Kommo Mod Apk

Kommo ハック - Mod Apk 16.9.6(516)

開発者: Kommo
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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Kommo は世界初のメッセンジャーベースの CRM システムで、中小企業が売上を別のレベルに引き上げられるように設計されています。

当社のモバイル アプリはデスクトップ バージョンとシームレスに統合されており、携帯電話から直接営業ツールにアクセスできるため、どこにいても接続を維持できる統合された CRM エクスペリエンスを提供します。


カスタマイズ可能なライブ ダッシュボードを使用して、どこからでも売上、タスク、チームのパフォーマンスなどを監視します。

セールスボット、テンプレート、デジタル パイプラインなどの自動化ツールを使用してプロセスを合理化します。時間を節約し、最も重要なこと、つまりビジネスの成長に集中します。



アカウントにログインするか、14 日間の無料トライアルにサインアップすると、いつでもどこでも販売パイプラインを簡単に管理し、パフォーマンスをナビゲートし、チームと共同作業できます。


- Fixed a bug when filters work in the notifications section of the inbox
- Fixed an error when selecting values in the multilist type field
- Fixed duplication of notes in entity chat
- Added the ability to go to a contact's social profile
- Fixed filters by tags in buyers
- Carousel templates now display preview of the first card
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fixed possible application crash when scrolling in the inbox
- Added notification about exceeding attachment size when sending messages to an external source
- Added notification about exceeding the number of favorite conversations
- Added ability to insert images from clipboard into an entity's chat room
- Added display of carousel template when sending to WhatsApp
- Fixed application crash when expanding a note on merging leads if the file field is filled in the lead
- Fixed application crash when selecting all as recipient after selecting write first option
- Fixed possible application crash after selecting an attachment in entity chat
- Fixed a bug where stages from another pipeline could be displayed after changing the stage of a lead
- Fixed a bug where mass transfer of leads to the closed stage did not work
- Fixed a bug in displaying a hint in the message writing control
- Fixed a bug where running bots could be displayed as inactive bots
- Fixed a bug where when switching to an entity from the event list, the entity name was displayed incorrectly
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to add items to a transaction card
- Fixed a bug where tasks were not sorted into overdue, today's and future tasks
- Added ability to launch bots from a card without an external contact
- Fixed a bug where visibility of custom fields was not handled correctly
- Fixed a bug where clicking a link to the screens of tasks, files, campaigns, all contacts and companies, and user-created lists did not open the application
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to add a product to a transaction card. Now goods are added to a deal correctly
- Fixed a bug where custom presets in the imbox did not display the filter value after selection
- Added support for the File type field to lists
- Fixed a bug where a file was attached incorrectly in an entity field
- Fixed application crash when clicking apply in the imbox filter after entering a conversation number
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to transfer a buyer from the not bought status to any status other than recently bought.
- Fixed a bug where custom field change events were displayed as field not found
- Fixed a bug where field mandatoryity was not checked in unsorted
Fixed a bug where direct chat messages sent without internet were sent multiple times after the network was restored
Fixed a bug in the translation of the deals section on Android 13
Fixed a bug where the order of custom fields in the app could differ from the order in the web version
Fixed a bug where the legal entity field did not display all data. Also added search for all fields of legal entity, except BIC and Actual address
- Added support for Android 13
- Added ability to select application language from system settings on Android 13
- Fixed a bug when checking if custom fields are mandatory
- Fixed a bug where the app could close when selecting a file to send
- Changed the icon of templates and bots in the feed. Now the list of templates and bots is under the robot icon
- Fixed a bug where a contact could not be added to a buyer if a company was attached to the contact
- Fixed a bug where if you create a deal from a company, the company is not linked to the deal
- Fixed a bug where a user could receive a notification that he/she had no rights while being an account administrator
- Fixed a bug where the app would close when trying to edit a transaction
Here’s what you can expect in our new release update:
- Record and send voice messages
- Forward and reply to messages
- View animated stickers in chats
- See instant reactions to chats
- Add descriptions to your pipeline stages
- Fixed a bug where the channels parameter did not work correctly in created presets in the imbox
- Fixed an issue where the app crashed if you clicked on the file icon while uploading to chat
- Fixed an issue where files could not be uploaded after an account change
- Fixed an issue where a customer was not created in recurring purchase mode
- Added ability to select multiple photos from gallery
- Fixed an issue where long tap on a message in the feed caused a crash
- Fixed a bug that caused in-app notifications to disappear when the notification centre was switched on
- Fixed an issue where a completed task could be re-completed
- Fixed an issue where a bot could be selected as the person responsible for a task
- Fixed a bug where sending files did not work when exporting contacts was enabled
- Fixed work of authorization through Google
Added the ability to create contacts, companies, customers without specifying a name in accordance with the web version
Added the ability to connect Facebook and Instagram business pages from the app
Added the ability to create a contact without a name
Fixed a bug: Previously, if a contact without a name was attached to a lead, and the responsible user in the lead and related entities was changed, then the responsible manager in the contact was not changed.
Fixed a bug: Previously, if you went to a lead from the event list, then attached an existing contact and returned back, the list of events was no longer clickable.
Fixed a bug where a media messages could not be sent again after an error
New release

ハッキング方法 Kommo

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