新年の 農場: クリスマス Mod Apk

新年の 農場: クリスマス ハック - Mod Apk 2.59

開発者: foranj.games
カテゴリー: シミュレーション, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot 新年の 農場: クリスマス mod apkGame screenshot 新年の 農場: クリスマス hackGame screenshot 新年の 農場: クリスマス apk download



◆ ゲームの特徴◆
- トナカイのルドルフ、雪だるま、クリスマスの妖精、ペンギン、サンタさんなど、クリスマスのキャラクターと出会える。
- 魔法の農場や陽気な町を作ろう。
2) 地面が真っ白なうちに冬を満喫!
- 順番にプレイ方法を教えてくれるガイドやナビゲーションを使って農場を楽しもう。
- クリスマス工場を建てたり、魔法の動物たちの世話をしよう。
3) あともう少しでクリスマス。大声で祝おう!
- チャレンジをクリアしたり、ゲームを何日も続けてプレイすると報酬がもらえる。

◆クリスマスエルフになろう! ◆

◆ ジングルベル、ジングルベル! ◆

◆みんなに自慢しないと! ◆
恥ずかしがらずに、クリスマス気分をソーシャルメディアで共有しましょう。Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Games-Toys/Happy- New-Year-Farm-Christmas-Community-245121402573685/
サポート:[email protected]


Dear Santa's helpers!

We are pleased to present you our new big update! We hope it was worth the wait!

Meet a new exciting story of Santa and his granddaughter! Who is the Grinch's mysterious cave really hiding? Who wants to stop Christmas and why? What interesting things will the train bring with it?

Also in this update: more gifts and special offers, new characters and their bonuses, Santa's collections, a mini-game for merging items, visual improvements, bug fixes and optimizations.
Dear Santa Helpers!

We are so proud to present you our new big update! We hope the wait was worth it!

In this big-big update:
Now you can take care of your animals! Feed, dress and give them love!
Updated market: more functional (now you can order items) and more slots to sell and buy!

Bug fixes, many bug fixes and optimization
Dear Santa Helpers!

We are so proud to present you our new big update! We hope the wait was worth it!

In this big-big update:
Now you can take care of your animals! Feed, dress and give them love!
Updated market: more functional (now you can order items) and more slots to sell and buy!

Bug fixes, many bug fixes and optimization
Dear Santa Helpers!

We are so proud to present you our new big update! We hope the wait was worth it!

In this big-big update:
Now you can take care of your animals! Feed, dress and give them love!
Updated market: more functional (now you can order items) and more slots to sell and buy!

Bug fixes, many bug fixes and optimization
Dear Santa Helpers!

We are so proud to present you our new big update! We hope the wait was worth it!

In this big-big update:
Now you can take care of your animals! Feed, dress and give them love!
Updated market: more functional (now you can order items) and more slots to sell and buy!

Bug fixes, many bug fixes and optimization

ハッキング方法 新年の 農場: クリスマス

ダウンロード 新年の 農場: クリスマス MOD APK 2.59

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.2 点満点中 5
11.3万 件のレビュー