Hoop Land Mod Apk

Hoop Land ハック - Mod Apk 1.08.42

開発者: Koality Game
カテゴリー: スポーツ, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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究極のレトロバスケットボールシミュレーション、Hoop Land でコートを支配しよう!夢のチームを作り、完璧なコーチを雇い、フランチャイズを栄光に導きましょう。大学のドラフトからチャンピオンシップのトロフィーまで、レトロなスポーツビデオゲームでこれまでにないバスケットボールの管理とコート上のアクションの興奮を体験してください。

相手の足首を折って、ロングレンジスリーのために後退します。スプラッシュ!ファストブレイクを実行し、プレイを実行し、雷のようなアリウープを投げます。スラムダンク!Hoop Land は、ポケットに現代化されたゲームプレイを備えたレトロなバスケットボールアクションを提供します。

高校を卒業したばかりの自分の見込み客を作り、Koality Showcase ゲームで全国の舞台にデビューしましょう。一流の学校からオファーを受け取り、大学で最大 4 年間プレーしながら、ドラフト 1 位指名選手になるためのスキルを磨きましょう!






- Players with higher regression ages are less likely to retire at a younger age
- Fixed free throws occurring after an offensive foul or out of bounds
- Fixed losing control of free throw shooter if free throw clock violation occurs
- Fixed CPU timeout conservation not working as intended
- Fixed CPU extending contract of a player that has already announced retirement
- Fixed CPU teams not properly signing players if under the roster limit
- Fixed incorrect game stats on Player Stats screen
- Added Team Contracts screen
- Added two new 2-Star Defensive skills: Magnet and Two Way
- Added Sim Button when sitting on the bench in Career Mode
- Added In-Game Music setting to enable new arena beats and crowd chants
- Added Preset Substitution Lineups to Substitution screen
- Added ability to extend player contracts in their final year
- Added Shooting Foul Frequency simulation slider
- Added Random button to team select screen
- Fixed player not receiving minutes in Career Mode showcase game
- Fixed inability to call plays when minimum coach relationship is reached in Career Mode
- Changed 'CPU Reaction Time' text to 'CPU Defensive Strength' in Custom Difficulty settings
- Added new 3-star defensive skill: Ball Hawk
- Added new Dynamic Crowds setting to help improve performance on lower end devices
- Added new CPU Trading setting to enable or disable CPU trades
- Added ability to play, rest, or spectate Career Mode games
- Added ability to perform a layup after a initiating a dunk with Crafty skill equipped
- Added ability to edit player’s regression age
- Added ability to assign and remove coach championships won
- Improved CPU on-ball defense
- Bug Fixes
Version 1.08.2
- Added dunk controls to tutorial
- Added color to career grade text
- Added message after completing the college career mode beta
- Improved Regenerate Players button to include coaches and history reset
- Bug fixes

Version 1.08
- Added College Career Mode Beta
- Added Player Skills
- Added Player Comparison screen
- Added ability to change college season settings
- Updated default pro and college league player skills
- Updated default college league team uniforms and courts
- Added beta version text
- Improved passing tutorial
- Reduced camera shake
- Fixed ability to dunk when dribbling away from the hoop
- Fixed substitution screen position labels

ハッキング方法 Hoop Land

ダウンロード Hoop Land MOD APK 1.08.42

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4170 件のレビュー