Free2move: Mobility App Mod Apk

Free2move: Mobility App ハック - Mod Apk 2.22.0

開発者: Free2Move
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Free2move: Mobility App mod apkGame screenshot Free2move: Mobility App hackGame screenshot Free2move: Mobility App apk download


170 か国で利用可能で、何百万人ものアクティブ ユーザーがいる Free2move は、日々の移動を簡素化します。カーシェアリングは「分単位でレンタル」できます。
Free2move は、米国における Car2go のセルフサービス車両を引き継ぎます。このアプリケーションでは、数日または数週間のレンタカー サービス、自動車のサブスクリプション、駐車場の予約も提供しています。

カーシェアリング :
Free2move を使用すると、周囲のセルフサービス車を見つけて、ワンクリックで自由に運転できます。
数分、数時間、1 日、または最大 30 日間のセルフサービス レンタカーでカーシェアリングを選択してください。アプリケーション Free2move のおかげで、自宅またはオフィスの近くの車を見つけてロックを解除し、サービスで車を運転して駐車することができます。エリア:2移動無料で駐車場無料!
このサービスは 100% モバイルであり、車の位置の特定、ロック解除、支払いをすべて 1 つのアプリで行うことができます。
ワシントン (DC) とポートランド (OR) では 2 Move の無料送迎サービスをご利用いただけます。
ご利用いただける車両は Jeep Renegade です!

レンタカー :
週末以上にレンタカーを借りる必要がありますか?ニーズに合った車両と期間をお選びください。 Free2move は、空港やプジョー、シトロエン、DS オートモビルズ、オペルの販売店で利用できる幅広い最新車両を使用して、1 日から最大 1 か月まで柔軟なレンタカー ソリューションを提供します。 Hertz、Avis、Sixt の Free2move オファーも見つかります。

Free2move とその中期自動車サブスクリプションでは、幅広い新車を提供しています。すぐに利用可能で、最長 24 か月の更新可能なサブスクリプションで、お客様のニーズに最適なさまざまな車 (シティカー、コンパクトカー、ロードカーなど) が見つかります。
-コロンバス (オハイオ州)、デンバー (コロラド州)、ロサンゼルス (カリフォルニア州)、ポートランド (オレゴン州)、サンディエゴ (カリフォルニア州)、ワシントン (DC) の玄関先まで車をお届けします。

駐車スペース :
鉄道駅、空港、市内中心部で駐車場をお探しですか?私たちのアプリケーション Free2move を使用すると、駐車スペースを見つけることができます。そして最高の価格で!
65 か国の 500,000 台の駐車スペースから理想的な駐車スペースを見つけてください。
- 空港、港、市内中心部、駅など、どこでも駐車スペースをご利用いただけます。
- 公式空港駐車場を含む、年中無休の安全な駐車場。
- 駐車スペースを事前または直前に簡単に予約できます。


Did you hear? SHARE NOW and Free2move come together to form one of Europe’s largest mobility platforms. Our shared vision is to revolutionize urban transportation and to make it more accessible to everyone. One mobility platform that covers all your needs. For now, it's just a matter of fresh, new colors but stay tuned for more updates!
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
Promo codes can now be added through the Promo Code section on the App. You can select the promo code you would like to use at the time of reservation.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
A new subscription car offer is available for Europe and the USA. A filter section is now available! Filter your results by price or vehicle category.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions
A new subscription car offer is available for Europe and the USA. A filter section is now available! Filter your results by price or vehicle category.

Correction of minor bugs and performance improvement.

And do not forget :
Our assistant is always available! Let yourself be guided and find the service and the vehicle adapted to your needs in minutes.
Carsharing: filter available to find cars in promotions

ハッキング方法 Free2move: Mobility App

ダウンロード Free2move: Mobility App MOD APK 2.22.0

ダウンロード MOD APK
