nzb360 - Sonarr / Radarr / SAB Mod Apk

nzb360 - Sonarr / Radarr / SAB ハック - Mod Apk 20.1

開発者: Kevin Foreman
カテゴリー: ツール
価格: 無料です


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nzb360 は、すべての usenet および torrent のニーズを制御するために可能な限り最高のエクスペリエンスを提供することに重点を置いた、フル機能の NZB / torrent マネージャーです。

•  SABnzbd
• ニュージーランドゲット
• 大洪水
• 伝染 ; 感染
•  μトレント
•  qビットトレント
•  rトレント/ルトレント
• ソナー
• レーダー
• ライダー
• リーダー
• バザール
• プロウラー
• タウトゥリ
• 監督者
• シックビアード / シックレイジ
• カウチポテト
• ヘッドフォン
• 無制限の Newznab インデクサー
• ジャケット

nzb360 は、ローカル/リモート アドレス、SSL/TLS、HTTP 認証、URL 書き換え、リバース プロキシなどを含むあらゆる種類の接続もサポートします。

ご質問がある場合、サポートが必要な場合、素晴らしい機能のアイデアがある場合、または単に挨拶したい場合は、組み込みのフィードバック メカニズムを使用して連絡して、nzb360 を長期的に継続的に改善することができます。

nzb360を楽しんでいただければ幸いです。 =)


- You can now change the Root Folder and/or edit the path of movies, shows, artists, and authors within each of the *arrs!
- Quick Buttons Card added to Dashboard 2!
- Disk Space card in Dashboard 2 now allows you to choose if you prefer to show disk labels or not.
- List items in Dashboard 2's Universal Calendar now display which episodes are the start of a New Season.
- and much, much more!
- You can now change the theme of the "Section Divider" card in Dashboard 2 to a full width divider without text.
- Performance improvements and additional smoothness added in Dashboard 2.
- Fixed issue with calendar not filtering items correctly based on your settings in Dashboard 2.
- Fixed issue with Upcoming Movies card showing old movies in Dashboard 2.
- Fixed issue with the "Today" button in Dashboard 2's calendar getting cut off on skinny devices.
- Stability improvements.
- Black Friday sale! PRO is 30% OFF for the next 48 hours!
- When adding a movie that is unmonitored to Radarr, pressing "Add + Search" will now take you directly to the movie in Radarr and force a manual search.
- You can now choose to show unmonitored movies within Radarr's missing tab.
- Added a "Select all" option within each of the *arrs manual import list.
- Fixed issue with posters not loading sometimes using the "Poster" layout in Sonarr.
- and much, much more!
- Additional improvements to Notifications.
- Major updates of various libraries.
- Fixed issue where executing a manual season search in Sonarr would search the wrong season.
- Additional fixes with notifications to fix loading the wrong movie/show when pressed.
- Fixed issue where refreshing the watch history of a specific user in Tautulli would revert to showing all history.
- Stability improvements.
- You can now view episode overviews in Sonarr by tapping on the ( i ) icon in the expansion menu.
- Dashboard Search items will now indicate whether or not you have that item in your Radarr/Sonarr libraries.
- Expanding a Sonarr episode release will now show the full path in the title.
- Added several performance optimizations throughout app.
- Fixed issue where PRO license wouldn't be recognized in some cases while trying to upload content to downloaders from intents.
- and much, much more!
- Added back, forward, and refresh buttons to the custom webview in Prowlarr. Also note, the Android back button also works as a back button.
- Dashboard -> TV Show's Popular and Trending New Show sections will now actually respect the country code setting in Dashboard settings, instead of using your device's region as the default.
- Fixed issue where notifications for items in SABnzbd, NZBget, and Torrents wouldn't send a complete notification.
- Stability improvements.
- You can now choose your region in Dashboard Settings, which the "Streaming On + Buy/Rent On" will use to personalize the results.
- Pressing on the Season header Search button in Sonarr now shows an updated menu, and makes it more explicit that you're doing a Season-level search.
- Fixed additional issues with Sonarr v4, such as Media Info not loading and Sonarr's Upcoming Widget not loading correctly.
- and much much more!
- Fixed issue where the expansion arrow in a Sonarr episode item would be in the wrong state after collapse.
-Stability improvements.
- Bottom sheet views will now tint the navigation bar correctly.
- Pressing the back button when the manual search bottom sheet in Sonarr/Radarr is expanded will now collapse the bottom sheet.
- Improved reliability of Sonarr activity queue updating.
- Fixed issue where changing season monitoring status or using season cleanup would result in a random Season number of 10000 getting added to the series.
- Fixed issue where the order of the season list would invert after a season cleanup.
+ more!
- Dashboard Popular Now titles will now indicate if they're in your Radarr/Sonarr libraries.
- New bottom sheet add flows will now allow you to view the item you just added.
- Fixed issue where popup menu in Radarr/Sonarr Add views would draw in odd places.
- Stability improvements.
- You can now force start queued items in ruTorrent using the 3-dot option menu on an item.
- Improved handling of timeouts for larger Sonarr libraries.
- Fixed issue where viewing torrent details would load the wrong torrent if not viewed from the ALL tab.
- Fixed issue where performing the expansion actions sometimes could apply to the wrong torrent.
- Fixed issue where ignoring a movie in Radarr's Discover Movie feature wouldn't work in some cases.
- and more!
- After successfully completing an action on an expanded item in SABnzbd, NZBget, or Torrents, the item will now auto-collapse.
- Fixed issue where the Dashboard Calendar would take up the entire screen on foldable devices and some tablets.
- Fixed issue where you couldn't sometimes expand an item in other tabs in Torrents.
- Fixed issue where the expanded text in the new item expansion UI would get cut off.
- Fixed issue where pressing "Search movie" in Radarr's context menu didn't do anything.
- Sonarr's show view will now update automatically if you make changes in a show's season detail view.
- Fixed an issue where Radarr wouldn't use the new IMDb ratings integration in some instances.
- Fixed an issue where Radarr wouldn't connect in some cases, even if the connection test suggested it did.
- Fixed issue where Lidarr wouldn't save the Smart Filter (eye icon) state.
- Fixed issue where adding an artist in Lidarr wouldn't set the selected quality profile.
- and more!
- Radarr movie rating has been changed to use IMDb.
- You can now manually re-search for Bazarr subtitles even if existing subtitles are already found.
- Subtitle release name is now shown in the manual subtitle release view in Bazarr.
- Ratings in cast view will now round to only 1 decimal.
- Pressing "Refresh and Scan" in Sonarr's Show Detail View will now immediately refresh the show information.
- Cast last names will no longer get truncated from the cast view in some instances.
- Cast/Crew native bottom sheet will now show the role the actor played in each movie/show.
- Indexer names will now be truncated to make room for seeder/leecher info in release lists.
- Custom formats with a score of "0" will now hide the score in Radarr release lists.
- Notification menu options in Sonarr will no longer show if notification service is disabled.
- Fixed issue with Lidarr art not loading with the latest Lidarr release.
- Fixed issue with Lidarr history list sorting.
- and more!
- You can now tap and hold on a Sonarr's season item to bring up the 3-dot menu in the new Sonarr Show Detail View.
- Fixed filename not showing up in Radarr's downloaded file button.
- Fixed issue where the next episode info would never finish "loading" on some shows.
- Fanart in Sonarr list items will no longer show the wrong fanart if the item itself has no fanart.
- Stability improvements.
- and much, much more!

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