In this updated we’ve improved our performance, added a support chat to help you even faster and fixed a bug where the date picker returned a wrong time. Also the planned time is now visible on goals in trips.
We’ve got some exciting new updates for you! Images are back on the map! And you can now add custom places by coordinates, move tasks between goals, view uploaded media in Settings and like posts of your friends in the ‘My Friends’ tab. Any other ideas or feedback? Let us know via
[email protected]11.1.0
Get ready for 2025! Create your new life goals and plan new trip with our brand new update: our all-in-one bucket list to track places around the world and achieve your next dreams. In this update we combined the map and list in one place to get a better overview.
Get ready for 2025! Create your new life goals and plan new trip with our brand new update: our all-in-one bucket list to track places around the world and achieve your next dreams. In this update we combined the map and list in one place to get a better overview.
Get ready for a brand new update! We’ve improved our app in many ways, making it even more simpler, faster and intuitive to set and achieve your goals. It’s now easier to create items and invite people. We’ve also updated our design with new fonts and brand new icons and a new tour page if you’re stuck!
We've fixed some reported bugs. Stay tuned for exciting new features on our next update!
View your friends activity and managing invites can now be found on the Friends page on the top of your bucket list. You can now also claim your own username in Settings and share your bucket list! We’ve also updated the design of the Account and Profile pages and improved the social sign-in connection.
Claim your own username now in Settings and share your bucket list with your friends! On goals you can now set if you bought tickets. And we’ve also improved our caching for better overall speed.
We’ve extended the information for countries on the map and added personal insights for cities and regions. On your bucket list you can now invite people to manage your whole account and you'll see the number of days left for your next planned trip. And on settings you can now set light or dark mode manually. Also we’ve fixed some bugs and made small improvements.
Goals, list and trips from others can now be easily copied to your own bucket list. Just go to ‘Explore’ and click the copy button! Also we’ve fixed two issues by adding and moving goals with a trip and made small improvements.
Reservations and activities have been merged into goals to make it more easier to organise. We also made small improvements to the tablet design and fixed some bugs.
We’ve added the ability to slide horizontally on goals to show quick actions. On lists and trips we added a toggle to lock the list so you don’t accidentally move goals around. And we also improved our help page with new questions and fixed some small bugs.
We’ve added the ability to slide horizontally on goals to show quick actions. On lists and trips we added a toggle to lock the list so you don’t accidentally move goals around. And we also improved our help page with new questions and fixed some small bugs.
Portrait mode is now available on tablets and we’ve moved the Calendar to Inbox. Also we made performance improvements and fixed some small bugs.
We’ve updated our Premium package with the ability to add videos. On Trips you can now edit the date and time from the list itself. Also we made several improvements and fixed some bugs.
We've improved the performance of lists and added a few design updates.
Bugfixes & Improvements