Justnote - Note Taking App Mod Apk

Justnote - Note Taking App ハック - Mod Apk 0.30.0

開発者: STX Apps Company Limited
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: 無料です


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プライバシーを重視したメモアプリ。 Justnote では、いつでもどのデバイスでも簡単にメモを取ることができます。 Stacks テクノロジーを活用しているため、保存したメモはすべて暗号化されており、メモを復号して中身を確認できるのはあなただけです。

Justnote はシンプルなメモアプリですが、十分強力です。当社の WYSIWYG リッチ テキスト エディターには、太字、下線、フォントの色、背景色のような機能があります。簡単かつ迅速にメモをとることができます。 Justnote は、To Do リスト、リマインダー、買い物リスト、メモ、考えなどを簡単にメモできるアプリです。Justnote は Web、iOS、Android で利用できます。 Justnote はどのデバイスでも使用できます。すべてのメモはデバイス間で自動的に同期されます。

Stacks の Web3 テクノロジーを活用:
• アカウントは暗号化されて生成されます。秘密鍵を持っているあなただけがそれを制御できます。アカウントにアクセスして変更するには秘密キーが必要であるため、アカウントをロックしたり、禁止したり、削除したりすることは誰にもできません。
• すべてが暗号化されます。秘密キーを持っているあなただけが、内部のコンテンツを見ることができます。データ内のコンテンツは誰も見ることができないため、ターゲットを絞った広告の作成に使用することはできません。データが盗まれた場合でも、情報が漏洩することはありません。
• データは選択したデータ サーバーに保存されます。秘密キーを持っているあなただけがそれを変更できます。独自のデータ サーバーをホストしたり、任意のデータ サーバー プロバイダーを選択したりできるため、データを管理し、権限を直接設定できます。

Stacks の Web3 テクノロジーを活用した Justnote を使用して、一度に 1 ノートずつアカウントとデータの制御を取り戻し、プライバシーが侵害されることを防ぎます。それだけでなく、Justnote は悪ではありません。 Justnoteはありえない。

Justnote は、私たちをサポートし、すべての追加機能のロックを解除するための、トリックなしのシンプルなサブスクリプション プランを 1 つ提供しています。
✓ タグ
✓ リストとメモをロッ​​ク
✓ フォントサイズの拡大
✓ 暗い外観
✓ カスタム日付形式
✓ 月ごとのセクション
✓ 上部にピン留めする



利用規約: https://justnote.cc/#terms
サポート: https://justnote.cc/#support


We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've polished things here and there to make our app better. We're pretty happy with how it turned out!

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've upgraded our text editor - CKEditor - to the latest version.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've improved editor reloading after the app is back to active.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added a new extra feature: lock lists & notes. Please purchase a subscription to support us and unlock all extra features.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've fixed a scrolling issue when the keyboard appears. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've polished a few things here and there.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added a clean-up sync logs feature. Sync time will be faster after cleaning them.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added import and export features. Now you can import and export all your data anytime on your device.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've updated the Stacks API to the latest version.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've polished a few things here and there.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've fixed a crash when there is a version conflict on a large screen. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added two new features: insert a link and highlight searched words. Update now for the latest experience!

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added three new feature: custom date format, section by month, and more font sizes. Please purchase a subscription to support us and unlock these extra features.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added two new features: export as PDF and share. You can now export your notes as PDF files or share them with other apps.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support.
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've improved modal dialogs and alerts. We've also fixed unable to enter a new line on Gboard.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support.
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added a new feature: dark appearance. You can purchase a subscription to support us and unlock this extra feature.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support.
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've fixed jumpy keyboard and improved Settings popup. Now text can be styled smoothly while typing and Settings popup's sidebar can be opened easily by swiping right.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support
We always make improvements and fix bugs so Justnote is even better for you. In this release, we've added a new feature: pin to the top. You can purchase a subscription to support us and unlock this extra feature.

If you need help or find a bug, please let us know at https://justnote.cc/#support

ハッキング方法 Justnote - Note Taking App

ダウンロード Justnote - Note Taking App MOD APK 0.30.0

ダウンロード MOD APK
