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Dislyte ハック - Mod Apk 3.4.15

カテゴリー: ロールプレイング, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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魅惑的なコミックシリーズを旅しながら、無限の可能性の世界に浸ってください。独特のアートスタイルを備えたゲーム、Dislyte の未来の世界に深く飛び込みましょう。神話の神々から力を得たスーパーヒーローエスパーの部隊を編成し、破壊をもたらすために必死のモンスターと戦ってください。さまざまなユニークな個人の物語を探索し、その下にある謎を解き明かしてください。

> 都市神話コミック
Dislyte は、都市神話コミックという新しいジャンルのコミックを作成しました。ストーリーは、進行中の漫画シリーズで美しく描かれています。「奇跡」として知られるポータルのような浮遊構造物がグランディス大陸に混乱と災害をもたらしたこのスタイリッシュなファンタジーの世界に参加する時が来ました。これらの奇跡は神聖な音波を発し、ギリシャ、北欧、中国、エジプト、日本、他の文化の民間伝承の神々など、古代神話の神々から「エスパー」と呼ばれる個人に力を与えます。彼らの物語に没頭し、神々と戦いましょう。あなたは権力の魅力に屈するか、それとも人々のチャンピオンとして立ち上がるか?選択はあなた次第です。

> 多様なキャラクター

> 好きなプレイヤーとつながる
Dislyte では、興味を共有する友達を簡単に見つけることができます。ゲーム内のトピックやキャラクターの洞察について、志を同じくするプレイヤーと楽しく有意義な交流をしましょう。高品質のファンコンテンツが継続的に制作されている、アクティブで創造的な Dislyte コミュニティを受け入れてください。Dislyte の宇宙への愛の深さを示す、情熱的なファンによって作成された信じられないほどのファンアートを発見してください。

Dislyte の魅惑的な世界に足を踏み入れましょう。都市神話が生き生きとした現実になり、忘れられないコミックエスケープで現実を呼吸します。隠された力を解き放ち、今すぐ運命をコントロールしてください!



