Kinzoo: Fun All-Ages Messenger Mod Apk

Kinzoo: Fun All-Ages Messenger ハック - Mod Apk 9.2.0-Google-release66818

開発者: Kinzoo Technologies Inc.
カテゴリー: ソーシャルネットワーク
価格: 無料です


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Kinzoo は単なるメッセンジャーではなく、思い出が作られる場所です。子供、親、大家族がこの単一のプライベート プラットフォームに集まり、他の方法では存在しない経験を共有します。これは、子供たちにつながり、創造し、情熱を育むための建設的でスキルを身につける手段を提供することで、スクリーンタイムの苦労を軽減するテクノロジーへの信頼できる入門書です。また、これは子供たちが友達との社会的関係を深め、大人になったときに他者を尊重し、批判的に考え、優れたデジタル市民になれるよう準備する方法でもあります。

このオールインワン チャット アプリは 6 歳以上向けに設計されており、電話番号を必要とせずに、選択した家族や友人と安全にビデオ通話を行ったり、写真、テキスト メッセージ、ビデオを交換したりできます。

Kinzoo のすべての機能は、つながり、創造性、育成という 3 つの C を促進するように設計されています。これにより、スクリーンタイムが子供や家族にとって魅力的で生産的で豊かなものになります。パス センターで最新のインタラクティブなストーリーやアクティビティをチェックし、マーケットプレイスでチャット内ミニ ゲーム、写真とビデオのフィルター、ステッカー パックを購入して、メッセージングをさらに魅力的で楽しいものにしましょう。

私たちは、子供たちが最悪のテクノロジーにさらされることなく、最高のテクノロジーを体験できるべきだと信じています。そのため、私たちは安全、プライバシー、安心を最優先に、子供たちとその保護者のために Kinzoo を一から構築しました。

Kinzoo には操作的な機能や説得力のあるデザインがありません。 「いいね」も、フォロワーも、ターゲットを絞った広告もありません。これは、あなたとあなたの家族全員がデジタル ID を再び管理できる、より安全なオンライン空間です。

私たちはあなたとあなたの家族のために Kinzoo を構築しました。私たちは、皆さんの絆を深め、創造性を刺激し、新たな情熱を育むきっかけとなるような体験を構築するために日々取り組んでいます。ソーシャル メディアで私たちとつながり、Kinzoo を家族コミュニケーションのための世界で最も信頼できるプラットフォームに成長させるのにご協力ください。

Twitter: @kinzoofamily


A few things just got better:

- We just introduced Open Jams, making it easier for groups to connect! This new type of group audio call can include friends-of-friends who might not be connected. To keep things safe, anyone who isn’t a contact can only chat while the Open Jam is active. Parents can choose to enable this feature when their children are ready.
A few things just got better:

- It’s now possible to let your kids create, accept and decline invitations! When you choose to enable friending mode, your children are empowered to manage their own connections—and you can keep an eye on their activity. You can update invitation permissions in your household settings screen anytime.
A few things just got better:

- It’s now possible to let your kids create, accept and decline invitations! When you choose to enable friending mode, your children are empowered to manage their own connections—and you can keep an eye on their activity. You can update invitation permissions in your household settings screen anytime.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We launched the Marketplace! This is your one-stop shop for fun extras like sticker packs, Paths, face filters, wallpapers and mini games to personalize your experience.
- We introduced the Kinzoo Club! This subscription includes access to a bunch of items in the Marketplace for your whole family.
- As a special thank you, we’re giving our community a welcome gift! Look for it on your home screen and choose your first items from the Marketplace for free.
A few things just got better:

- We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:

- We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We redesigned your Home Screen to make it even easier to find and follow the Paths you love! And, you can now find your Settings by tapping your avatar on the left side of your Home Screen.
• We made some other improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• You can now see when your contacts are online—and when they’re typing a message to you! Parents can manage this new feature for their kids in their settings screen.
• We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• You can now see when your contacts are online—and when they’re typing a message to you! Parents can manage this new feature for their kids in their settings screen.
• We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• You can now see when your contacts are online—and when they’re typing a message to you! Parents can manage this new feature for their kids in their settings screen.
• We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
A few things just got better:
• We added message reactions for kids. When they press and hold a message, kids can now add a reaction—quick and easy!
• We made some improvements and fixed some bugs to make Kinzoo even better for you.
• We added a few new features that make it easier to connect and share with your loved ones!

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ダウンロード Kinzoo: Fun All-Ages Messenger MOD APK 9.2.0-Google-release66818

ダウンロード MOD APK