• 手数料無料*
• タイトなスプレッド
• 迅速な注文執行
* FXCMは流動性提供者からのレートや日々のロールオーバーへのマークアップなどの方法で収益を得ることができ、手数料制の口座はアクティブ・トレーダー口座にて提供をしています。FXCMはトップクラスの取引ツールと無料学習コンテンツを提供する、信頼のFX&CFDブローカーです世界中の人気株を手数料無料の取引環境でご利用ください。
オールインワン・プラットフォーム – FXCMモバイルで複数の市場へ24/5接続
✔ FX – EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD などの人気ペアを売買
✔ 株 – Tesla, Apple, Google などを含む人気株を取引
✔ 株価指数 – S&P, Dow Jones, DAX, CACなど世界主要国の株価指数を選択
✔ 商品 – Gold, Silver, Oil などの商品相場にも参加
• パワフルなリアルタイム・チャート - チャート画面上からも直接取引が可能
• 専用の取引分析ツールを簡単且つ即座に利用可
• リアルタイムのプライス・アラート機能で市場の動きを逃さず
• 強力なリスク管理機能
• Forex、株式、暗号資産市場で、上昇だけでなく下落局面でも収益を獲得
• 狭いスプレッドで隠れた手数料もなし
• 資産を持つことなく相場観で取引
✔ 無用デモ口座 - 取引戦略を仮想の資産で検証、リスク・フリーでFX/CFD取引を体験
✔ 経済カレンダー – 相場や取引に影響する重要指標を逃さず確認
The Stratos group of companies (collectively, the "Stratos Group") is a leading provider of online foreign exchange (forex) trading, CFD trading, and related services.
Stratos Markets Limited (www.fxcm.com/uk): 63% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Stratos Markets Limited is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration number 217689. Registered in England and Wales with Companies House company number 04072877.
Stratos Europe Limited (trading as "FXCM" or "FXCM EU") is a Cyprus Investment Firm ("CIF") registered with the Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies (HE 405643) and authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission ("CySEC") under license number 392/20. Registered address: DOMS Assets Business Centre, 33 Neas Engomis Street, 2409 Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus.
63% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Stratos Trading Pty. Limited (trading as “FXCM”) (AFSL 309763, ABN 31 121 934 432) is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. By trading, you could sustain a total loss of your deposited funds. If you decide to trade products offered by FXCM, you must read and understand the Financial Services Guide, Product Disclosure Statement, Target Market Determination and Terms of Business.
Stratos Trading Pty. Limited (www.fxcm.com/au): You can sustain a total loss of deposits
Stratos Global LLC (www.fxcm.com/markets): Losses can exceed deposits.