Football Rivals:オンラインサッカー Mod Apk

Football Rivals:オンラインサッカー ハック - Mod Apk 1.102.1249

開発者: Green Horse Games
カテゴリー: スポーツ, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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⚽いつものサッカーゲームとは一味違う体験がしたい?『Football Rivals』はそんなあなたのためのゲーム です。⚽

🤩サッカー選手としてのキャリアを始めよう 🤩


😍✨現地のサッカーコミュニティに参加しよう ✨😍

『Football Rivals』で始まる友情が現実の友情になり、現実のサッカーの試合に一緒に行ける新しい仲間ができるかも!

🔸 チームに参加:協力し合い、戦略を練り、実在のプレイヤーと試合をプレイ
🔸 チームカスタマイズ — ロゴ、アバター、説明、ステータス
🔸 チームチャット:チームメイトと話したり、次の大会の戦略を立てたりすることが可能
🔸 試合 — 自分のチームと共にシンプルなサッカーマッチに参加して、相手チームと対戦
🔸 絵文字を使って自分の気持ちを対戦相手に伝えよう
🔸 エネルギーを使ってプレイ — ミニゲームのPK戦で対戦相手をアタックし、ギフトでチームメイトやフレンドをアシストして、レベルアップしてチームのヒーローになろう
🔸 サッカーの大会 — チャンピオンズカップ、コンチネンタルカップ、ナショナルカップ、スーパーカップ、ワールドネイションズカップといった大会に参加
🔸 トレーニングセッション:50人のプレイヤーが参加する大会。誰よりも早くレベルアップすること最大の目標となります
🔸テーマ別ゴールデンボール大会 — 各試合で役に立つユニークなアイテムをアンロックできる可能性も。

このマルチプレイサッカーゲームでは、世界中のプレイヤーがつながり、友情を育み、最高のチームを作り、同じゴールを目指して共に戦うことができる。『Football Rivals』は、日常を忘れて、夢のサッカーチームの一員になれる作品です。


何があっても、チームメイトのそばにいなければならない!勝利のサッカーカードを引いて、共にチャンピオンになりましょう。一つだけ確かなこと。それは、『Football Rivals』ではチームワークが得点につながるということ!

SNSアカウントと連携して、簡単に友達を見つけたり、新しい友達を作ったりすることが可能!FacebookやInstagramで『Football Rivals:オンラインサ

『Football Rivals』はプレイ無料ですが、現実の通貨でアイテムを購入することができます。

本ゲームに関する問題や提案がありましたら、下記までご連絡ください:📩[email protected]


We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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Football Rivals is now available in Arabic and supports right-to-left layout!
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
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You are now able to see who Liked your Feed post in Friends screen!
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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Celebrating the 3 year anniversary of Football Rivals!
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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In this latest update, the matches of the representative Teams ca be seen in the Country Coefficients.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
Do you like Football Rivals? Leave a review.
We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
Do you like Football Rivals? Leave a review.
We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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Introducing Team Reputation! Upgrade your Stadium by winning Trophies and increase your Teams' rewards!
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
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We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
Do you like Football Rivals? Leave a review.
We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
Do you like Football Rivals? Leave a review.
We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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Inviting your friends became easier! Check the new Invite Friends experience in the Friends area.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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Celebrating the 50th season in style! The Golden Ball gets upgraded rewards for this special moment.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
Do you like Football Rivals? Leave a review :)
We have made some improvements and fixed the reported bugs.
Be sure everything is up to date so you can have a full experience of the game.
Invite your friends to play Football Rivals and get your FREE REWARDS!
We also recommend joining our online community on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated with new releases and news!
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ハッキング方法 Football Rivals:オンラインサッカー

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