Harvest: Track Time & Invoice Mod Apk

Harvest: Track Time & Invoice ハック - Mod Apk 5.1.12

開発者: Harvest - GetHarvest.com
カテゴリー: ビジネス
価格: 無料です


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Harvest は、シンプルな時間追跡、リアルタイムの洞察、長期的なビジネス インテリジェンス、およびより迅速な支払いを支援するツールにより、チームの成長を支援します。

Harvest for Android を使用すると、外出先でも時間の追跡、経費の記録、請求書の管理が簡単に行えます。顧客を訪問するときにタイマーを開始するか、オフィスで実行し続けたタイマーを停止します。経費トラッカーを使用すると、経費を入力するときに領収書の写真を簡単に撮ることができ、すべての記録を整理できます。どこにいても、専門的な請求書を顧客に送信し、支払い状況を確認できます。また、チームの一員であれば、レポートに簡単にアクセスして、時間がどのように費やされているかを把握し、同期を保つことができます。

- どこからでもクイックタップでプロジェクトとタスクのタイマーを開始および停止できます
- クイック タイム エントリを使用して共通の時間値を追加し、時間を節約します
- よく使用する時間エントリをホーム画面に保存して、タイマーをさらに速く開始します
- 時間を請求対象または請求対象外としてマークします
- 過去のエントリの表示と編集
- オンラインまたはオフラインで時間を追跡する

- 時間レポートの概要を表示して、時間がどのようになっているのかを理解します
- チームの時間がプロジェクトとタスクごとにどのように分類されているかを確認して、同期を維持します
- プロジェクトの追跡を改善するために、詳細なタスクのメモを確認します

- 外出先でも経費をすばやく簡単に入力できます
- アプリから直接レシートの写真を撮ります
- 払い戻しのために走行距離などを追跡
- クライアントプロジェクトの経費を提出する

- 専門的な請求書とリマインダーを送信します
- 支払いの記録と更新
- 過去の請求書を簡単に確認できます


This release includes additional support for an upcoming feature that helps control time entry notes.

Also we’ve fixed a few bugs to:
• Better format large text across the app
• No longer show the Teammates report to people without permission (they could previously click the report, but it would be empty)
• Display time in your preferred setting when viewing a running timer
• Improve the interaction of locked time entries
This release includes support for an upcoming feature that increases control over time entry notes.

• It also includes a few bug fixes:
• Improve flow when SAML log in is interrupted
• Fix crashes when signing up with a new email
• Prevent overlapping text in menus with many items
• Ensure period and colon always show on keyboard
• Always show all list of available accounts on sign in

Happy tracking!
This release fixes a bug where receipt photos prevented expense saving.
This release includes changes to enable SAML sign in via passwordless methods

We also made improvements:
• Shortcuts to add time now in improved order
• Key fields auto-selected for ease
• Confirmations added for key interactions
• Default task on the time entry form consistent with web

Note: From this release on, we’ll support the latest 3 versions of Android. If you use an older version, we recommend upgrading your device so that you can continue to receive the latest features and updates.
This release includes changes to ensure the Harvest team can effectively report on errors to enable continuous improvement.

We also made a few improvements:
• You can now turn off in-app notifications that check in on your experience
• The copy on that notification is now clearer
• We made UI adjustments to ensure the Harvest logo does not overlap other page elements

As always, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] with any questions or feedback
Bugs and Fixes
Improved time-tracking functionality for those with large volumes of assigned projects. Expect potential increases in load time.
Bug Fixes & Improvements

• Fixed an issue that allowed multiple time entries from a single calendar event; it's now consistent with the web app
• Corrected the bug that sent running timer notifications after the timer was stopped
• Improved timesheet loading speeds for accounts with large volumes of data
• We fixed an issue with recording an invoice payment. The amount no longer defaults to zero and can be edited as needed.
Added various toast messages for timesheet, invoicing, and 2FA actions

Bug Fixes & Improvements:
Improved font size and coloring for notes field in Time and Expenses
Resolved the number keypad display
Fixed misc. issues with Favorites
Made “All projects” filter consistent with web app
Corrected language on the button to save an entry for a pulled calendar event
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
Fixed various issues which allowed the keyboard to block text boxes and lists
Fixed misc. issues with Favorites
Fixed an issue that was causing your projects to load slowly when you have 1,000+ projects
Update and provide more clear messages when your projects are taking a long time to load
Improved syncing speed
Fixed issues whereby after disabling certain modules (e.g., Expenses or Timesheet Approvals), you would still see these items in your app
Make the Time tab the default landing screen
Added the ability to see the most recent timer of every team member in the “Today’s team timers” section
Added the ability to see the Team Time Report breakdown by team member
Added the ability to edit synced entries while your device is offline, changes will be sent once your device comes back online

We also added bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Added back support for multiple timeframes for reports
- Fixed an accessibility issue when larger font sizes were being used and causing issues with content display
- Fixed an issue that caused some dollar amounts to be rounded down when creating a new expense
- Fixed an issue that prevented the : character from being on the keyboard during time duration entry
- Fixed miscellaneous small visual, performance, and stability issues to improve your overall experience using Harvest Mobile
Updates the app icon with a new Harvest logo
Various bug fixes and improvements

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