アドベンチャーベイ:農場ゲーム Mod Apk

アドベンチャーベイ:農場ゲーム ハック - Mod Apk 1.30.18

カテゴリー: シミュレーション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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Adventure Bayは楽しい農業ゲームです。パラダイス湾にある家族の農場を再建し、海賊船をアップグレードし、宝の島の地図で秘密を探検しましょう! クエストとパズルに満ちた冒険の時間です!

あなたの船に乗って今日Adventure Bayに逃げて、カリブ諸島にいるかのように新しい海辺のパラダイスの生活を楽しんでください。ビーチでリラックスしたり、農場で干し草の日を楽しんだり、熱帯の作物を収穫したり、愛情を込めて動物の世話をしたり、冒険とパズルでいっぱいの巨大な渓谷を探検したりしてください。Adventure Bayはあなたのお気に入りの農業ゲームになるでしょう!

🏝️ 旅行するたびに異なる島を探検しましょう! ジャングルに入り、川を渡る野生動物を見たり、海賊の町を訪れて幸せな船員と一緒に歌ったり、厄介な泥棒を倒して宝物を手に入れましょう! すべてあなたの家の快適さの中で! 他の島の探求は必要なくなります!

🚜 あなたの家族農場を管理しましょう! 作物を収穫し、花を植え、動物を幸せに養います。 こんなに楽しい農業は今までありませんでした! 都市に疲れたら、海岸への熱帯系の脱出を望むのなら、家族の農場の冒険があなたを待っています!

❤️愛情、冒険、および勇気の心暖まるストーリーのLydia、Henry、およびJojoに従ってください。 人生を築き、幸せなエンディングを目撃してください! あなたの選択は重要です。 各エピソードは愛と秘密、解くべき謎に満ちています! 彼らは家族になることができますか? Jojoは愛を見つけますか? そしてこのサルはどうなっているの? 決めるのはあなたです。 日没から日の出まで、物語と秘密でいっぱいの村があなたの指先にあります!

🏵️ 王にふさわしいダズリングトロフィであなたの農場を飾りましょう。Sun Isleの宝物とMoon Valleyの贈り物があなたの家族農場に表示されることを待っています。 このアイドル島の冒険はあなたを魅了し、退屈することは決してありません。

🚢冒険の準備ができた町の船を手に入れましょう! あなたの船をアップグレードして、最高のセーラーになりましょう。 簡単なボートから驚異的な海賊船へと進化するあなた自身の船を見てください。 遠くの熱帯ジャングルに旅行し、泥棒を出し抜き、宝物を見つけてください。 パズルを解き、その秘密の海岸の入り江を発見してください。 宝物を持ち帰って、巨大なビーチでリラックスしてください!

🏛️カリブ諸島で最大の町を修理し、飾り付けし、自家製の農場を作りましょう! あなたの町を高め、あなたの工場をアップグレードし、あなたのフィールドを拡大し、あなたの冒険ゲームスキルをアップし、家族の島を自分で建てましょう!

🍳自分の酒場をオープンし、料理を始めましょう! 美味しい熱帯のレシピを料理してください! バナナパイを焼き、サンライズモクテルを混ぜ、ココナッツアイスクリームを作ります – 名前を付けてください! Chef Ottoの注文を手伝って、貴重な報酬を受け取ってください! その美味しいパイの一切れはあなたの顧客をうっとりさせ、Chef Ottoを幸せにするのに十分です!

🪙冒険の途中で宝物や貴重な商品を収集しましょう。 それぞれの異なる島でトロフィーを発見し、あなたの故郷でそれらを飾りましょう。

🐬魔法の谷、晴れたビーチ、猿の世界で行われる特別なイベントをプレイしましょう! 秋田城の楽しい世界に逃げて、楽しいパズルと特別な報酬を楽しんでください! このファンキーなベイタウンでの楽しみは決して終わりません!

🌊 リディア、ヘンリー、そしてジョジョと一緒に世界最高のセーラーになりましょう! 他のベイタウンズの海賊と商品を交換してください!

🏴‍☠️自分の乗組員を作り、他の乗組員と競争しましょう! 新しい人に会い、友達を作りましょう! 社交的になり、友達と一緒に熱帯系で田園詩的な島の冒険を楽しんでください!

Adventure Bay:Paradise Farmで、熱帯のビーチの甘くきらめく砂とあなた自身の海辺の村が探検、農業、修理、装飾されるのを待っています。 最高の島の人生シミュレーターを楽しんでください – あなたの自由な時間は、毎日の日の出を見るようにユニークで楽しいものになります! 今すぐこの幸せなアイドルの冒険と農業ゲームをプレイしましょう!

