スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish Mod Apk

スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish ハック - Mod Apk 5.7.13

開発者: LingQ Languages Ltd.
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish mod apkGame screenshot スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish hackGame screenshot スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish apk download


面白い、正真正銘の教材に没頭しながらスペイン語を学びましょう! 易しい初心者用のレッスンから始まりますが、実際の魅力的なコンテンツのおかげですぐに上達します。何千時間分ものレッスンやポッドキャスト、音声ブック、インタビュー、その他多くの教材がトランスクリプト(書き起こされた文字)付きで提供されています。LingQではウェブで見つけたどんなコンテンツでもインポートして学習に利用することができるんです! さあ、言語の旅を始めましょう!
文字に沿いながら聴きましょう。新しい単語やフレーズは調べて個人用のデータベースに保存。知っている単語、新しく触れる単語の把握も簡単です。ボキャブラリーと共にアバターも成長! リスニング時間や既読したテキストなど、全ての学習活動の記録を辿るとこができます。


* ダウンロード可能な何千時間分もの音声ファイル (テキスト付き)
* 統合された複数の辞書資料を使い、新しい単語を調べて保存
* SRS復習システムでボキャブラリーを復習
* 単語をいくつ知っているか、どれが新しく、どれが学習中かを追跡して把握
* リスニング&リーディング時間などの学習統計の記録を辿る
* プレイリストを使って簡単に今のレッスンを再生&シャッフル
* 単語、プレイリスト、レッスンそれぞれのデータを、ウェブとデバイスで同期
* オフラインで学習し、オンラインのときにデータを更新
* フォーラムやウェブからの交流活動などを含むLingQのアクティビティ全てにおける情報を受け取る
* 保存したボキャブラリを管理
* 学習目標を確認し、上達を評価
* 語彙が増えるほどアバターも成長

Ling Qの共同創立者であるスティーブ・カウフマン(Steve Kaufmann)は、このアプローチを使って15カ国語を習得した世界でもトップの多言語話者です。スティーブは「言語学習のゴッドファーザー」です。

LINGQ プレミアムでより速い習得を
・無制限のLingQ - 新しい単語&フレーズを調べたら全部保存
・単語追跡 - 既知単語、新規単語を確認
・無制限の語彙復習 (SRS)
・インポート無制限 - ウェブから好きなだけテキストをインポートして学習

フィードバック? 声をお聞かせください。
アプリへの提案やフィードバックはこちら [email protected]

1か月購読$ 12.99
6ヶ月購読$ 71.99
12ヶ月購読$ 107.99
サブスクリプションはあなたのiTunesアカウントを通してあなたのクレジットカードに請求されます。 現在の期間が終了する24時間前までにキャンセルされない限り、サブスクリプションは自動的に更新されます。 購入後にiTunesアカウント設定で購読を管理またはキャンセルします。
利用規約 - https://www.lingq.com/terms/


- Statistics new design and functionality;
- Improvements to onboarding, reader and library;
- Improvements to importing;
- Several bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Fix bug in context based meaning not selected if user selects status first;
- Fix issue with review session start;
- Fix imported lessons not always opening after importing;
- UI improvements in Library;
- Stability improvements.
- New coins, activity and streak designs;
- Fix notes being covered by keyboard;
- Improvements to offline experience;
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- New streak milestones;
- Added Furigana and Latin superscripts;
- New settings for Transliteration in the reader, mini popup and in activities;
- Fix to a crash occurring in very large lessons;
- Images in lessons where available;
- Improvements to dictionaries;
- Added setting to only show superscripts for words Status 1 to 3;
- Setting for related phrases;
- Improvements to Playlist and audio/video players;
- Added Afrikaans, Slovenian and Georgian;
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Improvements to sentence review activities;
- Improvements to review sessions from LingQs of the Day;
- Reader performance improvement;
- Fix to ignored single phrase issue in sentence mode;
- Fix to deleted lessons in other platforms for courses still showing up;
- Fix to player not stopping in sentence mode;
- Fix to phrases issue in sentence mode;
- Report functionality for lessons/courses;
- Stability improvements and several bug fixes.
- Integrated sentence review;
- New reader mini player;
- Invite friends;
- Reader performance improvements;
- Several bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Improvements to reader text;
- Cantonese alt script settings;
- Importing from url doesn't require a custom title;
- Refinements to popular meanings and saved meanings;
- Added "do not show again" option to words paging popup;
- Sentence notes;
- Add new course when Importing;
- Improvements to listening mode;
- Swipe between sentences in lesson editor;
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Faster opening of lessons;
- Better performance in the Library;
- Fix to word popup when app is in background;
- Fix to adding lessons to playlist;
- Fix to tags in tablet mode;
- Several fixes to challenges;
- Improvements to importing lessons;
- Fix to status Learned phrase not showing underlined;
- Fix to copying previous sentence end time;
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
- Larger clickable area for buttons in the audio players;
- Fixed custom courses replacing existing audio with generated tts;
- Changing translation languages show right away on currently opened lesson;
- Fix to issue with imported lessons not tracking audio time;
- Improvements to Library;
- Ui improvements in Settings and More screen;
- Bug fixes.
- Added Tagalog language;
- New streak and activity indicator;
- Fix to facebook login;
- Best translations shown more consistently;
- Improvements to the playlists;
- Support for Android 13 and bumped min support to Android 8;
- Numerous UI fixes and improvements;
- Several crashes and bug fixes.
- Improvements to onboarding;
- Better library experience;
- More accurate audio listening times tracking;
- Improvement to course navigation (start or continue button);
- Fix to streak popup sometimes freezing;
- UI fixes;
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Sentence Editor;
- Improvements to audio listening stat tracking;
- Statistical graphs update;
- Added all time stats;
- Fix to adding and removing dictionary locales;
- Fix to default font used in lesson;
- UI updates to Library, Lesson Reader and Listening Mode;
- Updates to Light and Dark modes, and overall look and feel of the app;
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Manually import lessons;
- Sentence mode scrolling fixed;
- Improvements to lesson text interaction;
- Improvements to asian languages scripting rendering in lesson text;
- Fix to review cloze test not showing anything sometimes;
- View all statistics access from lesson stats screen;
- Several bug fixes and stability improvements.
- UI improvements;
- Bug fixes and stability improvements.
- Added Android help videos;
- Editing meaning saves when dismissing popup;
- Progress bar in lesson moves right to left in RTL languages;
- Improvements to Library filters;
- Fix to phrases in start of sentences not being highlighted;
- Fix to streak repair;
- Prevent scripts from overlapping with text in asian languages while using very small fonts and line spacing;
- Lesson stats improvements;
- Review session improvements to UI;
- Other issues fixed and improvements.
- Improvements to the UI;
- Paragraph spacing issue fixed;
- SRS Due issue in vocabulary fixed;
- Fixed to not being able to confirm when editing a LingQ definition;
- Fix for generated lesson audio that didn't start playback;
- Fixed wrong and repeated words sometimes showing up on vocabulary list;
- Fix for device's tts engine playing even when connection was good;
- Improvements to listening mode;
- Other bug fixes and stability improvements.

ハッキング方法 スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish

ダウンロード スペイン語を学ぶ | Learning Spanish MOD APK 5.7.13

ダウンロード MOD APK