Preglife - Pregnancy Tracker Mod Apk

Preglife - Pregnancy Tracker ハック - Mod Apk 9.1.15

開発者: Preglife
カテゴリー: 出産&育児
価格: 無料です


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子どもの誕生は刺激的で人生を変える旅です。 Preglife を使用すると、健康で幸せな妊娠に必要なツール、アドバイス、サポートがすべて 1 つのアプリで無料で入手できます。



週次妊娠カレンダー: 赤ちゃんの成長と発育を週ごとに追跡します。

赤ちゃんのサイズトラッカー: 赤ちゃんのサイズを果物や野菜と比較する楽しい毎週の更新情報。

信頼できる情報: 妊娠中の健康、栄養、ワクチンなどに関する専門家がレビューした記事。

親向けのポッドキャスト: 出産、子育て、その他に関する専門家のアドバイスを提供する 3 つの異なるポッドキャストを聞いてください。

包括的なガイド: 母乳育児、チャイルドシート、保険、予防接種に関する重要なアドバイス。

パートナー セクション: 一緒に楽しめるヒントやアクティビティを備えたパートナー向けの専用コンテンツ。


To Do チェックリスト: 妊娠の重要なマイルストーンをリマインダーで整理しておきましょう。

陣痛タイマー: 陣痛開始時の陣痛を簡単に追跡します。

ワクチン接種トラッカー: 最新のワクチン推奨事項と無料ワクチンに関する情報を入手してください。

オンライン出産コース: スウェーデン語と英語の両方で受講できる無料の出産コースを受講してください。

Mumfulness – あなたのパーソナル フィットネス アプリ 安全で楽しいフィットネス ルーチン、ヨガ、瞑想のクラスで妊娠中の健康を維持しましょう。すべては妊娠中から子育て初期まであなたをサポートするために専門家によって設計されています。

Preglife Connect に参加する – 保護者向けコミュニティ Preglife Connect をダウンロードすることを忘れないでください。他の保護者と会い、交流できるようになります。あなたの経験を共有し、質問し、あなたと同じ保護者のコミュニティからサポートを得てください。

今すぐ Preglife をダウンロード – 子育てへの旅はここから始まります Preglife は、妊娠初期から子育て初期まで、あなたのためにここにあります。何千人もの保護者に加わって、あなたの旅をよりスムーズに、より健康に、そしてより多くの情報を得てください。

当社の利用規約とプライバシー ポリシーを参照してください。 • プライバシー ポリシー: • 利用規約:


This update brings essential bug fixes and improves the overall stability of the app, resulting in a more reliable user experience.
This release brings you a smoother performance, allowing you to navigate seamlessly through our app's features.
Explore a smoother app experience with enhanced performance, bug fixes, and optimisations.
This version includes performance improvements, making the app faster and more responsive. Various bugs and issues are also taken care of.
This update brings essential bug fixes and improves the overall stability of the app, resulting in a more reliable user experience.
This update brings essential bug fixes and improves the overall stability of the app, resulting in a more reliable user experience.
This update brings essential bug fixes and improves the overall stability of the app, resulting in a more reliable user experience.
This update brings essential bug fixes and improves the overall stability of the app, resulting in a more reliable user experience.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
While you are producing a baby, we have produced a new version of the app.
Meet Mumfulness:
- Workouts to keep you healthy during pregnancy and after giving birth
- A postpartum program to help you get to know your new body and help you heal
- Prehab and rehab exercises, to prevent and ease common pregnancy pains and issues
- Meditation, to help you relax and unwind during and after pregnancy.
- And many more to come!
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.
While our users have been growing new life, we've been growing a new look. And today – we are releasing our new visual identity!

We're very proud to be the #1 pregnancy and baby app for our users in the Nordics. And we can't wait to brighten the future for more happy and healthy babies throughout Europe. Finally, our look and feel represents our mission. Update to the latest version to get the new look.

New in this release:
- New design
- Minor bug fixes
Thanks for using Preglife! We’re constantly working to make the app even better and regularly release updates. Update to the newest version to get the latest functions and bug fixes.

If you like our app, please write a review in Google Play.

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ダウンロード Preglife - Pregnancy Tracker MOD APK 9.1.15

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.3 点満点中 5
3.4万 件のレビュー