2.62.1 Build 11
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.62.0 Build 25
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.61.0 Build 43
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.49.4 Build 4
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.49.2 Build 4
This release includes bug fixes and resolves an issue with shelving books. Thank you to all of our customers who contacted us to report this issue.
2.48.2 Build 5
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.48.0 Build 6
We’ve made the app even more secure to ensure everyone in our community has a great experience! This release also contains several bug fixes and other improvements.
2.46.1 Build 8
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.46.0 Build 2
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements.
2.45.0 Build 16
This release includes bug fixes and updates to the book barcode and cover scanner feature. We made minor improvements to the experience when searching for books using the scanner.
2.43.2 Build 3
This release includes Android 12 updates to ensure app compatibility for new platform features and APIs. The “Your Year in Books” feature can now be seen by any Android user that has added at least 1 book to their Read shelf in a given year and is now available on the "My Books" page. We also included regularly scheduled bug fixes and improvements.
2.41.1 Build 3
We’ve made the app even more secure to ensure everyone in our community has a great experience! This release also contains several bug fixes and other improvements.
2.40.1 Build 2
Bug fixes and other improvements
2.38.2 Build 3
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements including,
- Updated headers on Giveaways screen
- Minor accessibility updates
2.38.1 Build 1
This release contains bug fixes and other improvements including,
- Updated headers on Giveaways screen
- Minor accessibility updates