iFAST SG Mod Apk

iFAST SG ハック - Mod Apk 1.1.42

開発者: iFAST Corporation Ltd
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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iFAST SG アプリは、いつでもどこでも投資資産を取引してアクセスする機能をアドバイザーとクライアントに提供する最高のウェルス マネジメント ソリューション アプリケーションです。
当社の一連の投資商品には、ユニット トラスト、上場投資信託、株式、債券、および iFAST 独自の裁量ポートフォリオ管理ソリューション (DPMS) ポートフォリオが含まれます。
- 資金を iFAST 自動スイープ アカウントにパークして、アイドル状態の資金でより高い利回りを獲得できる可能性があります
- デスクトップとモバイル間でトランザクション承認のシームレスな統合をお楽しみください
- 投資保有、利益と損失、および現金ソリューションの残高を監視および表示します
- あなたの指先で研究記事を取得
- 新発売!クライアントログインで株式取引を行い、お気に入りの株式をウォッチリストに追加します

2000 年に設立された iFAST Corp (株式コード: AIY) は、シンガポールの主要なウェルス マネジメント フィンテック プラットフォームであり、2014 年 12 月から SGX メインボードに上場しています。当グループは、アジアのファイナンシャル アドバイザリー (FA) 企業、銀行、金融機関、多国籍企業、個人および富裕層 (HNW) の投資家に包括的な投資商品とサービスを提供しています。


• Clients can opt for an ETF or Stock IPO using USD Auto-Sweep as the payment method

• For Accredited Investor Clients, you can now trade US-Treasuries (US-T) through Bondsupermart. This allows you to view the live prices for US-T before placing your trade. You can even queue the order at your preferred price from a reduced nominal amount of USD1,000.
• Clients can opt for an ETF or Stock IPO using USD Auto-Sweep as the payment method

• For Accredited Investor Clients, you can now trade US-Treasuries (US-T) through Bondsupermart. This allows you to view the live prices for US-T before placing your trade. You can even queue the order at your preferred price from a reduced nominal amount of USD1,000.
Fixes & performance improvements
• We have launched online Odd Lot trading for SGX. You can now trade any quantity less than one Board Lot.
• Advisers who are overseas are now also be able to receive their Login OTP via email. This is the third method we have introduces to receive your login OTP, other than the existing Digital Token and SMS OTP.
• We have launched online Odd Lot trading for SGX. You can now trade any quantity less than one Board Lot.
• Advisers who are overseas are now also be able to receive their Login OTP via email. This is the third method we have introduces to receive your login OTP, other than the existing Digital Token and SMS OTP.
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
[New] - Added function for Advisers to submit Forgot Password request.

Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance improvements
Fixes & performance enhancements
Fixes & performance improvements
We have updated the iFAST SG Mobile app with these new enhancements:
- View P&L since inception for your consolidated accounts
- Introducing our brand new CNH cash solutions - iFAST Auto-Sweep (CNH)
Kickstart 2023 with iFAST SG Mobile app with these new enhancements and updates!
- Refreshing new background to usher in the Lunar New Year
- Adviser can now create ETF trades with CPF/SRS payment mode
- Updated disclaimers for Best Execution Policy
Stay ahead in your wealth management game with iFAST SG Mobile App's newly launched features, including Adviser Trade creation and SingPass Account Opening with your designated financial adviser.

First in the industry, iFAST is equipping financial advisers with stronger and better capabilities, allowing them to create transactions on the go using the mobile app. Designed with both adviser and client in mind, iFAST is here to revolutionise your wealth management journey.
Stay ahead in your wealth management game with iFAST SG Mobile App's newly launched features, including Adviser Trade creation and SingPass Account Opening with your designated financial adviser.

First in the industry, iFAST is equipping financial advisers with stronger and better capabilities, allowing them to create transactions on the go using the mobile app. Designed with both adviser and client in mind, iFAST is here to revolutionise your wealth management journey.
Have you downloaded our brand new iFAST SG mobile app yet?

Check out our brand new, refreshed mobile app with a revamped user interface today. Made for both adviser and client, we have added new features such as user friendly investment product tools, allowing user to create your watchlist to monitor investments across products and providing users the access to research articles.

Stay tuned to the app for more exciting features coming your way!
Have you downloaded our brand new iFAST SG mobile app yet?

Check out our brand new, refreshed mobile app with a revamped user interface today. Made for both adviser and client, we have added new features such as user friendly investment product tools, allowing user to create your watchlist to monitor investments across products and providing users the access to research articles.

Stay tuned to the app for more exciting features coming your way!

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