LoungeReview: 空港ラウンジ Mod Apk

LoungeReview: 空港ラウンジ ハック - Mod Apk 1.1.21

開発者: Sound Imagineers, LLC
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


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- 1,500 以上の空港にある 3,200 の空港ラウンジを網羅した、世界規模の空港ラウンジ インデックスをご覧ください。
- 各ラウンジの詳細(場所、アクセス規則、営業時間、アメニティ、食べ物や飲み物など)をご覧ください。
- 世界中の人気ラウンジに関する専門家による詳細なレビューを読み、ユーザーのコメントを閲覧し、体験を共有しましょう。
- プロフィールを作成し、マイレージ ステータス、クレジットカード、メンバーシップを追加します。ご利用いただけるラウンジをお知らせします。
- 旅行計画を入力するか、TripIt から直接インポートします。旅の途中でリラックスできる場所をお教えします。- 世界中の何百ものラウンジへのアクセスを購入して、アクセスを保証してもらいます。簡単です。すべての主要なクレジットカードをご利用いただけます。

無料の LoungeReview モバイルアプリはあなたの旅行のお供です。毎日更新される LoungeReview アプリは、世界中の最高の空港ラウンジへの鍵となります。頻繁に飛行機を利用する方、ビジネスクラスのチケットをお持ちの方、または Priority Pass、Dragon Pass、LoungeKey などのラウンジ アクセス プログラムの会員である方でも、LoungeReview アプリは難解な空港ラウンジ アクセス ルールを解読し、最新の情報と詳細を提供します。


- You can now search for lounges with showers, private rooms, gyms, and other amenities without having to distinguish between complimentary and paid amenities.
- We've added a map to the Flight edit screen.
- We've improved the navigation bar so it looks great on all screens.

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
Enjoy fresh new maps on the Trips page, plus several other user interface enhancements!

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
We're continuing to refresh and modernize our user interface! Enjoy our newly-redesigned Home and Airport pages, as well as improvements to the Favorites, Pinned and History pages!

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
- Major performance, reliability, and memory footprint enhancements.
- User interface enhancements.
- Support for deep links.

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
This release includes bug fixes and user interface enhancements.

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
NEW: We're excited to add support for French, Portuguese, and Spanish!

If your phone or tablet is set to use French, Portuguese, or Spanish, then you'll be given the option to switch to your language next time you start the app. Otherwise, you can use the Settings screen to switch between languages at any time.

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
User interface enhancements and memory footprint improvements.

We welcome your feedback! Please contact us at [email protected] if you experience any issues.
- The app now supports Themes! Choose Light or Dark for your viewing pleasure.
- We've added the ability to link bookings made from a different account or while logged out.
- We have enhanced performance across the board.

Our app is young and we need your help! If you like the app, please post a review. If you hit any issues, please let us know at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.
In this release, we have:
- Fixed crashes impacting users using the Thai language.
- Improved TripIt synchronization reliability.
- Fixed an issue with the complimentary lounge access filter.
- Significantly improved the app startup time.
- Improved the reliability of the app under poor network conditions.

Our app is young and we need your help! If you like the app, please post a review. If you hit any issues, please let us know at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.
- We have significantly improved the app startup time, so you can get to your lounge faster.
- We've improved the reliability of the app under poor network conditions, and squashed a number of bugs.

Our app is young and we need your help! If you like the app, please post a review. If you hit any issues, please let us know at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.
- We have significantly improved the app startup time, so you can get to your lounge faster.
- We've improved the reliability of the app under poor network conditions, and squashed a number of bugs.

Our app is young and we need your help! If you like the app, please post a review. If you hit any issues, please let us know at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.
- Offline mode enhancements: you can now post comments and add/remove Favorite and Pinned lounges while offline. You will also see more photos and content while offline.
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.
- Higher resolution images on tablets.

Please post a review if you like the app, or report bugs at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.
Welcome to the first public release of the loungereview app!

Please post a review if you like the app, or report any bug at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.

Recent updates:
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from posting reviews.
- Fixed issues with booking process for users in Indonesia.
- Improved offline mode.
- Fixed occasional crashes and startup issues.
- Improved TripIt sync reliability.
- Fixed display issues with Android Accessibility settings.
Welcome to the first public release of the loungereview app!

Please post a review if you like the app, or report any bug at https://loungereview.com/report-bug/.

Recent updates:
- Added support for Android versions 11 and 12.
- Fixed minor navigation and user interface issues.
- Fixed occasional crashes and startup issues.
- Fixed errors that occurred when displaying lounges in India and Malaysia.

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