LogicLike: Kids learning games Mod Apk

LogicLike: Kids learning games ハック - Mod Apk 2.59.0

開発者: Massiana - Educational Games
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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🧩 LogicLike は子供向けの教育ゲームです。学習を促進し、思考力を高める子供向けの abc パズルと頭脳ゲームです。当社の子供向け教育ゲームと就学前学習ゲームは、お子様の年齢に自動的に適応され、可能な限り最善の方法で論理力、記憶力、集中力を高めます。

👩‍🏫 LogicLike: abc パズルと数学の子供向け教育ゲームは、プロの教育者と教師の経験豊富なチームの製品です。私たちは、お子様が解くのが大好きな論理パズルや就学前の学習ゲームを作成します。その上で、刺激だけでなく学習効果を高めるためのデザインやアニメーションにもこだわりました。

🎨 子供向けの LogicLike パズルや楽しい学習ゲームを解くことは、子供たちの思考スキルを向上させるのに最適な練習になります。 LogicLike の子供用学習ゲームや子供向けの楽しい数学ゲームのプレイに費やす時間は 1 日 20 分以内にすることをお勧めします。こうすることで、お子様は疲れずに学習に慣れることができます。時間になったら、子供向けの学習ゲームが子供に休憩を促します。休憩は集中力を維持し、ロジックの詳細に常に目を向けるために重要です。

😊 子供向けの LogicLike ゲームは、便利で、わかりやすく、シンプルになるように設計されています。パズルは直感的で、ボイスオーバーが付いています。すべてのタスクには、子供たちがやる気を出して夢中になれるよう、刺激的な画像とヒントが含まれています。パズルはゲームとしてスマートに収集されます。ゲームを段階的にクリアしていくのは、学習コースを受講するようなものです。 LogicLike の特に利点は、英語または他の言語でパズルを解くことができることです。

⌛️ ロジック パズルの設計は何千時間もかかる難しい作業ですが、私たちはすでに 8 年間この仕事を続けていることをうれしく思います。私たちの使命は、学習が楽しいものであることを子供たちに示し、学習に参加させ、困難に立ち向かい決して諦めないように支援することです。私たちは次世代が賢く、既成概念にとらわれずに考えられることを望んでいます。一部のパズルは完全に無料なので、自分の目で確認して、ゲームが努力する価値があるかどうかを確認してください。子どもたちはパズル、頭の体操、クイズが大好きです。


🔸 LogicLike を選ぶ理由: 🔸
• 6,200以上のパズル
• ヒーローカードのエキサイティングなコレクション
• さまざまなランキング
• 魅力的なヒントとヒントのグラフィック
• ソリューションの改訂
• 共有および印刷する証明書
• ナレーションと素敵なBGM

🔹 ゲームの範囲: 🔹
• 3D ジオメトリ: 図形、オブジェクト、およびそれらのプロパティ
• 初心者向けのチェス
• 子供向けの表と楽しい算数ゲーム: Sudoku、Kakuro、Number Snail など。
• 天びんと計量: 液体と固体
• 小学校のトピックと子供向けの楽しい算数ゲーム: 九九、暗算、足し算と引き算、掛け算と割り算。
• 数学と未就学児の学習ゲーム:1年生と2年生
• 私たちの周りの世界: 動物、国、都市
• 真または偽
• 論理頭の体操: Odd One Out、オブジェクトのセット、並べ替え、オブジェクトの並べ替え、ジグソーパズル。
• その他、子供や幼児向けのあらゆる種類の話題の就学前学習ゲーム。

📙 子供向けの新しいパズルや数学教育ゲームがライブラリに常に追加されます。
📗 パズルは 4 歳以上のお子様に最適です。

プライバシー ポリシー - https://logiclike.com/en/docs/privacy-app
利用規約 - https://logiclike.com/en/docs/public-app
ご質問がございましたら、[email protected] までメールでお問い合わせください。

私たちは、子供たちがレジャーの興奮を常に体験できるように、LogicLike の算数、ABC パズル、楽しい教育ゲームを常に更新しています。私たちのロジック パズルや子供向け教育ゲームが気に入ったら、ぜひお友達に LogicLike について教えてください 😊


Thanks for using LogicLike! Within this update, we've fixed several bugs and made a few improvements to the performance of the app. Got a spare minute? Please rate us.
Thanks for using LogicLike! Within this update, we've fixed several bugs and made a few improvements to the performance of the app. Got a spare minute? Please rate us.
Thanks for using LogicLike! Within this update, we've fixed several bugs and made a few improvements to the performance of the app. Got a spare minute? Please rate us.
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning process fun and effective. If you like our app consider leaving a review. Your feedback is great source of inspiration. Enjoy your learning journey with LogicLike!
LogicLike team works hard to provide your children with best tools and content for learning. We'd be happy if you share your experience with the product in the comments.
LogicLike team works hard to provide your children with best tools and content for learning. We'd be happy if you share your experience with the product in the comments.
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
LogicLike team works hard to make learning entertaining and effective. If you like our app consider sharing our experience in the comments. Your feedback is a great source of ideas and inspiration!
We are working hard to make your learning faster, more fun and effective. Continue your studies with LogicLike!
New achievements zone for children! LogicLike motivates kids to learn and get smarter.
Guess what! We've improved LogicLike parent zone to make it more intuitive and helpful. An more smart stories are available in English now!
LogicLike team works hard to make your learning better with every app update. Improve your brains with LogicLike!
Improved app performance and minor bugs fixed.
Learning and playing are better than ever!
Improved loading speed and new fun lading screen for happy and effective learning!

P.S. If you like our app, we’d appreciate it if you rate our app and leave a review.
New strong parental control — LogicLike is totally safe for children!

Happy Learning!
Improved navigation for easy usage.

P.S. If you like our app, we’d appreciate it if you rate our app and leave a review.
Fixed a bunch of annoying issues — learning is smooth and effective.

P.S. If you like our app, we’d appreciate it if you rate our app and leave a review.
+82 logic and math puzzles
Improved dashboard layout.

P.S. If you like our app, we’d appreciate it if you rate our app and leave a review.
+108 logic and math puzzles
New account management system — nothing will stop your child from learning!

P.S. If you like our app, consider rating it and leaving a review. We value your opinion.
+128 new puzzles
Minor bugs and annoying issues fixed.

P.S. If you like our app, consider rating it and leaving a review. We value your opinion.
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- New "topics" section in successes. Now you can view all sections of the tasks and work with them separately.
- Fixed error downloading the certificate. - Added "Premium blocks" similar to the web version
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- New "topics" section in successes. Now you can view all sections of the tasks and work with them separately.
- Fixed error downloading the certificate. - Added "Premium blocks" similar to the web version
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- New "topics" section in successes. Now you can view all sections of the tasks and work with them separately.
- Fixed error downloading the certificate. - Added "Premium blocks" similar to the web version
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- New "topics" section in successes. Now you can view all sections of the tasks and work with them separately.
- Fixed error downloading the certificate. - Added "Premium blocks" similar to the web version
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].
Dear Logicians!
We have an update:
- New "topics" section in successes. Now you can view all sections of the tasks and work with them separately.
- Fixed error downloading the certificate. - Added "Premium blocks" similar to the web version
- Minor bugs fixed.
Thank you for choosing LogicLike!
And if you find any flaws - feel free to write to us at [email protected].

ハッキング方法 LogicLike: Kids learning games

ダウンロード LogicLike: Kids learning games MOD APK 2.59.0

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