HubbleClub By Hubble Connected Mod Apk

HubbleClub By Hubble Connected ハック - Mod Apk 1.01.18

開発者: Hubble Connected
カテゴリー: 出産&育児
価格: 無料です


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ハッブル コネクテッドは、愛する人の安全と健康に関する重要なアラートを監視、追跡し、通知を受け取ることができるアプリ、ハッブルクラブを提供します。

HubbleClub アプリを使用すると、当社のエコシステム内の新しいハッブル コネクテッド製品ラインに接続して携帯電話でストリーミングできるほか、小さな愛する人の健康に関する概要や洞察を定期的に確認することができます。音、動き、温度のアラートをリアルタイムでスマートフォンに直接受信します。

Hubble Connected を使用すると、次のような機能を使用して、外出先でも愛する人との接続を維持することもできます。

- 安全なライブストリーミング
- ライブフィード中のビデオ録画
- 双方向トーク
- 心地よい子守唄とオーディオブック
- 友人や家族との拡張カメラ共有
- モーションアクティベートビデオ録画
- 安全なクラウドビデオストレージ
- オンライン睡眠コンサルタント
- 成長と発達のトラッカー
- 搾乳時間、授乳時間、睡眠スケジュール、おむつの交換、全体的な成長と発達を追跡します。
- さらに、たくさんのプレミアムな育児本やビデオ コンテンツもお楽しみいただけます
- Soother オーディオ製品からの中断のないオーディオ ストリーミング


ハッブル コネクテッドの製品は、以下を含むさまざまなカテゴリーで認められ、受賞しています。

- Mom’s Choice Awards 2022 GOLD 受賞者
- Mother & Baby Awards UK 2023 GOLD 受賞者 – 最優秀ベビーモニター部門
- National Parenting Product Awards (NAPPA) 2023 受賞者
- どれの? Best Buy Awards 2023 ベビーモニター部門
- Women’s Health 2021 CES 受賞者
- 2021 CES の有線ベスト
- グッド ハウスキーピング エディターズ ピック 2021
- CE で両親が最優秀ファミリー テック賞を受賞
- IBT ベスト オブ CES 2021
- CES イノベーション アワード 2021 受賞者

Hubble Connected のアプリも上位リストにランクインしており、以下のカテゴリで常に紹介されています。

- ビデオ チャット カテゴリの総合トップ アプリ
- ビデオチャットカテゴリのトップアプリ
- ツールとユーティリティ カテゴリのライフスタイル アプリ


- ハッブルチームがつながりました

私たちのアプリが気に入っていただけましたら、Play ストアにレビューを残してください。その他のフィードバックについては、サポート チーム ([email protected]) までご連絡ください。


Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.
Connect to the new line of Hubble Connected Nursery products that allows you to watch over your little ones and stream video feed anytime and from anywhere. Review daily summaries, sleep insights about your little one's wellbeing.

ハッキング方法 HubbleClub By Hubble Connected

ダウンロード HubbleClub By Hubble Connected MOD APK 1.01.18

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