- fix an issue when using multiple controllers
- new alternative boss to the Villain
- new Conqueror's Crown item
- rework Destroyer-related challenges description to make them more obvious
- increase a bit the speed of Little Wisp
- improve Black Hole behavior on enemies
- bombing bank now fill hearts to all players
- no more offering rooms after bombing the offering statue
- explicit Summoner behavior
- reduce a bit the Nail Bomb damages
- Extra Hand will now always autofire with Bomber Kid
- add Nail Bomb item
- add music/sounds volume sliders in settings
- always give a Fake Bank Card when bombing the redraw machine
- the Super Redraw item was not working on item room
- the Rebound item does not appears anymore for characters without weapons
- fix a possible bug with difficulty selection
- goblins with rotating bullets does not camp in the middle anymore
- new hidden boss with a great reward
- new unlockable character
- add the Fake Bank Card item
- add the Laser Turret item
- add the Rebound item
- the last challenge is now quicker to achieve, but harder
- there is now a color indicator for item rarity
- enemy’s poison and flames disappear on enemy’s death
- improve the patterns of some first floor’s bosses
- Circular Saw Blades now give +20% damage
- there is a chance to drop Fake Bank Card when bombing a redraw machine
- add Extra Hand item
- you can now break barrels with a dash
- barrels now can sometimes give you coins
- the Offering room now offers two choices
- there is now less chances to find useless items at the beginning of a run
- rechargeable items now also recharge on room without enemies
- Black Hole and Conversion Ring now can be found in the common item pool
- the Zombie now has less chances to see Blood Donation and Cursed Shop rooms