質問や提案があれば、[email protected]までお問い合わせください。


Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- Fixed bugs and visual issues that were causing hard time and inconveniences
- Visual and performance related improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- Fixed bugs and visual issues that were causing hard time and inconveniences
- Visual and performance related improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- Fixed bugs and visual issues that were causing hard time and inconveniences
- Visual and performance related improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- Fixed bugs and visual issues that were causing hard time and inconveniences
- Visual and performance related improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- Preparations have started for an enhanced Home area and a new timed event! Stay tuned!
- New profile pictures to choose from!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Gain energy from each Tavern order you complete!
- Improved visuals while feeding and collecting from animals
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: More Hidden Goodies to find!
- Improved controls while harvesting crops and feeding animals
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Lucky Falls! Finally, surface! Lydia, Henry and Jojo are out of the underground cave. What adventures await them here?
- NEW: More Hidden Goodies added!
- NEW: Herbalist! Brew all kinds of remedies for ailments!
- NEW: Witch Wagon! Mystery shrouds this wagon where all things are magical and nothing is what it seems!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Mushroom Cave! Lydia, Henry and Jojo are looking for a way up! What will they discover in this mysterious cave? Play and find out!
- NEW: Make preparations for the JOURNEY ahead and make your ship the biggest and most EPIC PIRATE SHIP there is!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Mushroom Cave! Lydia, Henry and Jojo are looking for a way up! What will they discover in this mysterious cave? Play and find out!
- NEW: Make preparations for the JOURNEY ahead and make your ship the biggest and most EPIC PIRATE SHIP there is!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: TROPHIES! Collect trophies from your adventures and display them on pedestals found in your Home! Be sure to check them all out -- some may even give special rewards!
- NEW: Infinite Treasure! (will start later on)
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW Building: Candymaker! The sweetest building ever! Make lots of candies and live the sweet life!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW AREA: Giant's Hollow! Follow Lydia, Henry and Jojo as they go through a mysterious cave!
- NEW: ENERGIZED RACE! Race against fellow adventurers! Spend energy and earn race points! Be the champion and get the best prizes!
- NEW: MINT! Fresh and tasty! You can now plant and harvest mint leaves.
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW AREA: Giant's Hollow! Follow Lydia, Henry and Jojo as they go through a mysterious cave!
- NEW: ENERGIZED RACE! Race against fellow adventurers! Spend energy and earn race points! Be the champion and get the best prizes!
- NEW: MINT! Fresh and tasty! You can now plant and harvest mint leaves.
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW BUILDINGS AT HOME: Home Decor Store and Shipyard! Create beautiful furniture and produce naval necessities!
- NEW: Bigger farm area! New farm fields are now available!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW AREA: Village Grove! Follow Lydia, Henry and Jojo as they go through an enchanted forest!
- Important bug fixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Voyage Shop! Essentials for explorers! Spyglasses, compasses and more!
- NEW AREA: Starry Skies! Explore an observatory with Lydia, Henry and Jojo and find more about Lydia's parents!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW: Perfumery, Tailor and Toy Workshop! Make beautiful scented candles and perfumes, sew fashionable clothes and craft all kinds of toys!
- NEW: Ancient Temple! Lydia, Henry and Jojo arrive at the Ancient Temple to help Cupid. What does he want that is so urgent? Play and find out!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:
- NEW: Desert Mystery! Delve into the golden desert and find your way in the pyramid! Treasure and fame awaits!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW: Alpacas! Feed these fuzzy and friendly animals and gather wool!
- NEW: Energy Upgrades! Upgrade the Lighthouse to increase your energy capacity to hold more energy!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW: Alpacas! Feed these fuzzy and friendly animals and gather wool!
- NEW: Lovers' Garden timed event! Enter the garden, collect flowers and don't let thorns grow big and ruin Valentine's Day! (will start later on)
- NEW: Energy Upgrades! Upgrade the Lighthouse to increase your energy capacity to hold more energy!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW: Glassworks! Time to make products using shiny, shiny glass!
- NEW: Tree Orchard! Plant and water trees, get delicious fruits!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Follow Lydia, Henry and Jojo into the fun adventures and discover secrets!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- New ADVENTURE AREA: Ghost Ship! Follow Lydia, Henry and Jojo into the Ghost Ship and see if you can discover its secrets!
- Timed EVENT: Flower Fair! (Will start at a later date)
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Time for more adventures! Join Lydia, Henry and Jojo for fun and discovery!
- Timed EVENT: Flower Fair! (Will start at a later date)
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Tune in to adventure! Join Lydia, Henry and Jojo for fun and discovery!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW area to explore: Pier Town! Lydia, Henry and Jojo arrives to Pier Town in search for Captain Glint. What will they find here? Tune in to adventure to find out!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW area to explore: Pier Town! Lydia, Henry and Jojo arrives to Pier Town in search for Captain Glint. What will they find here? Tune in to adventure to find out!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Join Lydia, Henry and Jojo and help them rebuild Lydia's hometown!
- More fields are now available to plant crops and harvest
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- Join Lydia, Henry and Jojo and help them rebuild Lydia's hometown!
- Plant flowers, buy bees and produce honey, oh my!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW area to explore: Atlanterra! Lydia, Henry and Jojo discovers Atlanterra after a journey underwater! Will they be able to find Coralie's home and discover its history? Tune in to adventure to find out!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW area to explore: The Deep! Join Lydia, Henry and Jojo in their adventure to find Coralie the Mermaid's hometown, Atlanterra!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

- NEW area to explore: Love Lagoon! Save the date! Lydia, Henry and Jojo are invited to a wedding. Help the blushing bride and handsome groom make the best of their weddings!
- Important bugfixes
- Visual improvements
Thank you for updating! Here's what's new:

Embark on adventures with Lydia, Henry & Jojo!
- Various bugfixes
- Visual improvements

ハッキング方法 アドベンチャーベイ:農場ゲーム

ダウンロード アドベンチャーベイ:農場ゲーム MOD APK 1.30.18

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.2 点満点中 5
6.39万 件のレビュー