古代の神々: カードバトル RPG Mod Apk

古代の神々: カードバトル RPG ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: Hexpion
カテゴリー: カード, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot 古代の神々: カードバトル RPG mod apkGame screenshot 古代の神々: カードバトル RPG hackGame screenshot 古代の神々: カードバトル RPG apk download


Ancient Gods は、ガチャとデッキ構築のローグライトを組み合わせたゲームです。インターネットは必要ありません。ユニークな冒険を体験し、何百ものカードとキャラクターから OP デッキを構築して、新しい課題を克服します。


* 穏やかな戦略のターン制カード バトル - 1 対 1 のバトル、シングル プレイヤー モードで、どのカードを取るかを決めて素晴らしい完璧な組み合わせを作りましょう!冒険が待っていますが、旅の中でランダムに生成されるイベントで正しい決断を下すことができますか?

* 30 種類以上の美しく描かれたキャラクターが独自のカードとパッシブ スキルでプレイ - 召喚して神々のコレクションを完成させよう

* クラスとスキル システム - キャラクターのクラスを選択して独自のデッキを作成

* プレイするカードの色に応じたコンボシステム * 構築するカードは 300 種類以上


太古の昔から、太陽系のすべての惑星には生命がありました。地球を除いて、ほとんどの惑星の住民は非常に強力な力を持っています。ある日、太陽は恐ろしい爆発を引き起こし、すべての惑星を燃やして新しい時代に移行しました。地球は住む唯一の場所であり、他の惑星のすべての種族がここに移動し、この最後の惑星を保護し、黙示録を乗り越えるために全力を尽くしています. 時が経つにつれて、元の統一は失われ、土地を分割し、奴隷のように人間を支配した人間との強力な種族の軽蔑が残されました. その時、人類は他人の力をコピーするという特殊な力を持った 3 姉妹を出現させた。そこから、選ばれし者たちは自分たちの惑星を取り戻す旅を始めます。


- New Characters: Nüwa and Jiang Ziya with their Banner and event

- Adjusted the balance of the following cards: Astral Imprisonment, Lotus of the Sun, and Eye of Prophecy.

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed an issue where Frigg's Unique Skill did not work properly.
- Resolved a bug causing Dazzle to make the second card you play miss.
- Fixed an issue where some cards were set to 0 Mana but still cost 1 Mana.
- New Characters: Nüwa and Jiang Ziya with their Banner and event

- Adjusted the balance of the following cards: Astral Imprisonment, Lotus of the Sun, and Eye of Prophecy.

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed an issue where Frigg's Unique Skill did not work properly.
- Resolved a bug causing Dazzle to make the second card you play miss.
- Fixed an issue where some cards were set to 0 Mana but still cost 1 Mana.
- New Class: Oracle
- New Characters: Ra and Nefertem with their Banner and event
- New Event: Celestial Quarry
- New Skin for Loki: Eclipse of Deception
- Zeus's skin can now be purchased with Phoenix Feather
- Re-release of Skadi's skin: Reindeer Belle, available until the end of January

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed a few minor bugs and added many new ones

We have revamped the entire Korean translation of the game and eagerly await your feedback on this updated version.
- Introducing new characters: Wukong and Leishen
- Wukong's Special Banner with Events and Battle Pass.

- Added sort to the character list, and added favorite feature for characters
- Displays the turn number and current card number in the hand during combat.
- Display the Coin number in the Merchant event icon.
- "Claim All" button for daily quests
- Introduced support for 1 additional language: Korean

[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed a bug that caused achievements to be counted incorrectly.
- Fixed several bugs related to expedition.
- Fixed several bugs related to the combat.

- Added filters to the Card Library for classes, basic card types, and rarity
- Optimized the game.
- New character: Thor
- Improved UI for Character Info
- Daily Free Energy Buff for Chaos Island
- New stage event: Portal
- New Keyword and Gem: Conductor
- Support German, French, Indonesian, Turkish, Polish, Vietnamese
- Zeus's passives reworked
- Adjusted cards: Hades Blessing, Herald of Thunder, Electric Vortex, Ancient Amulet
- Effects tweaked: Hades Blessing, Poison
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed Energy not refilling in background
- Improved card preview size
- New character: Thor
- Improved UI for Character Info
- Daily Free Energy Buff for Chaos Island
- New stage event: Portal
- New Keyword and Gem: Conductor
- Zeus's passives reworked
- Adjusted cards: Hades Blessing, Herald of Thunder, Electric Vortex, Ancient Amulet
- Effects tweaked: Hades Blessing, Poison
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed Energy not refilling in background
- Various combat-related bug fixes
- Improved card preview size
- Added Expedition game mode with Talisman items
- Introduced the Skin system with Titanbane Zeus skin
- Adjusted energy requirement in Chaos Island
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed Achievement bug for completing 100% of the campaign map
- Fixed enemy prediction inaccuracies
- Addressed visual bug causing cards to get stuck on the screen
- Various minor combat-related bug fixes
- Optimized game performance
- Added separate buttons for relics and consumable items in the combat scene
- Updated Main Menu UI
- Added Gem Ore consumable item
- Introduced Ephemeral Consumable items obtained during runs

- Retained pre-run consumable items if unused
- Increased gems acquired/lost in Blacksmith's Request Event

[Bug Fixes]
- Resolved prediction errors with cards
- Various minor combat-related bug fixes

- Skip ads package removes cooldown for watching ads
- Account linking now possible with existing data
[New Features]
- Chaos Island: A revamped version of Endless mode
- Final Boss
- Consumable Items
- 5 new Stage Events
- 3 new currency
- Storage
- Class change in the Pantheon
- Japanese & Traditional Chinese support
- Adjustments to the mana cost reduction mechanism
- Removed the character's level mechanism
- 4 new debuff
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed issues with daily quests, achievements, and gift codes
- Resolved multiple combat-related bugs
Various other improvements and other bug fixes
[New Features]
- Added Class Passives and Class level System.
- Added Unexpected events.
- Added Endless Pass.
- Added support for the Portuguese, Thai, and Russian languages.
- Adjusted mechanics for Phalanx and Dream Coil.
- Rebalanced some cards.
- New debuff: Terrify which increases damage taken.
- Increased mana cost of Spell Flux, Attack Stance, and Guard Stance.
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed issues with card descriptions.
- Fixed issue with opponent surviving at 0 HP.

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