Just Eat - Food Delivery Mod Apk

Just Eat - Food Delivery ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: Just-Eat Holding Limited
カテゴリー: フード&ドリンク
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Just Eat - Food Delivery mod apkGame screenshot Just Eat - Food Delivery hackGame screenshot Just Eat - Food Delivery apk download


ご自宅やオフィスに手間のかからない食品をお届けします。無料の Just Eat アプリをダウンロードして、地元の配達および集荷のレストランやテイクアウトから注文してください。インド料理からイタリア料理、ハンバーガーからブリトーまで、Just Eat で好みの味を見つけてください。

紙のテイクアウト メニューを求めて散らかった引き出しを探すのは過去のことであり、ビデオ レンタル店やたまごっちは面倒な電話注文に取って代わられました。 Android スマートフォンやタブレットで、できたてのおいしい食事を簡単に注文できます。

• 世界中のさまざまな料理から選択し、何万ものメニューを探索します。ピザからパッタイ、ヘルシーからボリュームたっぷり、フィッシュ アンド チップスからファラフェル、ステーキからサラダまで、あらゆる気分に合わせた料理をご用意しています。

• 掘り出し物に飢えていますか?検索結果をパーソナライズして、おいしい割引や特別な節約オファーを見つけてください。

• 郵便番号またはデバイスの位置情報サービスを使用して、近くの地元のレストランやテイクアウトを見つけ、地図上で確認します。食べ物を自分で取りに行く場合は、便利な道順も教えてくれます。

• 注文は迅速かつ簡単です。忙しいレストランにつぶやく電話はもうありません。

• あなたの指先でローカル メニューの負荷。古いテイクアウト メニューの引き出しを片付けて、ビスケットを隠すなど、より有効に活用しましょう。

• 何百万ものお客様のレストラン レビューと明確な星評価のおかげで、安心して注文できます。

• 欲しいものを簡単に検索できます。レストラン名、レビュー スコア、星評価、距離、特別オファー、距離、料理の種類で検索、一覧表示、フィルター処理します。

• 代金引換または代金引換でお支払いいただくか、デビット カードとクレジット カードで安全かつ確実にお支払いください。

• レストランが注文を受けてから配達ドライバーがドアベルを鳴らすまで、食事の進行状況を追跡します。

• あなたの経験を他の Just Eat のお客様と共有してください。数回タップするだけで、食事とレストランのサービスを確認できます。

• 既存の Just Eat アカウントでログインするか、数秒で新しいアカウントを作成します。

• 注文履歴からお気に入りをすぐに再注文できます。カードの詳細を保存することもでき、面倒なフォームが無限に続くのを避けることができます。

このアプリをダウンロードして使用することにより、利用規約とプライバシー ポリシー (www.just-eat.co.uk/privacy-policy) および Cookie ポリシー (www.just-eat.co.uk/cookiespolicy) にも同意したことになります。 )。

注: このアプリは、英国でのみ正常に動作します。あなたがこの笏島にいない場合は、次にキングを訪れ、伝統的な英国のテイクアウトを楽しむときに試してみてください.大きなタラとチップスがあります、ありがとう。

All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.
All delivery orders are now contact-free. You can leave a note with any special delivery instructions for the restaurant at the checkout.

We’ve added a handful of behind-the-scenes improvements to your app this month. And, like sweet BBQ sauce on your chicken wings, they'll simply make it better.

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