New Features
1. Added the Esper Namecard frames for Norah (Muse) and Toland (Tezcatlipoca) after they are max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
2.Sea and Song
Event Time
2023-09-05 (post-update) - 2023-09-22 00:00:00 (UTC+0)
New Features
1. Added Andras to the Ritual Miracle.
2. Desolate Lands - Shademother is now available.
3. Added Manage Formation and Copy Formation features.
4. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Hilda (Hypnos) after she is max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
New Features
1. Added Search via Bluetooth to the Esper Arena. Once you have enabled Bluetooth and granted Location permissions, you can search for nearby players and invite them to a duel.
2. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Lian (Jiao Tu) after she is max level/ascended/resonated.
New Features
1. Added the Insignia feature.
2. After the update, the Boss Chimera's third form and the Scorch Messenger will be unlocked for you to challenge in Celestial Anomaly. (Unlocks after clearing Story 12-16 on Purgatory mode)
3. Added Championship World Ranking Top 100 Frame.
4. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Valeria (Quetzalcoatl) after she is max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
New Features
1. Added Chaos Realm.
2. After the update, the Boss Chimera's second form and the Void Messenger will be unlocked for you to challenge in Celestial Anomaly. (Unlocks after clearing Story 12-16 on Purgatory mode)
3. Added Sharing Max Resonated Esper's Solo. After an Esper is max-resonated, players can tap Share on the Resonance page to share this Esper's Solo and Album cover to a chat channel to make other players can listen.
New Features
1. Added Celestial Anomaly.
2. Added new portraits in the following Espers' albums: Jacob (Jormungand), Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu), Mateo (Prometheus), and Yamato (Izanagi). (Unlocks for Lvl 50 Espers.)
3. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Mateo (Prometheus), Yamato (Izanagi), and Xuan Pin (Jiutian Xuannu) after they are max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
4. Added Solos and Diaries for Yamato (Izanagi) and Yuuhime (Izanami).
New Features
1. Added new portraits in the following Espers' albums: Celine, Fabrice, Eira, Bonnie, Bai Liuli, Parmi, and Yuuhime. (Unlocks at Lvl 50 Esper.)
2. Added new Tactics Exams for Daylon (Sobek), Cang Ji (Cang Jie), Intisar (Kauket), Koharu (Ame-no-Uzume), Embla (Ymir), and Jin-hee (Dokkaebi).
3. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Yuuhime (Izanami) after she is max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
New Features
1. Added Knockout
2. Added Hell mode to Story Chapter 1 through Chapter 4. This mode requires players to deploy 2 teams for battle.
3. Added avatar and frame rewards
4. Added Quick Battle to the Point War
5. After the update, the Fatum Sisters (the Nornir) will be added to the Wish pool.
6. Added the Esper Namecard frame for Ethan (Pan) after he is max level, max ascended, and max resonated.
7. Added Solos and Diaries for Ethan (Pan), Jin-hee (Dokkaebi), and Koharu (Ame-no-Uzume).
New Features
1. Added the Sticker Album (unlocks for Lvl 50 Espers) to some Espers (Leon, Lauren, Li Ling, Lucas, Jiang Jiuli, Tang Xuan, Sander, Pritzker, Taylor, Tang Yun, Abigail and Odette).
2. Added Heart Disks for Arcana (Hermes) and Layla (Medjed) to DJ Contest.
3. The new M-Pass will be available after the update on November 15th. Unlock the Radiant M-Pass to acquire Chang Pu's skin: Lilac Twist.
New Features
1. Added the Raid feature to the Cube Miracle
2. The Esper Namecard frame can now be acquired after Brewster (Garmr) or Ife (Meretseger) is max leveled, max ascended, and max resonated.
3. Added Solos and Diaries for Brewster (Garmr) and Ife (Meretseger).
New Features
1. Added the Infinity Tower to the Infinite Miracle
2. Added Auto Deposit/Withdraw to the Esper Vault
3. Added the Cube Relic Blind Box to the Cube Shop, priced at 800 Cube Points. Players can open it to select 1 set from 3 random Relic Sets and get 1 of this set’s Superior/Flawless Relic for a random position.
4. The Esper Namecard frame can now be acquired after Ashley (Heimdall) or Elliot (Thoth) is max leveled, max ascended, and max resonated.
New Features
1. Improvements to the Ritual Miracle
2. Added formation assist
3. Added Preparation Room
4. Added Heart Disks for Ophelia (Thanatos), Gaius (Zeus), and Sally (Sif) to the DJ Contest.
5. The Esper Namecard frame can now be acquired after Gaius (Zeus) is max leveled, max ascended, and max resonated.
New Features
1. Added Relic Reset feature
2. Added VR Battlegrounds
3. Added Union Academy Stages
4. Added Quick Equip and Unequip for Relics
5. Added a new filter in the Esper Gallery that allows players to filter Espers based on their Elemental Classes
New Features
1.Added Desolate Lands (unlocks for Squad Lvl 50+ players)
2.Added Relic Boost system (unlocks for Squad Lvl 50+ players)
3.Bloody Hunt (unlocks for Squad Lvl 20+ players)
4.Zora (Amunet) Chance UP Event
5.Added Esper Community (complete Story 2-8 to unlock)
6.Added Tactics Exams for Ollie (Osiris), Nicole (Nephthys), Laura (Neith) and Meredith (Scylla).
New Features
1.Added Divine Sequencer (unlocks for Squad Lvl 40+ players).
2. Charity Show (unlocks for Squad Lvl 20+ players).
3.Ahmed (Geb) Chance Up
4.Added the Bounty Mission Review feature. Tap Atlas - Story Review - Sidestories on the left screen to enter.
5.Added Quick Jump feature in Esper deployment screen.
6.Added a report feature in the Esper Comments screen.
New Features
1.We’ve added a new mode, Club Holobattle.
2.The Lone Star (unlocks for Lvl 20+ players).
3.Ollie - “Osiris” Probability Up.
4.Added the Event Story Review feature. Tap Atlas - Story Review - Event Story on the left screen to enter.
5.Added 4 Heart Disks to the DJ Contest.
6.Added a Namecard for Ollie (Osiris).

ハッキング方法 Dislyte

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