The Guardian - News & Sport Mod Apk

The Guardian - News & Sport ハック - Mod Apk 6.167.21170

開発者: Guardian News & Media Ltd
カテゴリー: ニュース&雑誌
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot The Guardian - News & Sport mod apkGame screenshot The Guardian - News & Sport hackGame screenshot The Guardian - News & Sport apk download


ガーディアンで私たちの世界を形作っている出来事を理解しましょう。世界のニュース、政治からビジネス ニュース、スポーツに至るまで、ダイナミックなライブ ブログでニュース速報を見逃さず、さまざまな意見に飛び込み、ストーリーを分刻みで追跡します。 Guardian ニュース アプリは無料でダウンロードでき、美しく直感的なモバイル エクスペリエンスを提供するため、いつでも好きなときに独自のレポートを読んだり、見たり、聞いたりすることができます。


- 定期購読をお願いする前に、毎月豊富な記事を無料でお楽しみいただけます
- ニュース速報を受け取るので、ニュースを見逃すことはありません
- 後で読むために記事を保存し、独自の読書リストを作成します
- 最も興味のあるトピックを選択して、私たちのホームページを自分のものにしましょう
- お気に入りのコラムニスト、シリーズ、スポーツチームをフォローして、パーソナライズされた通知を受け取ります
- アプリでお気に入りのポッドキャストや記事を聴く

- アプリ内で読み放題、購読メッセージなし
- 広告がないため、体験が中断されません
- オフラインで読む – 記事をダウンロードして外出先でも閲覧できます

さらに、ニュース アプリの購読は、恐れを知らない独立したガーディアン ジャーナリズムへの支持を示す素晴らしい方法です。読者によって資金提供される報道機関として、私たちは未来を動かすために皆様からの資金に依存しています。ありがとう。

Guardian アプリのすべてのコンテンツの著作権は Guardian News & Media 2024 にあります。すべての著作権は留保されます。
Guardian アプリ経由でコンテンツにアクセスする場合、当社の利用規約とプライバシー ポリシーが適用されます。
プライバシー ポリシー:
Guardian アプリを購読している場合は、購読規約 も適用されます。サブスクリプションは自動更新され、キャンセルしない限り、次の更新日より前に料金が請求されます。


We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We are introducing new ways to support the Guardian via our app, offering free access to a limited number of articles that refresh on a regular basis.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been busy improving the app, this release includes a major update to sign-in and registration within the app.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. This release includes a bug where users subscription was not recognised properly. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been busy improving the app:
* Updated Podcast card design
* Pinned videos no longer remain vertically expanded after exiting full screen mode
* Having too many Crosswords no longer breaks the loading of home screen
* Removed the onboarding/welcome screen that sometimes shows on app start-up
* Updated the title font on some screens.
* Updated the title and body of the purchase screen
Please use the bug button to let us know if you spot any problems.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
Fix saved articles so most recently saved appear at the top
Filtering option is now always visible on the saved articles screen.
Fixed a bug where the loading indicator never stopped.
Fixed an issue with the display of some cards on the homepage
Remove duplicate title for single card interactive containers
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. In this new release we have improved the gallery image viewing, removed unused container headline to avoid confusion.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. Our latest improvements:

- We fixed Facebook sign-in for Android 12 users
- Fixed a display problem in purchase screens

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.
We've been fixing bugs and making improvements behind the scenes. This new version has some UI enhancement particularly on home front and bug fixes.

For the best possible experience and to ensure you have access to all our latest features we recommend that you update to this latest version as soon as possible.

ハッキング方法 The Guardian - News & Sport

ダウンロード The Guardian - News & Sport MOD APK 6.167.21170

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.4 点満点中 5
36.9万 件のレビュー