GoWish - Your Digital Wishlist Mod Apk

GoWish - Your Digital Wishlist ハック - Mod Apk 6.20.3

開発者: Ønskeskyen ApS
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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GoWish は何に使用できますか?
GoWish はデジタル ウィッシュリストで、すべてのウィッシュを 1 か所で作成して保存できます。 GoWish アプリをダウンロードし、プロフィールを作成して、すべての友達と簡単に共有できるウィッシュを追加します。アプリを使用すると、友人や家族が簡単に予約して購入できます。

アプリを使用すると、どこにいてもギフトの願いを作成できます。世界中のどのオンライン ストアからでも、ウィッシュ リストにウィッシュを追加できます。制限はありません。

GoWish アプリを使用すると、ウィッシュリストを簡単に共有できます。アプリを使用して友達とウィッシュリストを共有したり、SMS、WhatsApp、Messenger、メール、またはその他のお気に入りのメディアで共有したりできます。

このアプリを使用する大きな利点の 1 つは、誕生日、クリスマス、確認、結婚式などのプレゼントを重複して受け取ることがないことです。自分で見てください。
GoWish アプリを使用するか、ブラウザから GoWish を使用できます。ユーザーとして、いつでもウィッシュリストを手元に置いておくことができます。簡単でシンプル。

欲しいものを見つけたら、2 つの方法で保存できます。

ウェブサイト上にある場合は、iPhone または iPad の共有メニューにあるウィッシュ ボタンを 1 回クリックするだけでウィッシュを直接保存できます。

2 つの自動方法のいずれかを使用して願い事を作成することをお勧めします。これにより、友達があなたが欲しいものを正確に見つけて購入するのが非常に簡単になります。
iPhone、iPad でアプリを使用するか、当社の Web サイトにログインするかに関係なく、すべての願いが同じ場所にあり、アクセスできます。

GoWish のデジタル ユニバースを使用する利点:

間違った贈り物や同じ贈り物を 2 つ避ける

GoWish - 願いは忘れずに保存する必要があります。


✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
✨ What's New on GoWish? ✨
We've fixed some minor bugs and polished up the app for an even smoother experience – because you deserve the best! 💖

And just a reminder 🎁:
Making your dream list, saving it, and sharing it has never been this easy. Download the update and make every occasion that much more exciting! 🌟
We are back with even more new features for you! We are constantly working on bringing you new features based on user feedback, and with this update we can now offer:
Reservations: In the burger menu we've added the feature for you to keep track of all your reservations in one place, and even mark them as "bought".
My gifts: In the same menu, you can now find "My gifts" where you can see all the gifts you mark as "received" from a wishlist
Presentation Mode
Restore Wishlist
Inspiration upgrades
We've been extremely excited to share a couple of new features with you!
Collaboration! Now, you can have up to 10 people on the same wishlist. Just press the three dots, "Add collaborator," and invite your friends.
Push notifications! When someone adds you as a friend or collaborator, or shares a wishlist directly with you in the app.
Speed optimization! It's a bit technical, but the short story is that everything loads faster now!
We hope you'll be happy with it - there's more to come!
Minor corrections and optimizations
We have listened to your feedback and have spent the summer making the GoWish app even better, making it more user-friendly, easier to add wishes, and much more. We are very excited to hear what you think about the new update.
We have, among other things, added a new design on the home page "Wish Lists" when you open the app, where you can still see your own and others' lists, but also all the trending lists, events, and brands you follow.
We have listened to your feedback and have spent the summer making the GoWish app even better, making it more user-friendly, easier to add wishes, and much more. We are very excited to hear what you think about the new update.
We have, among other things, added a new design on the home page "Wish Lists" when you open the app, where you can still see your own and others' lists, but also all the trending lists, events, and brands you follow.
Since then, we have made a number of improvements to the app. This should improve the user experience. Enjoy! Gowish - one place for all your wishes.
We have updated your favorite wishlist app. There have been several users who wrote about the possibility of changing their email. This has now been fixed, so you can change your email. Additionally, a number of minor bug fixes have been implemented.
Hey everyone!
We have updated and tweaked a few small things to improve the app. In this update, we can, among other things, mention that we have fixed the issue of not being able to sign up.
Improvements to the sign up flow
Improvements to the inspiration universe
We have updated and tweaked a few small things to make the app even better. In this update, we can, among other things, mention that we have:
- Improved the share with friends functionality
- Added thumbnails on trending lists
- Added custom banners for brands

ハッキング方法 GoWish - Your Digital Wishlist

ダウンロード GoWish - Your Digital Wishlist MOD APK 6.20.3

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