- New game mode! - online BATTLE
- One-time payment option to remove interstitial ads.
- Battery life and performance improvements.
- Interstitial ads removed forever for former subscribers of CryptoPlus. This will not apply to new subscriptions.
- New game mode! - online BATTLE
- Players who have CryptoPlus will no longer see interstitial ads even if the subscription expires.
- Revamped the tutorial to provide a more comprehensive introduction to the game, helping new players understand the mechanics and gameplay faster.
- Performance improvements.
- New game mode! - online BATTLE
- Revamped the tutorial to provide a more comprehensive introduction to the game, helping new players understand the mechanics and gameplay faster.
- CryptoPlus added to the shop!
- Less disruptive ads.
- Hints are now available even when all letters are filled.
- Memory optimization and performance improvements.
- Better displayed hints.
- Fixed disappearing view buttons.