behind-the-scenes technology improvements and bug fixes.
- Regrid goes international: Pro users now get access to 9.2 Million Parcels in Canada in addition to our existing coast-to-coast US coverage!
- Upgrade to underlying mapping technology.
- New "Flood" Layer - See the chance of flooding in your area using data from FEMA.
- Updated Elevation Layer - The elevation of the land is now in feet with high detail contour lines.
- Layers Panel Revamp - Now each layer gets it's own preview image, so you can better design what you want to see on the map.
- Tech Upgrades - You may not notice this, but feel assured that the underlying tech has been upgraded!
- AI Enhanced: A paragraph generated by ChatGPT has been added to the town/city information panel. Just tap the name of the town/city at the top of map, and it'll give you short and (hopefully) helpful answers to common questions about your region.
- Slide-y Panel Rebuild - The technology that makes our panels slide up and down has been completely rebuilt to increase swiping elation.
- Other Tech Improvements - Many things have been fiddled with, which may result in a feeling of tranquility.
- The map's satellite imagery has been updated with new, crisp photos.
- New Pro Feature: Now when you select a property, you'll see the measurements of the property lines directly on the map.
- Improved map button visibility.
- Followed Pins: Find your followed properties much easier, or toggle them off from the Layers panel when you just want to view the Map.
- Purchasing system has been upgraded to make way for big things to come
- Surveyors can view old posts for a given property
- Property notes added when Following now show up immediately
- The Place button has a new design that will be sure to make you say: "Yes, that's a button."
- Lots of new ways to help us imagine the future of the app (and smash bugs).
- Your latest notification will be visible when viewing your Follows – until you choose to clear it.
- Important fixes for Surveyors
- Accessibility: Now you can increase the size of text on your phone, and the app will adapt the content appropriately.
- Faster map: App performs better, especially in cases where lots of properties are visible.
- Measure area acreage: When measuring, now you can view the acreage of the area.
- Share button is back: Copy a link to a property and send it to anyone you like.
- Property outlines are now visible when further zoomed out.
- Many other small improvements to the interface.
- Follow a Property/Town/Area: Tap follow on any property and you'll receive notifications when we update that data. (You can always turn these notifications off)
- Map Redesign: See owner names right over the map.
- View details for an Area: Tap the Town name at the top of the screen.
- Add Notes: Write a note to yourself on any property.
- Fix: Improvements for Surveyors.
- Fix: Better spacing on the top of the app.
Send us feedback by tapping the Menu button -> Help -> Leave Feedback
Fixed: Measuring Tool now measures area accurately - Sorry about that!
- Sometimes the app would forget who you are! Here's a fix to cure its forgetfulness.
- Fixes and tweaks you won't notice except as a subtle whisper of contentment.
- We've added proper capitalization everywhere!
- While viewing a property, tap to see more details and now the first thing you'll see is a nice clear satellite image of the parcel.
- Also on that same screen, we've reordered the fields to give you some of the most useful items first.
- The map has clearer property boundaries when viewing satellite view.
- The map technology got an upgrade, hopefully you'll find the map is better in some way!

ハッキング方法 The Regrid Property App

ダウンロード The Regrid Property App MOD APK 1.71.0

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