Cornell LabによるMerlin Bird ID Mod Apk

Cornell LabによるMerlin Bird ID ハック - Mod Apk 3.5.2

開発者: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
カテゴリー: 書籍&参考書
価格: 無料です


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Merlin 野鳥識別は、あなたが見たり聞いたりした鳥を識別する際に役立ちます。Merlinと他のアプリの違いは、鳥の観察情報や音声、写真の世界最大のデータベースであるeBirdと連動しているところです。




・ Visipedia を搭載した Merlinの写真識別と音声識別は、機械学習により、その写真や音声の鳥を識別します。Merlinは、コーネル大学鳥類学研究室のマコーレー・ライブラリーに保存されている、eBird.orgによりバードウォッチャーから収集された数百万の写真と音声のトレーニングセットに基づいて、鳥類を認識するように学習します。




- Bird of the Day challenge: a new bird each day to learn about and find nearby. Head outside and see if you can find the featured bird in your area!
- Updated Translations: Merlin is now available in Zulu!
- Bug Fixes: We’ve also squashed some bugs and made performance improvements to keep Merlin running smoothly.

Happy birding!
- Bird of the Day challenge: a new bird each day to learn about and find nearby. Head outside and see if you can find the featured bird in your area!
- Updated Translations: Merlin is now available in Zulu!
- Bug Fixes: We’ve also squashed some bugs and made performance improvements to keep Merlin running smoothly.

Happy birding!
We’re giving Merlin a makeover! We hope you find the new navigation system sleeker and more intuitive to use.

In addition to being able to more quickly navigate around the app, Sound ID can now run in the background while you use other parts of Merlin, like Explore and Life List.
- Now, when you tap on a bird in your Sound ID recordings, you can cycle through multiple results for that bird. This is a great way to compare different results and find the one that you're most confident in.
- We've also made it easier to explore your Sound ID recordings by highlighting the singing birds, same as the live recording. This makes it easy to see which birds are singing and to identify and learn the songs and calls.
Updates to My Sound Recordings screen to quickly explore and manage your recordings:
- Quickly view the top species
- Search by species, location, and filename
- Sort by date, recording length, and file name
- Select multiple recordings to share or delete
New: App Language selector in settings
Updates to My Sound Recordings screen to quickly explore and manage your recordings:
- Quickly view the top species
- Search by species, location, and filename
- Sort by date, recording length, and file name
- Select multiple recordings to share or delete
New: App Language selector in settings
Sound ID is better than over, with additional birds for the United States, Canada and now the common species of Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East! Record the birds you hear, and watch real-time results show up on the screen to help guide you to the correct identification.

ハッキング方法 Cornell LabによるMerlin Bird ID

ダウンロード Cornell LabによるMerlin Bird ID MOD APK 3.5.2

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