Headspace Care (Ginger) Mod Apk

Headspace Care (Ginger) ハック - Mod Apk 6.27.0

開発者: Headspace Care (formerly Ginger.io, Inc.)
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Headspace Care は、テキストベースのライブコーチング、ビデオベースの治療と精神医学、スキル構築リソースのライブラリによる機密のメンタルヘルスサポートをすべてスマートフォンのプライバシーから提供します。

コーチはアプリ内でリアルタイムのテキストベースの会話を通じてサポートを提供するため、いつでもどこでも簡単かつプライベートにコーチとチャットできます。コーチは、24 時間年中無休で即時にケアを提供し、定期的にスケジュールされたセッションを通じて対応します。テキストメッセージの送信は誰にとっても簡単ではないことを私たちは知っています。そのため、音声からテキストへのオプションも提供しています。コーチはまた、適切なレベルのケアを受けられるようサポートし、追加のサポートが必要な場合にはヘッドスペース ケアのセラピストや精神科医を紹介します。

ヘッドスペース ケア コーチは、高度な学位および/またはコーチング認定を取得した訓練を受けた専門家です。ヘッドスペースケアのコーチは少なくとも 2 年の専門的な実務経験があり、さらに毎年 100 時間以上の専門トレーニングを受けます。コーチはヘッドスペース ケアのフルタイム従業員であり、そうです、彼らは本物の人間です。



Headspace Care は、雇用主または組織を通じてアクセスできる 18 歳以上の個人を対象に、スペイン語で利用できます。スペイン語のヘッドスペース ケアは、すべての健康プラン会員が間もなく利用できるようになります。

あなたとあなたのケアチームとの間の会話は機密扱いとなります。 Headspace Care は HIPAA および EU GDPR に準拠しており、HITRUST CSF 認定を受けています。

一部の雇用主や組織は、従業員、メンバー、およびその扶養家族に、無制限のメンタルヘルス指導を含むヘッドスペース ケアを無料で提供しています。雇用主または組織の計画によっては、保険でカバーされないセラピーおよび精神科セッションの回数が制限されている場合があります。それ以降は、保険でカバーされないセッションの費用はお客様の負担となります。健康保険プランによっては、ヘッドスペース ケアを通じて治療および精神科サービスにアクセスするための費用は、特定の福利厚生プランによって異なる場合があります。詳細については、特典管理者にお問い合わせください。

雇用主を通じてアクセスできる場合は、アプリをダウンロードして「私の組織」をタップし、手順に従います。健康保険プランを通じてアクセスできる場合は、固有のコードが記載された電子メールを Headspace Care から受け取った可能性があります。アプリをダウンロードし、「アクセス コードを入力」をタップして、ヘッドスペース ケアの電子メールからコードを入力し、手順に従うだけです。


We’re taking a moment to reintroduce ourselves with a new name: Ginger is now Headspace Care.

The app looks a little different, but you’ll still have the same support by your side. Schedule a text chat with a mental health coach who can help with what you’re going through, from work stress to relationships to finding balance. Plus, explore our library of skill-building tools and resources — so you can get the right support in the moments you need it most.
We’re taking a moment to reintroduce ourselves with a new name: Ginger is now Headspace Care.

The app looks a little different, but you’ll still have the same support by your side. Schedule a text chat with a mental health coach who can help with what you’re going through, from work stress to relationships to finding balance. Plus, explore our library of skill-building tools and resources — so you can get the right support in the moments you need it most.
We’re taking a moment to reintroduce ourselves with a new name: Ginger is now Headspace Care.

The app looks a little different, but you’ll still have the same support by your side. Schedule a text chat with a mental health coach who can help with what you’re going through, from work stress to relationships to finding balance. Plus, explore our library of skill-building tools and resources — so you can get the right support in the moments you need it most.
We’re taking a moment to reintroduce ourselves with a new name: Ginger is now Headspace Care.

The app looks a little different, but you’ll still have the same support by your side. Schedule a text chat with a mental health coach who can help with what you’re going through, from work stress to relationships to finding balance. Plus, explore our library of skill-building tools and resources — so you can get the right support in the moments you need it most.
We’re taking a moment to reintroduce ourselves with a new name: Ginger is now Headspace Care.

The app looks a little different, but you’ll still have the same support by your side. Schedule a text chat with a mental health coach who can help with what you’re going through, from work stress to relationships to finding balance. Plus, explore our library of skill-building tools and resources — so you can get the right support in the moments you need it most.
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under the hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected].
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected].
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes some bug fixes and under-the-hood improvements.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected].
Thank you for using Ginger. This version includes bug fixes and new options in our demographic questions for pronouns, gender identity, and race/ethnicity so that we can get to know you better.

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes a new, refreshed visual design and a new appointment scheduling experience

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes the following improvements:

- Members can now delete their account and/or data within the app, giving them more control over their information.
- Members can now receive immediate support from specialty trained coaches if they are facing an especially challenging time.
- New language indicator allows members to easily recognize the language their coaches speak.

If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected].
Thanks for using Ginger! This update includes optimizations for an easier onboarding experience

Members like you keep us inspired to find new ways to improve the Ginger experience. If you have any questions or feedback, send us a note at [email protected]

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