- Added Importing external portfolios (via MF Central CAS).
- BSE Order history - Added action to fetch Real time order status
- New Investment NSE - Added option to Choose Folio bank
- Enhanced Security Measures
- Goal Planner - Edit / Delete Goals
- Capital Gain Unrealized - As per New Income tax rules
- Changed NSE Add Bank to Manage Banks and improved it's functionality
- Fixed NSE, BSE, MFU Order placing issues
- Fixed One-Day Change in Shares/Bonds.
- Fixed Crashes
- Capital Gain Report for FY 2024-25
- Added Nominee & Guardian relation in onboarding
- Added Mobile & Email Relationship in onboarding
- Added Video/Image Permission as per Google
- Fixed Order Purchase Confirmation issue
- Fixed Calculator Issues
- Fixed Wrong UMRN Issue
- Updated MFU onboarding as per New Norms
- Updated MFU Mandate Auth Process
- Fixed logout & Crashes issue
- Added Nominee & Guardian relation in onboarding
- Added Mobile & Email Relationship in onboarding
- Fixed logout issue
- Fixed Crashes
- Other Generate Update
- General Update
- New Features
- Crash Resolved