Hey there, money makers!
Dive into the latest Pawns.app upgrade where earning cash just got slicker!
Your thoughts are our treasure—drop us a line at
[email protected]
Big thanks for the love in reviews, they bring smiles to our team! If our app sparks joy, spread the word and let's all prosper together! :) Here's to more happy earnings!
🔥 新機能 - Pawns Streak! 💸
稼ぐ: アンケートに答えたりゲームをプレイして、自分のストリークを作りましょう。
より多く稼ぐチャンスを解放: ストリークが長くなるほど、収入が増加します。
進捗を追跡: 自己記録を更新し、スキルを向上させましょう。
自分に挑戦: より高いレベルに到達し、さらなる報酬を獲得しましょう。
🚀 今すぐストリークを始めて、さらに稼ぎましょう!⚡
Hey there, money makers!
Dive into the latest Pawns.app upgrade where earning cash just got slicker!
Your thoughts are our treasure—drop us a line at
[email protected]
Big thanks for the love in reviews, they bring smiles to our team! If our app sparks joy, spread the word and let's all prosper together! :) Here's to more happy earnings!
🛠️ 修正点: ランダムな通知、ロックされたアンケート、混乱する小数点が解決されました!
🚀 機能強化: 報酬が上部に表示され、Poke Boostが登場!
🎯 アップグレード: スムーズなクエスト、リファラルの最適化、そしてエキサイティングな支払い!
Money November Round Two is ON for the Pawns.app Money Makers! It's a chance to earn double rewards on games, score an extra $10 from surveys, and more!
Improvements & Fixes:
• Improved Money November features
• Smoother app experience with bug fixes
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance improvements.
Update Pawns.app?
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance improvements and a huge new feature:
All new Pawns.app users will receive an invitation to join the Boost Bonanza program, which will help you get started faster and earn more.
Update the app and play with us!
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance improvements.