Sensa Mod Apk

Sensa ハック - Mod Apk 1.24.0

開発者: Innodiets UAB
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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今日のペースの速い世界では、ストレス、不安、その他の精神的健康状態が多くの人にとって共通の課題となっています。緊張を和らげてバランスを取り戻すために、Sensa はメンタルヘルスの目標に取り組む間、完全なサポートを提供します。

メンタルヘルスの旅に乗り出す際に、Sensa の完全なサポートを体験してください。

自分のニーズに基づいてさまざまなプランを検討し、認知行動療法 (CBT) に基づいたテクニックやツールを発見し、自分自身をより深く理解し、科学に裏付けられた方法を使用して自分なりの方法で改善していきます。







一貫したルーチンと永続的な習慣を作成することで、身体的、感情的、精神的健康を別のレベルに引き上げます。スケジュールを作成し、リマインダーを設定し、メンタルヘルス アプリを機能させます。


DASS-21 評価を使用して、メンタルヘルス アプリで健康状態に関するデータを直接取得します。不安、ストレス、憂鬱の感情を毎週測定し、進捗状況を確認し、新しいメンタルヘルスの目標を設定します。



Sensa は、30.99 ドルから始まるいくつかのサブスクリプション オプションを提供するサブスクリプション ベースのアプリです。

更新の 48 時間前にキャンセルしない限り、サブスクリプションは自動的に更新されます。サブスクリプションをキャンセルするには、アプリで個人アカウントにログインするか、サブスクリプション管理ページに移動するか、Web サイトから Sensa サブスクリプション管理ページにログインするか、[email protected] 経由でカスタマー サポート チームに連絡します。サブスクリプションが App Store または Google Play を通じて購入された場合、Apple または Google アカウントを通じてのみキャンセルできます。アプリケーションを削除しても、サブスクリプションは自動的にキャンセルされません。

免責事項:個人差により結果が異なる場合があります。さらに、Sensa のような精神的セルフヘルプ アプリは、治療の代替品や治療の一形態ではなく、精神疾患を含む病状の治療、治療、診断を目的としたものでもありません。治療計画については資格のある医療提供者にご相談ください。


Hey there. We’re introducing Sensa v1.24.0. Here’s what’s new this week:

- User Interface and User Experience improvements.
- Custom Mood Entries are now possible in Sensa.
- As always, general performance tweaks and minor bug fixes.
Hello! We're excited to introduce Sensa v1.18.2. Here's what's new:
- Improved analytics to refine your experience with the app.
- Bug fixes and general improvements.
- Some behind-the-scenes work – stay tuned for exciting new developments.
Thanks for choosing Sensa! As always, feel free to give us your feedback – it helps us improve the app with each update.
Have a good day!
Hello, Sensa users! Here's what's new in version 1.14.2:
- Creating an account and editing your information is more flexible now
- We've done some background work to enhance your experience
- General bug fixes and improvements
Enjoy the update, and feel free to share your feedback with us!
Hello Sensa users! We’re thrilled to bring you version 1.13.0:
What’s New:
- Aligned Android UI: We’ve made the Android interface more intuitive and user-friendly.
- Spanish Language Support for Breathing Exercise: ¡Hola! You can now follow our breathing exercises in Spanish.
- Mood and Emotion Check-In After Meditations: Reflect on your emotional state with our new check-in feature after each meditation session.
- General improvements and bug fixes
What’s new in Sensa 1.12.0?
- Updates and improvements to breathing exercise activities
- Meditation notifications have been introduced
- Plus, various improvements & bug fixes for a smoother experience.
Update now to enjoy these improvements.
Hey! Sensa v1.11.0 is here!
What’s new in this version?
- Mood Factors: Understand what influences your moods better.
- Mood Animations: Visualize your feelings in vibrant motion.
- Plus, various improvements & bug fixes for a smoother experience.
Update now to enjoy the enhancements.
What’s New in Sensa v1.8.0:
- Personalized Onboarding: You can now customize procrastination activities to your preferences.
- Mood Calendar Updates: Based on your feedback, we’ve fixed the timezone issue affecting the Mood Calendar.
- Under-the-Hood Improvements: We’ve also made minor updates for a smoother user experience and improved app performance.

