- New create Discussion and Announcement screens are implemented.
- Inbox improvements.
- Add ‘Cancel’ button on ‘Ask Your Instructor a Question’ dialog.
- Now reminders can be set for calendar events and todos.
- Accessibility improvements.
- New app icon to support Themed Icons.
- Better new quizzes integration
- Added support for point based grading schemes.
- Reminders can be set for assignments without due date.
- Disabled tabs are now not available via links
- Local PDF annotations are now remain available after logout.
- Fixed a bug where submissions failed sometimes for consortia users.
- Fixed a bug where calendar events could be saved with a blank title.
- Added support for Discussion Checkpoints in Calendar.
- Improved course file authentication.
- Mastery LTI tool is now in the side menu.
- Hidden New Quizzes are now not displayed in the Grades list.
- Fixed a bug, where discussion mention alerts couldn't be opened.
- Fixed a bug in the inbox.
- Fixed an issue where embedded video urls would not open.
- Handle 0 value in assignment reminder custom dialog.
- Added letter grade conversion when quantitative data is restricted.
- Accessibility improvements.
- Added support for restricted view of quantitative data
- Design changes on view PDF screen
- Fixed a bug where some courses would not show on the Dashboard
- Fixed a bug where K5 students did not have access to grades when hidden from course navigation
- Dashboard upload notification improvements
- Dashboard edit groups improvement
- Added score graph to the grade cell on assignment details screen
- Fixed a crash on the submission details screen
- Fixed a bug where some submission comments were not visible
- Fixed a bug where users could not add widgets to the home screen
- Fixed video playback from files
- Fixed bookmarking of announcements and discussions
- Inbox redesign
- Added swipe actions and bulk actions to Inbox
- Assignment details redesign
- Submission details comments are submission specific if feature flag is enabled
- Improved file upload notifications
- Added proper failed screen and retry logic for share extension
- Fixed a bug where 'must view' module items were marked as viewed incorrectly
- Fixed what-if score calculation
- Login screen redesign.
- Fixed a bug where pages with global CSS don't load F
- Fixed a bug where restricted PDFs didn't open
- Fixed discussion replies in dark mode
- Fixed a bug where pages with global CSS don't load
- Added a button to switch between dark/light themes in html content.
- Added acceptable use policy screen on login.
- Added option to add the user's Canvas calendar to Google Calendar.
- Added filtering option for user calendar.
- Added the option to filter assignments on the Assignment List.
- Added notifications count badge.
- Improved login flow by remembering the last used institution.
- Fixed dark mode accessibility issues regarding brand and course colors.
- Fixed a bug where on paper and no submission assignments would show as missing in grades.
- Added the option to select multiple files from the file browser for uploading.
- Updated the Share Extension workflow.
- Added support for sharing multiple files to the app.
- Added banner image to the Elementary Course Details screen.
- Added email notification preferences to the settings.
- Added option to add alt text to images when editing or creating content.
- Fixed a crash when opening rotated image submissions.
- Added option to switch between grid view and list view on the dashboard.
- Added document scanning option for file submission.
- Added a button to open anonymous discussions in a browser.
- Fixed a bug where future courses would not show up on the Dashboard.
- Fixed a bug where the elementary subject page would open instead of the course page.
- Fixed a bug where the screen background was transparent in some cases.