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私たちは、過去 25 年間に何十万ものインド人の結婚の仲人としての役割を果たしてきたことを誇りに思っています。

革新とフィードバックは、人々が完璧な人生のパートナーを見つけるためのアプリ サービスを強化してきました。これにより、当社はインドで最も信頼できるマッチメイキングおよび結婚アプリになることができました。


💑Jevansathi マッチングアプリはどのように機能しますか?

当社の shaadi アルゴリズムは、ユーザーの好みを使用して見込み客とマッチングします。当社のユーザーフレンドリーなアプリを使用すると、ナビゲートが簡単になり、完璧な一致を見つけることができます。毎日何千もの新しいプロフィールが追加されるため、常に新しい人を見つけることができます。

🤝なぜ Jeevansathi が最高の結婚アプリなのか?

• コミュニティ全体でより関連性の高いプロフィール
• 関連するプロファイルを簡単に最終候補に挙げることができます
• 20 以上のフィルターにより、探している人が見つかります


⬇️Jeevansathi アプリをダウンロードする理由 – 以下の機能を備えた唯一の結婚アプリです。

• 無料チャット機能: 無料で登録してチャットできます。候補者リストを作成し、他の結婚ユーザーと交流しましょう。何を共有するかをコントロールします。

• 音声およびビデオ通話: 詳細を共有せずにメンバーに電話をかけます。

• 無料の Kundli マッチング: 詳細なグナ マッチング、マングリク ドーシャ分析など。

• チャットとハングアウト: 同様のコミュニティを持つ人々が集まるオンライン マッチメイキング イベントに参加します。

• 認証: ユーザーの 60% 以上が公式政府機関を通じて認証されています。書類。


私たちは、コミュニティや場所を越えて人々を支援してきたことに誇りを持っています。ヒンディー語、グジャラート語、マラーティー語、またはパンジャブ語のコミュニティ - 私たちはあなたのために幅広い見込み客を用意しています。ベンガル語とテルグ語を話すコミュニティ向けの結婚プロフィールも豊富に取り揃えています。


当社のマッチング アプリを使用して、宗教上の好みに基づいて好みの新郎/新婦を見つけてください。あなたがイスラム教徒、ヒンズー教徒、シーク教徒、キリスト教徒、ジャイナ教徒、または仏教徒を探している場合でも、私たちはあなたのシャーディや結婚生活をサポートします。

Aggarwal、Vankar、Brahmin、Jat、Kayastha、Khatri、Kshatriya、Maratha、Rajput、Sindhi、Saini、Teli、Sunni、Arora、Shwetamber、Mali、Yadava、Bania、Mahishya、Kulin などの主要なコミュニティからの最高のマッチング プロフィールを用意しています。 。グプタ、ナイル、レディ、ヴァイシュナフ、パテル、リンガヤット、カンマ、アイヤー、カプ、エジャヴァ、ゴウド、ナダール、ムディラージ、ヴァイディキ、ゴーダ、ガウンダー、アイアンガー、ヴァンニヤールなどの結婚プロフィールがあります。デリー、ムンバイ、コルカタ、チェンナイ、アーメダバード、チャンディーガル、ケーララ、その他インド全土の都市から何千ものマッチングプロフィールを見つけてください。


当社の結婚アプリ サービスは、カプ ナイドゥ、モタティ、チョーダリー、レディヤール、ヴァニヤ ナール、ナンビア、レヴァパテル、カドヴァパテル、ノランバ、ヴァニ、ティイヤ、ヴォカリガ、モラス、ラソール、ロディ ラージプート、コリ、ピライ、タンダン、テラガなどのサブ カーストからのマッチングを提供します。 、バリハなど。

📢プレミアムな結婚アプリ サービスを入手して先を進みましょう:

当社の専任仲人チームと協力して前進しましょう。プレミアムを利用すると、結婚プロフィールの連絡先、リレーションシップ マネージャーなど、当社のマッチメイキング アプリでのみ利用できる機能が利用できます。

✅ Jeevansathi 結婚アプリを始めるのは簡単です:

• 数分でマッチメイキングプロフィールを設定
• 好みに応じて毎日のマッチアラートを取得
• 高度なフィルターを使用して結婚相手の検索を絞り込む
• 関心のあることと受信した承諾に関する即時通知

🌎インド国外での結婚 (シャーディ):


shaadi サービス用のマッチング アプリを気に入っていただけましたか? 5 つ星を評価してお知らせください。


Cupid’s been working overtime and so were our engineers! Here’s what’s new in this update:
Bug Fixes – Some pesky little digital bugs were interfering with your matchmaking. We fixed them for good!
Performance Enhancements – Your app now works faster than your aunt setting up a “rishta” after one good photo.
Algorithm Enhancements – We gave our matchmaking engine a little extra love so you can find yours.
Update now and let destiny (and some solid backend code) do its magic!
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
- At Jeevansathi we understand the wonders a great profile can do to your chances of finding a match. Check out what’s remaining on your profile and fill them soon.
- We know how hard it is to find your second partner, and we are all for help. Now you can enter your children’s details in the profile and find your one.
- General bug updates and fixes
At Jeevansathi , we strive to provide a superior experience to all users and for that it helps creating a fantastic profile. Take a look at our new chatbot to fill your profile details while having real-time conversations

We have also added new educational degrees to choose from while your create your profile, choose from plenty of available options

Bug fixes and performance improvements
At Jeevansathi , we strive to provide a superior experience to all users and for that it helps creating a fantastic profile. Take a look at our new chatbot to fill your profile details while having real-time conversations

We have also added new educational degrees to choose from while your create your profile, choose from plenty of available options

Bug fixes and performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner. 
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- At Jeevansathi we know user safety is paramount. Explore our Safety Centre to get the best out of your search of a life partner.
- To make sure that everyone has a great experience on the platform, we've come up with stricter verification rules via selfie verification.
- Bug Fixes and Performance improvements
- We have completely changed the way recommendations work. Now access all matches, as per your preferences, in a single place. See only new profiles on top all the time. Also, get quick access to filters to customize your matches.
- Introducing Spotlight. Reach 5x more matches by being shown on top of Matches for 24 hours.
- Introducing our new Pro Lite & Pro membership plans. View more matches daily, get access to advanced search, contact views, spotlights, and more.
- We have completely changed the way recommendations work. Now access all matches, as per your preferences, in a single place. See only new profiles on top all the time. Also, get quick access to filters to customize your matches.
- Introducing Spotlight. Reach 5x more matches by being shown on top of Matches for 24 hours.
- Introducing our new Pro Lite & Pro membership plans. View more matches daily, get access to advanced search, contact views, spotlights, and more.
•Bug fixes and improvements

ハッキング方法® Matrimony App

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