Remember to share your thoughts by leaving us a review; we love hearing from you!
Small updates:
- We’ve redesigned the Mood tracker, which now gives you the possibility to edit and delete records
- Added sounds for time-critical notifications
BIG news:
- Feeling a certain way? Mood Tracker is now able to track emotions and feelings! Discover the new ways to log your mood today.
What’s new in Sensa v1.6.2?
- We’re introducing a brand new Activities flow for an enhanced user experience.
- You can now manage notifications within the app for better control and customization.
- Includes various bug fixes and improvements to enhance overall app performance.
We hope you enjoy using Sensa. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
What’s New in Sensa v1.5.0
- Enhanced Onboarding: A more user-friendly walkthrough to kickstart your journey.
- Change Plan & Analytics: Make informed decisions with a detailed overview of your plans and their progress.
- Modals Update: Improved content in our modals to enrich your experience.
As always, minor bug fixes and improvements are included. Enjoy the latest Sensa updates!
Sensa v1.4.0 is here.
So, what’s new in this version?

- Activities UX/UI improvements – we’ve improved the way activities are displayed and how you interact with them.
- Breathing redesign – the quick-relief Deep Breathing exercise has been redesigned from the ground up – we think you’ll love the changes!
- Some background work has gone into the onboarding; you’ll see the changes reflected in-app in a future release.
- That’s all for this release – have a wonderful day.
Here's what's new in this version:
- Integrated native app review modal;
- We have completely redesigned the onboarding experience to make it more intuitive and user-friendly;
- Small UI updates on assessments flow, activities screen and checkout screen;
- We have removed the popups that used to appear after mood tracking to streamline the process and save you time;
- Updated create account flow;
- Bug fixes and performance enhancements
Thanks for using Sensa – have a great day.
- Redesign of Quick Relief Exercises
- Design review – we’ve tidied up to make sure everything is pixel perfect
- Fixed some errors and bugs
- Events added after completion of exercises
Stay tuned for what will come next.
Nothing fancy this week, we’ve fixed some bugs and made some quality of life improvements.
Have a great day!
What’s new this week?
- Performance enhancements
- Many bug fixes – your app should now be smoother than ever
- Small PT language fix
- Notifications are back and running – thank you for your patience while we
resolved this
- Moof Journal – No more character limitation! Feel free to journal til your
hearts’ content

That’s all for now. Stay happy, and stay healthy.
What’s new this week?
- Message Center – an entirely new way for us to communicate to you, all in-app!
What’s new this week?
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
What’s new this week?
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
What’s new this week?
- We’ve made some UX/UI tweaks to make your app experience easier on the eye
That’s all for now – stay tuned for exciting changes coming in the near future!
What’s new in this version?
- We’ve added some new functionality to support upcoming app features
- We are continually updating the app design to keep things fresh
- Some back-end functionality has been improved
That’s all this release – stay happy and stay healthy.
What’s new in this version?
- Backend improvements
- Crash/minor bug fixes
- In-app purchases now work correctly
Overall performance enhancements
Stay happy, stay healthy!
How are you feeling today? We hope Sensa is helping your mood increase daily!

For this version:
- We’ve cleaned up some infrastructure issues
- Increased app performance
- And as usual, a few pesky bugs have been eliminated

Have a wonderful day – take care of yourself.
Hey, how are you feeling today?

If you haven’t logged your mood in Sensa yet, be sure to do it after updating the app

This week's changes:
- We’ve squashed some more bugs
- Added some more prompts to ensure clear information
- Resolved some back-end issues which will lead to a smoother in-app experience for you

That’s all for now. Be good to yourself!

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