ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ Mod Apk

ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ ハック - Mod Apk 3.7.2

開発者: L'Escapadou
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ mod apkGame screenshot ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ hackGame screenshot ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ apk download


• 全ての文字の書き順をアニメーションで視覚化
• お子様が正しく文字を書くように導きます
• 文字、単語と数字
• 文字の音声もあります

• 70のアニメイラストと音声効果を使って楽しく書く!
• 文字を正しく書いた後に文字をアニメ化する面白いインタラクティブゲーム!
• お子様は5つ星プレイモードで星を獲得出来ます
• 幼児向け形状トレーシングアクティビティ

• お子様がトレースしたものを表示するレポートによりお子様の進度をチェック
• 自分の言葉を追加
• 数々の設定(サイズ、難易度、書き順を隠す...)
• 必要なだけいくらでも作成




Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web
Ability to disable or enable each activity in the settings
The tracing of the model is now much faster is the maximum speed is set
Improved import of word lists from text files (you can now specify the lists precisely as well as the titles)
You can now Import Word Lists from the Web


ハッキング方法 ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ

ダウンロード ひらがな名人 - 子どもたちが書き方を学ぶ MOD APK 3.7.2

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.4 点満点中 5
797 件のレビュー